Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PS Vita
Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PlayStation Store Highlights
Happy holidays! It’s a light publish this week due to the holiday season, but you can still pick up some great new deals via our Holiday Essentials Sale. If you’re a PS Plus member, you can enjoy deeper discounts on those deals, plus Retro City Rampage for free.
It’s also worth noting that a couple things have been updated in the PS Store navigation. We’ve incorporated some of your feedback and you can now filter Add-ons by game title and the Weekly Deals section has been placed more prominently. We hope these changes will help you find what you’re looking for.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- Retro City Rampage (both PS3 & PS Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Galaga Legions DX (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Mortal Kombat (30%) – PS Plus Price $14.70
- Duke Nukem Forever (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Simpsons The Arcade Game (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price $8.74
- Mafia II (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Unit 13 (30%) – PS Plus Price
$12.94$17.49 - Journey (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Papo & Yo (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (30%) – PS Plus Price $17.14
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.34
- Starhawk (30%) – PS Plus Price $19.60
Last Chance (Leaving on 12/31)
- PS Vita Instant Game Collection – Jet Set Radio
- PS3 Instant Game Collection – BioShock 2
- Instant Game Collection – Bloodrayne Betrayal
- Discount – Music Unlimited Premium 1 Year Subscription
- Discount – Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
- Discount – Galaga Legions DX
- Discount – Mortal Kombat
- Discount – Duke Nukem Forever
- Discount – Simpsons The Arcade Game
- Discount – Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita
- Discount – Mafia II
- Discount – Killzone 3 Multiplayer
- Discount – Unit 13
- Discount – Journey
- Discount – Papo & Yo
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD
- Discount – Starhawk
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Duke Nukem Forever – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Journey – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Mafia II – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Mortal Kombat – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.79)
Other Sales
- Galaga Legions – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – PS Vita Bundle (now: $24.99 original price: $34.99 Plus price: $17.14)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.34)
- Papo & Yo – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Starhawk – PS3 Game (now: $27.99 original price: $39.99 Plus price: $19.60)
- The Simpsons Arcade Game – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Unit 13 – PS Vita Game (now: $24.99 original price: $26.99 Plus price: $12.94)
- Retro City Rampage – PS3 Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Retro City Rampage – PS Vita Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational – PS Vita Game (now: $12.49 original price: $17.99)
- NBA 2K13 10000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $1.49 original price: $2.99)
- NBA 2K13 2000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.49 original price: $0.99)
- NBA 2K13: 5000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.99 original price: $1.99)
Price Change
- RESIDENT EVIL 6 – PS3 Game (now: $39.99 original price: $59.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
PS3 Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
F1 Race Stars
- Canada Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS Canada Track! Dodge the grumpy groundhogs and race across a frozen river in this brand new F1 RACE STARS circuit!
- China Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS China Track! Whip through water gardens and speed along a dragon’s back in this brand new circuit!
- India Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS India Track! Make your move through a mountain railway pass, overtake in the overgrown ruins and power through palace gardens in this great new circuit!
PS3 Themes
- NBA Dynasty 76ers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Celtics Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Lakers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Heat Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Pistons Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Bulls Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Spurs Dynamic Theme — $2.99
to other Ps users out there, the post is confusing because it says that it’s the PS Vita MG collection on sale for $17.49 but in the ‘leaving next week’ section it says it’s for PS3. Is it both or just Vita?
Please, please, please… when will the Twilight Zone and table pack #7 be released as DLC add-on for the Pinball Arcade game???
Wow plus just keeps getting worse and worse. Now they are giving a crappy game to count for 2 (Vita and ps3) in the games collection. On the other hand, good games on sale. Not a good number of games, but good games.
To the person who asked about Jetpack Joyride, its appointed date is 31st december.
Like others have stated, Unit 13 is the wrong price on the Store.
Retro City Rampage looks like old atari games =p
I guess i wont have the work to get this one xD, very big quality diference vita games between US and EU this month guys, really hope that next month get better.
Yeah please fix the Unit 13 price or at least tell us it’s supposed to be the 17.94 that it is on the store and not the 12.94 you have listed here.
