PS3 Full Games
LittleBigPlanet Karting ($59.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 7 GB
Portal 2 ($19.99)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 8 GB
Vanquish ($19.99)

ESRB: M – Mature // File Size: 11.6 GB
PSN Games
When Vikings Attack! ($9.99)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 1.2 GB
Absolute Supercars (US only, $9.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 2.5 GB
ToeJam & Earl ($4.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 91 MB
ToeJam & Earl in Panic On Funkotron ($4.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 99 MB
PID ($9.99)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 1.2 GB
PS Vita
When Vikings Attack! ($9.99)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 1.2 GB
Added to PS Vita Store
- Ragnarok Tactics
PS Mini
Enchanted Cavern ($2.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 28 MB
PSP Games
Ragnarok Tactics ($24.99)

ESRB: T – Teen // File Size: 501 MB
PS2 Classics
Rygar: The Legendary Adventure ($9.99)

ESRB: T – Teen // File Size: 1.75 GB
Saints Row The Third: The Full Package ($49.99)

ESRB: T – Teen // File Size: 7.2 GB
Sleeping Dogs Digital Edition ($49.99)

ESRB: M – Mature // File Size: 7.1 GB
PlayStation Store Highlights
Late last month marked the birthday of the LittleBigPlanet franchise, and what better way to celebrate than releasing a new game? LittleBigPlanet Karting is now available on the PlayStation Store, and you can pick up the free Birthday Cake and Space Suit costumes this week as tokens of appreciation. Critically acclaimed Portal 2 and Vanquish round out the Full Game downloads on the Store this week. Portal 2’s PS3 exclusive DLC, In Motion, is available now for $10.
Take a trip down memory lane with classics Toe Jam and Earl and Toe Jam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron on PSN. When Vikings Attack! a PSN and PS Vita Cross-Buy title is also hitting alongside PID and Absolute Cars (in the U.S. only).
Bundles are a great value, and this week we have Sleeping Dogs Digital Edition, which includes the full game as well as three premium DLC packs.
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition kicks off this month’s goodies for PlayStation Plus members, along with some pretty nice discounts on Portal 2 and Portal 2: In Motion and When Vikings Attack!
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition Discounts Portal 2 (30%) – PS Plus Price: $13.99
Portal 2 In Motion (30%) – PS Plus Price: $6.99
Absolute Supercars (20%) – PS Plus Price: $7.99
When Vikings Attack! (30%) – PS Plus Price: $6.99Last Chance (Leaving on 11/13) Instant Game Collection – Renegade Ops
Instant Game Collection – Pac Man DX Championship Edition
Discount – WWE 13 Fan Axxess
Discount – Portal 2 In Motion
Discount – Portal 2
Discount – When Vikings Attack
PS3 Demos (Free)
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.1 GB

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 1.2 GB
Price Change
- De Blob 2 – PS3 Full Game (now: $14.99 original price: $19.99)
- Prototype 2 w/ Radnet Access Pass – PS3 Full Game (now: $39.99 original price: $59.99)
- The Amazing Spiderman – PS3 Full Game (now: $49.99 original price: $59.99)
- MX VS ATV Untamed – PS3 Full Game (now: $14.99 original price: $19.99)
- Ricochet HD – PSN Game (now: $2.49 original price: $4.99)
Assassin’s Creed III Erudito Pack Sale
- 50 Erudito Pack (now: $1.49 original price: $1.99)
- 155 Erudito Pack (now: $3.74 original price: $4.99)
- 380 Erudito Pack (now: $7.49 original price: $9.99)
- 925 Erudito Pack (now: $14.99 original price: $19.99)
“Hero” Track Pack Sale
- DJ Hero – Hard Edge Mix Pack (now: $2.99 original price: $5.99)
- Guitar Hero 5 – Lynyrd Skynyrd Pack (now: $2.75 original price: $5.49)
- Guitar Hero III – Guitar Virtuoso Track Pack (now: $3.13 original price: $6.25)
- Guitar Hero World Tour – Hendrix Track Pack (now: $2.75 original price: $5.49)
- Guitar Hero World Tour – Hendrix Track Pack 02 (now: $2.75 original price: $5.49)
Persona Sale
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (now: $9.99 original price: $19.99)
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin (now: $14.99 original price: $29.99)
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: FES (now: $4.99 original price: $9.99)
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable (now: $9.99 original price: $19.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
Frobisher Says!
