Here at PlayStation, we’re gearing up for the holiday season. In the spirit of giving, we’re giving you some great discounts on more than 40 titles over the next three weeks. Each week will highlight some of the best PS3, PS Vita and PSN games available in the PlayStation Store. Featuring trippy music/racing hybrid Dyad, PS Vita side-scrolling puzzler Escape Plan, sure-to-become-classics like LittleBigPlanet 2 and Rayman Origins, plus plenty more, we’ve got you covered. Starting today, you can save 30% — or up to 50% for PlayStation Plus members — on a variety of hot games, listed below. If the lineup below isn’t enough, we’ll be refreshing this list with a whole new batch next week (12/24) and the following week (12/31), so stay tuned.
Here’s this week’s lineup:
- Catherine (Sale: $27.99, PS Plus: $19.60, Regular: $39.99)
- Counter Strike Global Offensive (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Dyad (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Escape Plan (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- I Am Alive (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- LittleBigPlanet 2 (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: Free, Regular: $19.99)
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita (Sale: $24.99, PS Plus: $17.49, Regular: $35.99)
- Magic: The Gathering – Dules of the Planeswalkers 2013 (Sale: $6.99, PS Plus: $4.90, Regular: $9.99)
- NHL 13 (Sale: $41.99, PS Plus: $29.40, Regular: $59.99)
- Rayman Origins (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- Rayman Origins PS Vita (Sale: $20.99, PS Plus: $14.70, Regular: $29.99)
- Resident Evil 4 (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- Retro/Grade (Sale: $6.99, PS Plus: $4.90, Regular: $9.99)
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
All of these titles will be on sale for one week only — December 18th to December 24th — so head into the PlayStation Store before these discounts melt away. And don’t forget to check back on PSN next week (12/24) and the following week (12/31) for more great discounts on other Holiday Essentials games.
Happy Holidays!
@48 GStylez1980 – Cause 90% of the time PS+ post is already on blog at this time…
This is what I was waiting for..but…I’m glad that these wont be the only games for the entire holidays…since I’m a rental guy and also the majority of these games I already have…there are few games there that interests me like “RE4” and “I am Alive” but $9.80 and $7.35 still feels a bit expensive…I’m not complaining but $5.00 would be the right price.It seems expensive because one day you guys might give it for FREE on Plus and I know I’ll regret paying that price.
Awesome ! Thanks Sony great sale! So many things I want, this is gonna be tough….Now let’s see what’s next on peoples’ ever-expanding list of things to complain about.
Rayman Origins PS Vita seems like as good price. Hopefully it doesn’t go FREE a few weeks later. I got burnt with Just Cause 2 in a similar fashion.
@Welmosca don’t forget if you buy discounted games they’re yours to keep forever unlike free PS Plus games.
getting lbp vita now
@53 i know the feeling. Bought Just Cause ultimate edition a week before E3, and it was given away free the next week. :(
Not really a sale for Catherine, same price for the physical copy at amazon right now.
But, I have been holding off on buying “I am Alive” and for $7.35 I think I shall have to grab it.
maybe escape plan. havent bought that yet.
i do have a bunch of other games to play though, so maybe it’ll be free for ps+ if i wait long enough
Guys, can we have some more Ps Vita discounts?
*1st time I ever complained like this*
For the love of God, why is it the same damn discounts over and over again! Why are you guys still
Trying to shove Catherine down my(our) throats! ? Umm…if someone came up with the brilliant idea of best of sales of the year..or something like that, thats just plain…sigh…
Out of all the games on psn this is it? Not even fat princess? Or some uncharteds or some non-bundled full games! The free games have been okay, but…Im not really feeling it anymore…:( it seems as you guys are gone waaaay too mainstream(?) I know its a couple more weeks of sales but, ima save myself the disapointment..good luck fellas
So could someone please clarify- Do plus members get to own the game for free as part of this promotion? If not, why is there no additional discount to buy it?
@54 BlueBl1zzard – Yes I know…but I said that because I’ll never let my Plus subscription expire.
It’s a great list of Christmas sale! I can tell you for sure.
Because I already have many of my interest…..
It’s dilemma of PS+.
I want to buy LBP and Rayman, but i have this strong feeling that they will become free the following week… What should I do? :(
Escape Plan!!! I’ll finally buy it, I had totally forgotten about it. Great sale!
I can’t DL any games thanks to “corrupted data” i always get.
pisses me off.
@ PhillipJFry – #61
Everything listed here is for sale (besides LBP2 if you are a Plus member, as it looks to be FREE)
Catherine is regularly priced $39.99
Everyone can buy Catherine during this sale for $27.99
Plus members can buy Catherine during this sale for $19.60
If you purchase anything through PSPlus that has a dollar amount you will get to keep that game forever regardless if your subscription runs out.
hope that helps. :)
So you guys are updating the network on Christmas day?
@68 I think Haro said that will be monday as it’s a major holiday.
And regarding the sales I think I’m finally picking up I am alive and rayman origins! I hate these sales they are too good! Maybe Escape Plan…but my vita is pretty much in ps1 mode atm so probably no point!
Nice! Will probably pick of Rayman Origins if the file size is not too much. Also, maybe Dyad. Guys could you tell me if the Gravity Rush DLC will be on sale anytime soon? Thanks!
I really want to pick up LBP VIta and Rayman Vita but I am really worried that both of those will be added to the IGC Vita in the near future. Kind of like how Bioshock 2 was discounted and then added to the collection. What to do? What to do?
By the way, I AM ALIVE is a horrible game. Just throwing that out there to warn you guys because I see quite a few people saying they will pick it up. There is a reason that game went from full price retail release to digital download. You have been warned.
