Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PS Vita
Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PlayStation Store Highlights
Happy holidays! It’s a light publish this week due to the holiday season, but you can still pick up some great new deals via our Holiday Essentials Sale. If you’re a PS Plus member, you can enjoy deeper discounts on those deals, plus Retro City Rampage for free.
It’s also worth noting that a couple things have been updated in the PS Store navigation. We’ve incorporated some of your feedback and you can now filter Add-ons by game title and the Weekly Deals section has been placed more prominently. We hope these changes will help you find what you’re looking for.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- Retro City Rampage (both PS3 & PS Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Galaga Legions DX (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Mortal Kombat (30%) – PS Plus Price $14.70
- Duke Nukem Forever (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Simpsons The Arcade Game (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price $8.74
- Mafia II (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Unit 13 (30%) – PS Plus Price
$12.94$17.49 - Journey (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Papo & Yo (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (30%) – PS Plus Price $17.14
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.34
- Starhawk (30%) – PS Plus Price $19.60
Last Chance (Leaving on 12/31)
- PS Vita Instant Game Collection – Jet Set Radio
- PS3 Instant Game Collection – BioShock 2
- Instant Game Collection – Bloodrayne Betrayal
- Discount – Music Unlimited Premium 1 Year Subscription
- Discount – Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
- Discount – Galaga Legions DX
- Discount – Mortal Kombat
- Discount – Duke Nukem Forever
- Discount – Simpsons The Arcade Game
- Discount – Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita
- Discount – Mafia II
- Discount – Killzone 3 Multiplayer
- Discount – Unit 13
- Discount – Journey
- Discount – Papo & Yo
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD
- Discount – Starhawk
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Duke Nukem Forever – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Journey – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Mafia II – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Mortal Kombat – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.79)
Other Sales
- Galaga Legions – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – PS Vita Bundle (now: $24.99 original price: $34.99 Plus price: $17.14)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.34)
- Papo & Yo – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Starhawk – PS3 Game (now: $27.99 original price: $39.99 Plus price: $19.60)
- The Simpsons Arcade Game – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Unit 13 – PS Vita Game (now: $24.99 original price: $26.99 Plus price: $12.94)
- Retro City Rampage – PS3 Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Retro City Rampage – PS Vita Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational – PS Vita Game (now: $12.49 original price: $17.99)
- NBA 2K13 10000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $1.49 original price: $2.99)
- NBA 2K13 2000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.49 original price: $0.99)
- NBA 2K13: 5000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.99 original price: $1.99)
Price Change
- RESIDENT EVIL 6 – PS3 Game (now: $39.99 original price: $59.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
PS3 Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
F1 Race Stars
- Canada Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS Canada Track! Dodge the grumpy groundhogs and race across a frozen river in this brand new F1 RACE STARS circuit!
- China Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS China Track! Whip through water gardens and speed along a dragon’s back in this brand new circuit!
- India Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS India Track! Make your move through a mountain railway pass, overtake in the overgrown ruins and power through palace gardens in this great new circuit!
PS3 Themes
- NBA Dynasty 76ers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Celtics Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Lakers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Heat Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Pistons Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Bulls Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Spurs Dynamic Theme — $2.99
You should bookmark this site: pinballarcadefans(dot)com/showthread(dot)php/194-Latest-NEWS-And-INFORMATION-From-FarSight-Studios-Concerning-The-Pinball-Arcade
It’s regularly updated with news about upcoming Pinball Arcade tables, and their release dates. As you can see, Table Pack #7 with Big Shot and Elvira’s Scared Stiff, as well as the Twilight Zone table aren’t slated for release until January. Probably late January…
Thanks for fixing Unit 13 price i just buyed it!!
I was wondering if there is any chance for a extra day with the last week sales but i guess no =p. This early update was unexpcted for me and a lot of ppl here. Just one should be enough for ppl here and should be very kind of you guys.
Making this a weekly mandatory copy/paste!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Listen I am going to speak for all of us “complainers”.
All we want is everything for Plus that Europe and Japan has.
Also we want every game ever released on PSN ever.
Also make every game that was released on disc put on PSN and then given to Plus members.
