First up, we have this brand new set of Marvel Heroes Costumes to reveal to you. LittleBigPlanet always needs heroes and we have two brand new costume packs heading your way containing a whole bunch of new Marvel Heroes to help save the day!
This week we will be releasing Marvel Heroes Costume Pack 5 which contains Black Bolt, Black Widow, Iron Fist, Nova and Star Lord. Not only that, we will have Marvel Heroes Costume Pack 6 containing an additional five costumes coming early in the New Year. As an extra gift to you, we have also put together the rather nifty wallpaper that you can see above, so be sure to download it right away!
Winter Seasonal Creator Kit Re-Release
Winter is fast approaching and it’s time to fill up some LittleBigPlanet levels with some suitably winter cheer, which coupled with our previously released Festive Level Kit and Santa Costume, will give you everything you need to add some festive cheer to your levels.
Craftworld Christmas Collaboration: Music Giveaway!
It’s the time for giving and the newly formed Craftworld Collaboration team are doing just that!
If you’ve just put together a rather festive creation and you’re stuck with trying to find the perfect song for your brand new level, then perhaps you can dig deep into the Winter stocking that is the Craftworld Christmas Collaboration: Music Giveaway and find the tune that’s just right for you!
So if you’re looking for some festive music to add to your own levels or just want to crank up LittleBigPlanet’s very own music jukebox for your Christmas party, be sure to head to this level!
Craftworld Christmas Collaboration: Music Giveaway! By CraftworldCollab
Time Saver DLC coming to LittleBigPlanet PS Vita this week!
This week will see the release of the Time Saver DLC for LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and will be available for $2.99.
This unique DLC will instantly grant you access to all of the collectible goodies from the game’s main story and tutorials. So you can immediately start creating the most fantastic levels with all of these great assets!
Of course you will still be able to get all of the game’s Trophies, even if you purchase the LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Time Saver DLC!
Rocket Cheetah is now taking LBP PS Vita Video Requests
Chimpanzee over at the Rocket Cheetah website is also in a festive giving mood and is kindly offering to record your LittleBigPlanet PS Vita levels for you!
So, if you have published or even recently played a great LittleBigPlanet PS Vita level that you want everyone else to see, you can ask Chimpanzee to record them for you.
Simply go to his Video Request Page and fill out the form.
That way you can get even more people to see the awesomeness that you have published or discovered for LittleBigPlanet PS Vita! Such as this great level by deadmn!
Now that you’ve seen this great level in action, why not head over to Vita.LBP.me and queue it up ready for the next time that you’re playing LittleBigPlanet PS Vita?
[LBLV1] The high life By deadmn
LittleBigPlanet Karting: Team Picks
We’ve prepared an exciting set of LittleBigPlanet Karting: Team Picks for you this week, including a visit to Mount Hades and a rather fun jungle jam for our speediest of Sackfolk. Give ‘em a go – we can’t wait for you to enjoy them!
Mount Hades (God of War) By FIaco
War of the Sackworlds By ZhugeLiang527
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