LBP Karting 50% off
NBA 2K13 50% off
Medal of Honor Warfighter 50% off
Ned for Speed Most Wanted 50% off
One Piece Pirate Warriors 50% off
Tokyo Jungle 50% off
Sleeping Dogs 50% off
Thank you for giving your North American fans the middle finger this xmas.
After weeks of waiting and watching other regions and consoles get great sales and deals, you come up with this?
You do realize that a lot of those games have already been on sale or free within the last year? How about some new sales for once?
Or better yet, put the sales on games worth buying.
Catherine is one of the few things on the list worth having and it was 20$ within the last few months. Now it’s 20 again for xmas and we’re supposed to think that’s good?
NO MORE RECYCLED SALES FOR PLUS! This is total disrespect for your customers and appears like a total lack of any care or effort on your part.
Whoever put this sale together should feel shame if they thought it was good and preferably retire and let someone competant work for sony instead.
Games I’d love to see on sale:
Sports Champions II
Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest’s
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault
Ratchet and Clank Collection
Unit 13
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Gravity Rush
Unfinished Swan
Valkyria Chronicles II
Final Fantasy 4
Vagrant Story
Chrono Cross
Legend of Mana
I’d go broke, but I’d still probably buy all this stuff :-P
@74 I knew I wasn’t alone
Ah, the standard issuel 30-50% off? Thanks, Scrooge! :D
Any chance of Mega Man 9 & 10 discounts? You know. To celebrate 25 years of… oh who am I kidding. :(
I do have a 30 day PS+ card lying around somewhere. Maybe I’ll use it to get RE4. As someone who’s only played that game with a Gamecube controller, how does it feel with a Dualshock?
(p.s. Asura’s Wrath DLC bundle/discounts please!)
Oh if you’re going to be doing a couple more sales like this, don’t wait to give us the info. Tell us this week/soon/now so that we can plan our xmas shopping.
You know, how everyone has a lot to do this season and normal people plan ahead for buying gifts or even holiday sales for themselves? That’s possible because NORMAL retailers give advance notice for most sales buy at least a week, not a day.
So since you already know we have more sales coming, announce what will be on sale ASAP so we can plan our xmas spending, otherwise you’re not likely to sell much since our funds will have already been allotted to more important things/holiday sales we actually get notice of.
Otherwise your customer service will be dealing with hell this winter with all the customers who buy something prior to the sales only to see it go on sale and we never get more than 1 day warnings and calling in for their (very much deserved) refunds.
Unless you like dealing with that kind of chaos and making your customers unhappy… Going by the recent plus updates perhaps that’s just how you like to operate things.
Sorcery was on sale during Black Friday week.
Tomorrow, Sports Champions 2 and Deadmund’s Quest will be bundled together for the low price of $29.99.
Don’t you read the other posts on this blog?
Now this is a sale! lbp vita and rayman origins vita will be mine, you guys are gonna get me spending all my xmas money on this sale if this keeps up! :D
Will PSP games be also going on sale? I’d love it if Persona 3 Portable went on sale!
I hope that God of War Ghost of Sparta get’s a price discount. I’m ready to download it to my PS Vita.
I am Alive & Rayman Origins Vita
Will be mine!
Can’t wait to see more upcoming deals. *fingers crossed for Chrono Trigger deal*!!!!
@80 Persona 3 has been on sale for $9.99 countless times already.
Wow this is just awesome!!!
I´ll buy Counter Strike Global Offensive and I Am Alive for sure! And maybe (95% yes) Catherine!!
Last week somebody from sony said in comments the vita Instant Game Collection would be updated this week… Is that not happening anymore until after this sale? Pretty disappointed
Kinda of a crappy selection, granted im getting Rayman Origins, and maybe RE4, guess I was kinda expecting sales on some newer retail games, or on some bundles (Why is Siren still $40?)
Great sale, Sony! I have a lot of these games already purchased at full price, but no regrets. The better PlayStationPlus gets, the more people find to complain about! Hopefully there will be more stuff for my Vita coming soon.
I love you Sony xD
Are you serious? When is Siren: Blood Curse gonna go on sale?
I already got all the current gen stuff I want. Would love to see the PSX/PS2 games get a nice discount. Been wanting to buy Vanguard Bandits and a couple other PSX RPG’s but I keep hoping for a sale. I’m spoiled by Steam so I keep thinking PSN will have a nice big sale eventually like Steam does all the time. Guess I will keep waiting.
Can’t wait to see what other great games are going to be added to this list!
Wonderful work Sony!!! Loving these sales and looking forward to what you guys bring us for the next couple weeks as well!!! Appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing to bring us awesome games at great prices. As far as this week goes, according to the prices I can get Resident Evil 4, Rayman Orgins, AND Dyad for $27?!?!?! COUNT ME IN.
How do you guys able to practically give away all these games? Absolutely amazing. :D
I Am Alive should’ve dropped to $5 by now. While I was hoping for a $5 Escape Plan, I may bite at the current Plus sale offering. Thanks for RE4, but it’s a shame Code Veronica wasn’t put on sale in conjunction with RE4.
I guess I’ll be getting Escape Plan. Anyone with a Vita and doesn’t own LBP Vita yet make sure you get it now. Great deal.
Well, I know I’ll get PSN cards from a few people for Christmas, I guess I won’t be spending them on games I want since I won’t know what will be on sale next week or the week after… You should tell us all the sales, so we can plan ahead…
1ST the recent store update with Looper and Resident Evil being the same movie
2ND That Big Infinite Sky trailer that showed it was for plus members but not all plus members
3RD That huge typo on the store update that had discounts galore but was ………… erased and fixed see 12/4/2012 if I’m not mistaken
4TH Finally today we find out the blogcast screws up mentioning $1 games that don’t exist
@83 I never knew…hopefully it goes on sale 1 more time!
NHL on Vita would be a Christmas Miracle.