- Super Fun Pack ($1.99) – Download this pack to unlock 15 extra mini-games in Frobisher Says! Use your PS Vita in unique ways to complete these additional challenges, each as bizarre as anything you’d expect from Frobisher’s brain. To use this download, you will need the Frobisher Says! app for PS Vita.
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
- Rare Launch Jersey ($4.99) – Download this costume to dress your Sackboy in this super-rare Launch T-Shirt! Note: To download this costume, you must already own LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita or LittleBigPlanet Karting. Hurry! This is only available for one week!
- Birthday Cake Costume ($0.00) – Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday LittleBigPlanet, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu. This cake costume has been made to celebrate the first birthday of LittleBigPlanet.
- Astronaut Costume ($0.00) – One small step for man, one giant leap for sack-kind.
New Little King’s Story
- Lolita Princess Set 1 ($2.99) – Download the ‘Lolita Princess Set 1’ and access all new costumes to dress up the royal princesses! This pack includes lolita outfits for princess Apricot, Sakura, Amabile, and Verde!
- Lolita Princess Set 2 ($2.99) – Download the ‘Lolita Princess Set 2’ and access all new costumes to dress up the royal princesses! This pack includes lolita outfits for princess Shizuka, Kokomo, Iris, and Corina!
- Winter Set ($1.99) – Download the ‘Winter Set’ to get winter themed items that will increase your life and cures snowman! This includes Santa Claus Hat and Outfit, Santa Girl Outfit, and a Fur Coat!
- Work Set ($1.99) – Download the ‘Work Set’ to receive items that will increase your Attack, Life, and gives you cures! This includes the Giant Scalpel, Medical Chart, Nurse Cap, Nurse Clothes, Cat Ears, Maid Outfit, Men’s Suit, Ladies’ Suit, Space Helmet, and Space Outfit!
- Ultimate Pass ($19.99) – Be the first to download the Little King’s DLC Ultimate Pass! Purchase the full DLC library in advance to save 50% on all of the New Little King’s Story downloadable content packs. Reign over your kingdom with the most powerful weapons, strengthen your attacks, and increase your life span! The boundaries are limitless with this ultimate DLC pack – download it today!
Pinball Arcade
- Pack 5: Harley-Davidson and Taxi ($4.99) – This add-on pack includes the pinball tables Harley-Davidson and Taxi. Every flipper, bumper, sound effect, and display pixel has been painstakingly emulated in astonishing detail. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
Street Fighter X Tekken
- Color Palette Add-On 9 (Free) – The 9th color pack (4-color set) for character color customization. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- Boost Gem Trial Pack 7 (Free) – A total of 3 Boost Gems that all characters can use. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- SF Boost Gem Pack 16 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Street Fighter characters. These Gems activate as you get up from a knockdown. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- SF Boost Gem Pack 17 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Street Fighter characters. These Gems activate in all types of situations. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- SF Boost Gem Pack 18 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Street Fighter characters. These Gems activate as you are on the defensive but looking for your chance to strike. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- TK Boost Gem Pack 16 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Tekken characters. If you are being the aggressor in a match, as you attack the effects will activate. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- TK Boost Gem Pack 17 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Tekken characters These Gems activate based on your opponent’s movements. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- TK Boost Gem Pack 18 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Tekken characters. These Gems activate upon countering your opponent’s attacks. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
PS3 Add-ons
- Rare Launch Jersey ($4.99) – Download this costume to dress your Sackboy in this super-rare Launch T-Shirt! Note: To download this costume, you must already own LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita or LittleBigPlanet Karting. Hurry! This is only available for one week!
