Institute of Play: Playmakers
Playmakers looks into the latest innovations for creating and learning. Some time ago they paid a visit to Media Molecule to take a look into how LittleBigPlanet is leading the way in community development and community game design.
Take a look at this video from their visit and you’ll be able to hear some of the Molecule’s very own insights on just how LittleBigPlanet is a new and exciting learning tool that has helped develop a community full of game designers and reviewers.
To read more about Playmakers and their visit to Media Molecule, take a trip over to the Playmakers website.
LittleBigPlanet 2: Mm Picks
This week’s Mm Picks include an incredible arcade shooter that will see you taking on waves of enemies and facing challenging bosses, a rather retro ball-rolling maze that will see you trying to roll your way to the exit, and finally, we have a curling mini-game that’s fun to play with all your friends.
Craftworld Aleste クラフトワールドアレスタ By Stellakris
That A-Maze-Ing Way (1P) (Updating) By D_1998_BR
Space Curling [jpn] By wakityan
LittleBigPlanet Karting: Team Picks
We’ve got a fantastic array of LittleBigPlanet Karting: Team Picks for you this week, including a slick race through a temple dedicated to scorpions, a moonlight drive through a royal manor, and even a romp through a futuristic, geothermally-powered city (yes, that means magma!). It’s exciting stuff!
Moonlight Manor By Breezy-The-Pro
Magma City Xtreme By patof-103
LittleBigPlanet Karting: Game Update 1.02 – “The Online Patch”
On December 4th, the latest update for LittleBigPlanet Karting went live. Important changes and improvements include:
- Numerous online syncing improvements
- Repaired crashes / locks related to playing online
- General performance fixes (online and offline)
- A number of Controlinator-related fixes (some related to online syncing)
- General navigation improvements for the “Monster Trucks” Story Mode track (in The Progress Emporium)
Want to discuss this update and the recent fixes further? Then head over to GetSatisfaction and let us know what you think.
LittleBigPlanet Karting Fansite Kit
The LittleBigPlanet Karting Fansite Kit has arrived! Featuring a comprehensive set of in-game images, fonts, icons, renders, screenshots, and more, this is the ultimate collection of LittleBigPlanet Karting content. Interested? Download it here!
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