We also need the following PS1 games available and given to Plus members:
We also need the following PS2 games available for PSN members:
Also why can’t we play Nintendo and Microsoft games on our PS3? We want the following games for PS3:
Also we want the following PS3 games on Vita:
Why is Plus $50 a year? Seems like you would sell a lot of more PS3 if you gave away Plus.
Also why is the PS3 still $300? You would sell a lot more if it was $3. You would make it up in volume sales!! Also you would sell a lot of Playstation T-shirts and we would go to Playstation concerts if you just gave away the games.
If you don’t do all of these things I am buying a 360 and Sony will crumble as a result. HEED MY WORDS!!!
where is Ratchet: Deadlocked? they said by the end of 2012….and this is it.
i sure hope we can get it soon :(
@99, you cant be serious…………….. ._. all those requests are impossible
Does Mafia 2 come with the DLC?
The user @99 is joking around =p
ofc we all would love to have everything but the world dont work like that, unless you be very rich xD
Merry Christmas! Say, any word on when the GT5 Course Pack DLC will be back on the US store?
Very unhappy about the early update, since it prevented me from purchasing two copies of Little Big Planet Vita at the sale price for our Vitas….Sad Face. If I had know it would be out the store so early I would have purchased it sooner.
OK ok I always complain about these bad updates .. . . this time is not different . . .
Since the UPDATE of the STORE it looks with a lot of mistakes (mistakes in the prices, info, I cant find some content, or magically dissapear games or DLC . . . etc) I konw that it looks so attractive but please isnt functional
You make mistakes in the promos . . . I spent 61usd in the thanksgiving week and . . . I don´t have my 10usd gift yet…. how much time i have to wait?
the info in this PSN update is wrong, so why you launch info with mistakes
and finally YES we are angry about th EUROPE content because is amazing, and in NA we only got 1 game
why sony! why!!! make good choices and give us great content . . . psone, ps2 and ps3 . . . and vita of course
upload ps3 games not only new, there are to many good old games . . . where is heavely sword by example!!!
upload psone, ps2, psp games if they wont have a remake treatment . . . SH4. Dark Cloud, Clock Tower, Haunting Ground etc
and vita . . . just please good games with good offers . . .
by the way . . . if you think that I only complain . . . well I want to tell you that I spent the last night 112usd.
so thanks but we want more°!!!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone have a good one!!!!!
Unit 13 for $12.49 now! Thanks Sony! Merry Christmas!
Yep Unit 13 shows as 12.94 even though they struck it from the official list here for the previously mentioned 17.49 price. Get it while you can, I got mine :)
OMG the store update today?………. OMG i was going to buy rayman for my vita right now and now the price go up…… OMG no way…no way. I thought the store updates tomorrow..AHHH so pits!
@ sesyjon,
Did you not read last weeks update? They have been saying all along that this week’s update would go live on Monday, what do you expect, people to work on Christmas? Geeze, use your head a little.
Just to save you the trouble, next week’s update will go live on Monday too in case you are surprised why people aren’t working on New Year’s Day.
I bought the motorstorm complete edition. in the description it says it comes with all dlc. Well it doesnt come with the tracks. Whats the deal? The only reason I bought it is because it says it comes with all the dlc!
I can’t access the Playstation Store since last week’s update… Always getting an error. Really sad that I won’t be able to get Journey, or any PSN games again ever. :(
Happy holydays!
I like to dream, but i want Zero Escape on sale please!!!!
Last week i got rayman (PSV), I am Alive, Little big planet (PSV), Dokuro and RE4.
This week on the other hand….maybe and just maybe the sipmsons, ratchet and the golf game for vita…
Thanks for the Persona 4: Golden avatars!
… Wait. Wait. Wait.
… Oh…
I want my money back for motorstorm rc complete edition! It doesnt come with all the dlc like it says in the description. It only comes with some cars. DO NOT BUY IT! IT IS FALSE ADVERTISEMENT AT ITS FULLEST!
Morgan, when will we get new ps1 game for the vita? I’ve been waiting for a while.
thanks for fixing unit 13 price!!
Boo at not having the previous deals like Dyad or Retro/Grade up for even a full week. More cash left for the Steam sale, I guess.