- Astronaut Costume ($0.00) – One small step for man, one giant leap for sack-kind.
- Birthday Cake Costume ($0.00) – Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday LittleBigPlanet, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu. This cake costume has been made to celebrate the first birthday of LittleBigPlanet.
LittleBigPlanet Karting
- Timesavers Pack ($2.99) – The LittleBigPlanet Karting Timesavers Pack unlocks all the items and creation materials for LittleBigPlanet Karting at once. You can start creating using all the assets available once purchased.
- Online Pass ($9.99) – Thank you for purchasing LittleBigPlanet Karting. Download the LittleBitPlanet Karting Online Pass today to unlock the game’s full online features. You do not need this pass if you purchased a new version of the game.
- Rare Launch Jersey ($4.99) – Download this costume to dress your Sackboy in this super-rare Launch T-Shirt! Note: To download this costume, you must already own LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita or LittleBigPlanet Karting. Hurry! This is only available for one week!
- Birthday Cake Costume ($0.00) – Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday LittleBigPlanet, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu. This cake costume has been made to celebrate the first birthday of LittleBigPlanet.
- Astronaut Costume ($0.00) – One small step for man, one giant leap for sack-kind.
Mugen Souls
- Conspicuous Coordination Set (Free) – Here is a set of equippable items! Become a fashionista! Use these items and have your characters stut the catwalk!
- Undisputed God Prudence Pack 4 (Free) – This is a set of usable items for all you ultimate gods out there who are approaching true divinity!
- Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 5 (Free) – Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission! Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure! This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
- Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 6 (Free) – Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission! Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure! This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!
- Deity! Super Weapon Pack 10 ($1.99) – Overwhelming destructive power! Here is a set of special weapons and armor! Power up your underlings further with these interestingly shaped weapons! Especially great for those who love onions!
- Dreamy! Super Weapon Pack 6 ($1.99) – Overwhelming destructive power! Here is a set of special weapons and armor! Power up your underlings further with these interestingly shaped weapons! Especially great for those who love heros!
- Heaven! Super Weapon Pack 8 ($1.99) – Overwhelming destructive power! Here is a set of special weapons and armor! Power up your underlings further with these interestingly shaped weapons! Especially great for those who love towers!
- Intense! Super Weapon Pack 9 ($1.99) – Overwhelming destructive power! Here is a set of special weapons and armor! Power up your underlings further with these interestingly shaped weapons! Especially great for those who love large hammers!
- Love! Super Weapon Pack 7 ($1.99) – Overwhelming destructive power! Here is a set of special weapons and armor! Power up your underlings further with these interestingly shaped weapons! Especially great for those who love felines!
- G Up Fever Pack 2 ($2.99) – Show me the G Up! We made this set for those of you who feel that way!
- G Fever Pack 2 ($2.99) – Show me the money! We made this set for those of you who feel that way!
- Mugen Point Fever Pack 2 ($2.99) – Show me the Mugen Points! We made this set for those of you who feel that way!
- Point Fever Pack 2 ($2.99) – Here is the set that you have dreamed of a set that compiles all the points into one great pack! Here is a set that contains the currency G, the character strengthening Mugen Points, and the item strengthening G Up!
NASCAR The Game: Inside
- 50 Ticket Pack ($4.99) – Tickets are used in NASCAR The Game: Inside Line to purchase Inside Line Highlights, paint schemes and exchanged for Credits that can be used for Career car enhancements, shop decor and decal packs. The number of tickets needed varies. The larger the quantity purchased, the better the value.
- 120 Ticket Pack ($9.99) – Tickets are used in NASCAR The Game: Inside Line to purchase Inside Line Highlights, paint schemes and exchanged for Credits that can be used for Career car enhancements, shop decor and decal packs. The number of tickets needed varies. The larger the quantity purchased, the better the value.
- 250 Ticket Pack ($19.99) – Tickets are used in NASCAR The Game: Inside Line to purchase Inside Line Highlights, paint schemes and exchanged for Credits that can be used for Career car enhancements, shop decor and decal packs. The number of tickets needed varies. The larger the quantity purchased, the better the value.