@ NXemo: You must be an IGC’er… they gave us Fatal Inertia EX and SHIFT 2 Unleashed already this year. Not to mention free MotorStorm RC (courtesy of Scion) on the Vita, a PS+ discounted version for PS3, and free Wipeout 2048 on the Vita. And the fact everyone had a chance at getting the original Wipeout HD + Fury Add-On with the Welcome Back package last year. I think they’ve done enough free racing/fighting/shooter/sports games… Especially those last three, in the last 6 months. Variety is the spice of life, my friend. :)
As for the sale, looks like HSG: World Invitational will finally be mine. Luckily, I still have enough room for it on my 32GB card. Hopefully the memory cards will see a drastic price reduction soon, as well as the introduction of a 64GB card. Having a 640GB HDD in my PS3 has spoiled me. I don’t like having to do content management.
You guys always update on Tuesday, and now you change to Monday? That’s really a shame, because I was gonna get today some of the games on sale from last week. I thought that was really disrespectful.
I was waiting for the anounce of update because i was afraid to buy rayman origins and LBP for vita and they get free on PSN+ (like happened before) and today surprise!!! You just lost the game you wanted !!
The blog says that Unit 13 is 30% with PS plus, which would be $17.49. I am going to go and assume that the current store price is the right one, unless the game is suppose to be 50% off, which than it would be $12.49
#56 lordradu — they have been announcing for some time they will be doing this on Monday the next 2 weeks. If they updated on Tuesday it would be on Christmas and New Years. They have families too. It would be disrespectful to expect them to update on Christmas…
Can we get the Unit 13 price fixed? It is suppose to be $12.94. Instead you have it at $17.
@56 lordadu
They stated last week that the store was going to be updated on Monday. You realize that tomorrow is Christmas right? You expect them to work on Christmas just to update the store? Talk about disrespectful. It’s not their fault you didn’t pay attention.
@ lordradu They alreday said last week that this update and next week’s update are going to be on Monday. It’s just a temporary thing because…well tomorrow is Christmas, next Tuesday is New Years, and people have families.
Nothing for me this week lets hope next week brings more content.
Discounts on season passes wouldn’t be bad either, actually that would be lovely ._.
“Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3”
This is not true. It still listed at $39.99
don’t say that the sale is for Vita version, it clearly say “PS3” in this article. did you do false advertising?
I agree that they dont have to update the psn on xmas or new year
But they could announce before do the update on store. What is the point to announce after? We was not able to decide anything was like, hey surprise!! Didnt you got the gane you wanna? Oh too bad sorry!! (Troll face)
Hola playstation blog, tengo una queja y la pongo en español porque no se hablar bien en ingles, la verdad es una gran molestia ver los juegos que nosotros los que tenemos el servicio “PLUS” nos dan juegos por decirlo de una manera educada JUEGOS MALOS Y FEOS estuve mirando el blog europeo y la verdad son grandes juegos que cualquier video jugador le gustaría tener en su juegoteca por ejemplo aqui pego las fechas y los nombres de los juegos de PS+ europa:
PlayStation Plus December content:
5th December: Batman: Arkham City (PS3)
5th December: LIMBO (PS3)
5th December: Vanquish (PS3)
12th December: Big Sky Infinity (PS Vita and PS3)
19th December: Mortal Kombat (PS Vita)
21st December: Knytt Underground (PS Vita and PS3)
Estas son verdaderas obras de arte que cualquiera le gustaría tener pero “Retro City Rampage” no es nada comparado con BATMAN o LIMBO. Espero que tengan en cuanta mi opinión y ante todo les deseo una feliz navidad.
no AVATARS ?!!!, where’s the Persona 4 Golden AVATARS ?
Is it sad that I thought we would get something free for Christmas? Like a game or a voucher…. No just me… Ok… ( ._.)
was this a post and go home or the staff?
@ The_4th_Hokage_X
Well, we’re all getting Jetpack Joyride for FREE next week. Is that good enough for you? Consider it a New Year’s present.
Hey guys, quick question.
Sega as well as joystiq, says the Mega Drive/Genesis Collection for PSP is supposed to be on sale for $5, and $3.50 for PS+ users. Thing is that it’s still 9.99 on the PSN store.
I posted on the Sega blog but no response (guessing everyones gone for the holidays). Is this something we ask you guys about? Thanks and happy holidays
Are you kidding me,you using a cross-buy game just to close ps3/vita free game hole like this?at Christmas?
Nice update Morgan/Sony! Definately be grabbing that Retro City Rampage (LOVE quirky games!) and am practically stealing Journey at such a shockingly deep discount. Keep ’em coming! Just wish there was a way to buy some time for all these amazing games on the PS3…..
Haha, meant Grace, sorry. :)
I just bought Journey, Friday for $15. I was wondering is there any way for me to get a refund or the difference add back to my account for this sell?