NNNOOOOO!!! I just bought a PSN card to download LBP Vita digitally and the store updates early!!!! WHY?!?!?! lame…
I thought last tue was the last update for the year… Oh, Ok…
why is the PS AllStars is not on the list in Price change section.
Well after three calls to customer support they decided to send a refund request since I could not download the dlc. Thank you SONY. Even though I will have to wait five to ten days for my refund. Happy Holidays I guess……
Once again nothing for me here. Thanks anyway. By the way merry christmas!
I know it’s on the PS store today but I think it’s horrible that Oddworld Munch’s Odyssey HD is not Included on this blog post.
It seems that Oddworld Inhabitants and Just Add Water can’t catch a break. They are a small development team and Sony just screwed them over without mentioning them on this post.
Wow nice update for plus! thank you guys! have a great cristhmas you all and a great year coming.LONG LIVE PLAY!
@113, same here. When it said all DLC, I too thought it meant all DLC, but none of the extra tracks, and I think some of the vehicles, weren’t included. It should have said ‘select DLC’ or something like that instead. That way, we at least wouldn’t think we were ripped off. On the up side, however, it is cross-play compatible with the Vita, which is always a nice benefit.
just wanna ask, why Mortal Kombat price still not changing?
@121…..so let me get this straight….for months all ive heard is complaints about late store updates. So SONY gives us an advanced warning special 1 day early store update….and people are still complaining that now its too early? And as far as the complaints about wanting to buy a game from last weeks promotion…why are people waiting for the last minute to buy the game they wanted? Those games were up all week. You snooze…you lose. Not Sony’s fault you waited all week to finally get a PSN card. Come on people, the excuses and complaints need to stop. Happy Holidays.
I’m interested in Mafia II, but I feel like I’d be better off buying the Greatest Hits version that comes with all of the DLC. Otherwise I’d be paying 10 dollars more on the store. Also interested in Papo & Yo but I’ve heard very mixed reviews on that one.
Mortal Kombat not a Bad Price! But it’s too bad u didn’t mark down the Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition! If so i would of so grabbed the Komplete Edition if u marked it down also. Aww,
Not even a mention that Munch’s Oddysee HD was launched today. How sad for the developer. :(
And I hope you quickly refund all the people who bought Unit 13 for $17 before changing it again back down to $13 like my buddy.
People need to stop complaining about what Europe gets. The problem doesn’t seem to be on Sony’s end. It’s the game publishers. Maybe you should start demanding from those people they give U.S. gamers the same 50% off of games like Hitman and Far Cry 3. I don’t see why they do those deals in Europe and not here but I won’t blame Sony. If they want me to buy those games they can give us 50% off for PS Plus. Until then I won’t buy either unless they’re on sale for $39.99 or lower.
@133 I’m happy about Munch’s Oddysee. :D Kinda wish it hit vita before Stranger’s Wrath, but given how much time I don’t have on my hands these days, what’s already available via Plus is pretty strong. I’ve got about an hour or so a day to play games, so I’ll be occupied for a while. My PS3’s playlist is piling up. I haven’t even finished Infamous 2 yet. o.O
good sales i guess :P
“Not even a mention that Munch’s Oddysee HD was launched today.”
Didn’t you notice it on the main page of the blog?
I was wondering, is there still a way to find Playstation Exclusive games ? I tried to search for those titles but didn’t see that section/genre anymore after the store was updated.
If it is gone, I would appreciate bringing it back.
It is an easy way to see those games which can only be played on PS.
Comparing the sales plus users have been given with those of their EU counterparts I’m done with Sony buying myself a gaming pc after the holidays.
I guess it’s best reflected in how the blog as a whole is handled here is another week of spelling errors and typos on the most important update during the week. It reflects badly on you guys and probably explains why I can’t get the service I feel I deserve
wil we someday have crash bandicoot PSOne for vita?
Hoe come on the “Boston Celtics Dynasty” Dynamic Theme it says they won a title in 2074?? LMAO FAAAAIL
How* excuse me.
If Motorstorm RC had cross-play; I would buy this title on both platforms.
The Metal Gear Solid HD collection is for PS3 too? Because it´s still 40$
^ No, It’s false advertising.
! now store updates every mondey not Tuesday?
2. not much but you guys rock so far
3. Can’t wait next week