- 400 Ticket Pack ($29.99) – Tickets are used in NASCAR The Game: Inside Line to purchase Inside Line Highlights, paint schemes and exchanged for Credits that can be used for Career car enhancements, shop decor and decal packs. The number of tickets needed varies. The larger the quantity purchased, the better the value.
- 750 Ticket Pack ($49.99) – Tickets are used in NASCAR The Game: Inside Line to purchase Inside Line Highlights, paint schemes and exchanged for Credits that can be used for Career car enhancements, shop decor and decal packs. The number of tickets needed varies. The larger the quantity purchased, the better the value.
- Inside Line Pass ($24.99) – The Inside Line Pass gives you access to all of the weekly Inside Line Highlights. Rewind, relive and rewrite NASCAR history. NASCAR The Game: Inside Line utilizes telemetry data to recreate key highlights from the race in precise detail. Each weekly Inside Line Highlights pack contains 3-5 challenges. Kansas, Bristol or Dover do not support telemetry.
Portal 2
- In Motion ($9.99) – Portal 2 In Motion is a DLC campaign for Portal 2 designed by Sixense for use with the high-performance motion tracking of the PlayStation Move motion controller. Building on the characters and world from Valve’s Portal 2, Sixense created Portal 2 In Motion to provide the most intuitive motion control experience ever seen.
Pinball Arcade
- Pack 5: Harley-Davidson and Taxi ($4.99) – This add-on pack includes the pinball tables Harley-Davidson and Taxi. Every flipper, bumper, sound effect, and display pixel has been painstakingly emulated in astonishing detail. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
Rock Band 3 – Build your Rock Band library by purchasing song game tracks. For music credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
- Ants Marching ($1.99) – Dave Matthews Band
- Mercy ($1.99) – Dave Matthews Band
- So Much to Say ($1.99) – Dave Matthews Band
- Dave Matthews Band Pack 01 ($5.49) – This pack includes ‘Ants Marching,’ ‘Mercy,’ and ‘So Much to Say’
- N9 ($0.99) – Devin Townsend
- Planet Smasher ($0.99) – Devin Townsend
- The Greys ($0.99) – Devin Townsend
- Color Your World ($0.99) – Devin Townsend
- The Triangular Race Through Space ($0.99) – An Endless Sporadic
Saints Row The Third: The Full Package
NOTE: These items are only compatible with Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package retail version. Please do not purchase these if you downloaded Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package from PlayStation Store. If you wish to purchase the Unlockable Pack or Bloodsucker Pack for the digital version of Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package, please purchase the items found under Saints Row: The Third (the original game).
- Unlockable Pack ($1.99) – The Unlockable Pack gives access to all unlockable items, upgrades and bonuses that weren’t chosen during normal gameplay. Now you can have it all!
- Online Pass ($9.99) – The Online Pass is included with every new copy of The Full Package, so please check inside your game box for a valid code before purchasing.
- Bloodsucker Pack ($1.99) – Keep the cash flowin’ with the Bloodsucker Pack. You’ll earn respect and get cash bonuses but it doesn’t stop there! You also get payments, money drop, and the ability to regain health through your human shields with The Dracula skill.
Sports Champions 2
- Full Unlock ($1.99) – Download this time saving “Full Unlock” for instant access to all the difficulty modes and events in Cup mode, all additional characters and all unlockable items in Sports Champions 2.