@67 there hasn’t been new avatars in over a month. Too busy giving us $5 psn titles to bother adding anything new there.
Hey guys… could we please return to the old store design… very anti user design, always trouble finding what i look for… and its so slow… Sigh…
@ boomstickbhg hey how did u create a EU account?
i created a new user on my console, created a new gmail account with Uk as my region, used my cousins address but i still cant put money into my wallet it keeps giving me errors. and if i say put 30 pounds it be more in US dollars right, since the pound is higher than dollar – in currency rate.
Eu is having an amazing sale Hitman AB for 20 bucks.!
please help me out here!!
Merry Christmas, PlayStation peeps. Also, there’s another spot where the Unit 13 price for PS Plus members is listed incorrectly.
When I download The Motorstorm RC Special Vehicle Value Pack which suppose to have 20 vechiles, only 13 vechiles are download. What gives?
Journey is the most over rated game ever. not a bad game at all but just a very short boring playing in the sand experience. my poor 15$ .. owell merry christmas sony :)
@56 you are the one being disrespectful Tuesday is Christmas D
Again, another store update full of fail -_-
@56 you are the one being disrespectful Tuesday is Christmas Day and they have families.They announced the update would be on Monday this week and next week because of the holidays.
Anyone want to guess at what they’re going to be replacing BioShock 2 and Bloodrayne Betrayal with next week? For BB, you can count on another middling PSN game that’s hardly worth the bandwidth to download – too many to choose from. Something like Joe Danger, DeathSpank, or Shank. But for BioShock 2, I’d expect a comparable retail release. Capcom and 2K have been active partners (Resident Evil 5, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, BioShock 2), so my money is on something like Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution, Lost Planet 2, or Devil May Cry 4 (the Ninja Theory-developed reboot is scheduled for release in January). Or maybe the PS+ folks can wring another bargain bin title from Square Enix (Just Cause 2), like Singularity. (I wouldn’t bank on any more THQ titles for the interim, given the financial turmoil that publisher is facing.) It’d be hilarious, but unsurprising, if any one of these is actually chosen.
Unit 13 (30%) – PS Plus Price $12.94 -> $17.49
For this price i pass
Looks there is not a single game with 50% discount this week. And no good games free also this week = nothing to do here only a later announcement and we lost the good discount on good games =/. Very crappy week sorry say that but is true, not even the notice about unit 13 that was the only good was keep.
nevermind, they are in my download list
God, you’re the worst. You’d rather have avatars over games? Really? Are there not enough avatars already to keep you satisfied? What does an avatar do other than just sit there?
And you know what’s really funny? Considering how much you complain about the prices of things, it’s hilarous how much you blow on avatars. If there’s one area where game companies are raking in extra profit from micro-transactions, it’s from avatars. A little 10kb file that’s usually ripped straight from the game’s promotional artwork itself. It doesn’t cost them anything. It’s a clever way to score extra income from the same project. All those 49 cent purchases add up quickly.
It’s even worse than DLC, if you wanna look at it that way. But at least with DLC you’re actually get something. But you complain about DLC… complain about games… complain about everything… except for avatars… which is actually the area where these supposed “greedy” companies are making the most profit from nothing. Jeez, you’re dumb. You have zero credibility.
They already fixed UNIT 13 to 12.49 so everyone rush to the store and grab it before its gone or they mess up again
If you didn’t buy 5 avatars every week, you’d have enough money to buy those games that you complain about being soooo expensive.
Not that I have a problem with avatars, it’s just funny how the complaints about game prices come from a poser who has a new avatar every few days.
I hope they’ll have another sale for LBP Vita or a sale for Persona 4 Golden soon, because I have a strong feeling I’m getting a vita tomorrow. (T_T) Pretty Please.
Thanks, i bought Mafia 2.
A bit early on the update… was going to get Catherine, but not for $40.
I don’t read everything that’s posted here, like most people, so I just expected the usual. And tomorrow is Xmas? It’s not like no other people work on that day. Besides, they could just leave it all ready for tomorrow and just press the button on the next day. Not a big sacrifice. Or just leave it for Wednesday.
I fully realize this isnt Sony’s fault, but I would but Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on Vita if it actually was the collection and not just 2 of the 3 games that are on the ps3 version. Sigh.
what about Mortal Kombat? it shows up at ps plus section on Vita, but it still has normal price??? please fix it…
OI! I was just about to buy LBP2 but the deal’s gone! the store wasn’t supposed to update til tomorrow.. argh