Street Fighter X Tekken
- Color Palette Add-On 9 (Free) – The 9th color pack (4-color set) for character color customization. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- Boost Gem Trial Pack 7 (Free) – A total of 3 Boost Gems that all characters can use. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- SF Boost Gem Pack 16 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Street Fighter characters. These Gems activate as you get up from a knockdown. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- SF Boost Gem Pack 17 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Street Fighter characters. These Gems activate in all types of situations. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- SF Boost Gem Pack 18 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Street Fighter characters. These Gems activate as you are on the defensive but looking for your chance to strike. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- TK Boost Gem Pack 16 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Tekken characters. If you are being the aggressor in a match, as you attack the effects will activate. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- TK Boost Gem Pack 17 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Tekken characters These Gems activate based on your opponent’s movements. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
- TK Boost Gem Pack 18 ($0.99) – 10 Boost Gems exclusively for Tekken characters. These Gems activate upon countering your opponent’s attacks. Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
Sniper Elite V2
- Weapons Pack ($1.99) – This pack contains three new weapons – the M1 Carbine (US Rifle), the MP44 (German SMG) and the Webley Mk6 Revolver (British Pistol). Play to their strengths, plan ahead, and make every bullet count.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Bonus Movies – Tekken 4 ($3.49) – A collection of movies taken from TEKKEN 4! Check them out any time you like through the in-game GALLERY mode.
- Bonus Movies – Tekken 5 ($3.49) – A collection of movies taken from TEKKEN 5! Check them out any time you like through the in-game GALLERY mode.
- Bonus Movies – Tekken 6 ($3.49) – A collection of movies taken from TEKKEN 6! Check them out any time you like through the in-game GALLERY mode.
- Bonus Movies Pack 2 ($5.99) – A collection of movies taken from TEKKEN 4, TEKKEN 5, and TEKKEN 6! Check them out any time you like through the in-game GALLERY mode.
Worms Revolution
- Mars Pack ($4.99) – Extend your single player experience as you take on more missions in this one giant leap for wormkind. Experience new missions, weapons, customization and more.
Game Videos (Free)
- Puppeteer Halloween Trailer
- UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition Trailer
PS3 Avatars
- MLB The Show – American League Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Arizona Diamondbacks Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Atlanta Braves Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Baltimore Orioles Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Boston Red Sox Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Chicago Cubs Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Chicago White Sox Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Cincinnati Reds Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Cleveland Indians Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Colorado Rockies Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Detroit Tigers Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Houston Astros Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Kansas City Royals Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Los Angeles Angels Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Los Angeles Dodgers Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Miami Marlins Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Milwaukee Brewers Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Minnesota Twins Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – MLB 12 Baseball Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – MLB 12 Logo Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – National League Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – New York Mets Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – New York Yankees Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Oakland Athletics Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Philadelphia Phillies Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Pittsburg Pirates Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – San Diego Padres Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – San Francisco Giants Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Seattle Mariners Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – St. Louis Cardinals Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Tampa Bay Rays Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Texas Rangers Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Toronto Blue Jays Avatar — $0.49
- MLB The Show – Washington Nationals Avatar — $0.49
- Sports Champions 2 Archery Avatar — $0.49
- Sports Champions 2 Bowling Avatar — $0.49
- Sports Champions 2 Boxing Avatar — $0.49
- Sports Champions 2 Ski Avatar — $0.49
- Sports Champions 2 Tennis Avatar — $0.49
PS3 Themes
- Abstract Color Bounce Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Abstract Midnight Rain Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Abstract Radiant Rainwater Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Race Bikes Static Theme — $1.99
- Spooky Cuties Static Theme — $1.99
- When Vikings Attack! Dynamic Theme — $2.99
Available In-Game Only (Not on PlayStation Store)
- MAGIC 2013 DECK PACK 1 ($2.99)
Rock Band 3
- Ants Marching ($0.99) – Pro Guitar (In Game Only) – Dave Matthews Band
Reel Steel
- REAL STEEL MING ARM LV.5 (L) — $1.99
- REAL STEEL MING ARM LV.5 (R) — $1.99
- REAL STEEL OMNI 5000 — $1.99
- REAL STEEL OMNI 6000 — $1.99
Sigh. I was really looking for to Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus. I suppose it’s another week of waiting. Does anyone know when it might release in NA and pricing?
RE5 also showing it is $29.99 fix it asap i must play lol
Resident Evil 5 shows that it’s free for Plus members (inside the store), but when I add it to my cart, the price is $19.99. Fix?
Navigating the store today was the worst experience I’ve had with my PS3 in the last 3 years. Constantly adding and removing filters in hopes that I will find what I’m looking for and not miss anything. So bad…
so can i download the 1 hour trial until u guys fix it?
hey Morgan Europeean psn users got the ability to add funds to their wallet by paypal when the new store released I wanna know why it’s not available for U.S. psn users?
bring the old store back……..got to my destination like in 5 seconds, it takes minutes to find what u want in this new one. still being charged 30 bucks for RE5…….
Hey Morgan, Capcom’s DLC SFxTekken fiasco should be fixed today, according to this post (and Sony’s costumer support…).
Bought the game on day one, and it came with no previously promissed Dlc (addicional characters and costumes).
A fix is due to today, november 6. Any news on that?
That’s why digital sales get a bad rep…
It sure would be awesome if sort by release date worked properly and didn’t show last weeks stuff first, more advertising for AC3 perhaps? Wait, I take that awesome back, it sure would be awesome if finding DLC wasn’t a chore. Old store back, now. Sony likes money? I like spending money, old store, now.
Why in the nine rat farts of Hades isn’t there a more efficient way to view DLC?
Let’s take TTT2’s DLC that came out today, go to addons, sort by release date, oh hi Benedict Arnold and midget hackers golf or whatever crap that was from last week, about 19 pages down there it was. Great. I wondered how the search function would help save me time for future reference, maybe being more efficient. So I type in T E K K E N, hmm TTT2 not listed under top results, oh hey there buddy all the way at the bottom, but that’s okay daddy found you. Hmm, go to game page, today’s DLC isn’t there…..
So this new store is essentially a labyrinth, come to the website, find out what has been released, then navigate the tortorous halls until you find the golden money sink.
Fantastic. Perhaps with the PS4 you guys can make the power switch have a padlock on it that randomly changes combinations.
Sorry, here’s the post from Capcom-Unity http://www.capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2012/10/29/street-fighter-x-tekken-ps-vita-dlc-update
Am i the only one that liked the old store more than the horrible new one? It’s a mess!! I hate it!
Everyone saying that RE5 is not free. You have to select ” Free game Trial “. go to check out and bam !!!!! Free. I just went onto the store, broused for RE5 & Epic Mickey 2 Demo, added em to my download list and thats it. The store is very solid for me. More streamlined, everything I need is well seperated and well detailed. I like It…..
Oh what a shock. The god-awful new PS Store (now with load times and framerate issues!) is a total failure in its very first week. The New Releases link takes you to either LAST WEEK’S new releases or just the last year in PS3 stuff in general; there’s no sign of the Pinball Arcade DLC that I can find; and Darksiders 2’s “Abyssal Forge” DLC is STILL not available for free to us Season Passholders as promised.
What a complete and total mess, Sony. This new layout is awful, the store runs like **** now, and you can’t FIND anything easily anymore. And all to rip-off Microsoft’s awful online store (which is SOMEHOW better than the PS Store now).
Hey, cant download Resident Evil on Ps3, show the ps plus simbol and “free” but when i try to checkout i need to pay 29.99. What is going on???
The promised Street Fighter X Tekken DLC content please. Waited 2 weeks for it and I still don’t have it. Please reply.
Not by a longshot fede01_8.
The store says free, but is still charging me 30.00 for RE5.
I just got charged full price for the Resident Evil 5 game and I am a plus member and have been for a long time. I would like my money back since it said it is free and apparently it is not!! Also when do we see the $20 back from spending $100 last month? Please respond to me ASAP, thank you.
I got the RE Anthology on release day, so getting RE5 does not benefit me personally, but I am happy for those who will enjoy it. Cannot wait for the Vita+ to kick in, keep up the good work SCEA.
okay RE5 GE is now working for free I was only able to access it by pressing on whats new in the XMB and going to RE5 GE free for plus subscribers TRY IT OUT EVERYONE!
@#33 (Omii132):
That happened to me too, with MotorStorm RC. It appears as if I haven’t purchased it.
Where are the PSone classics?
Ok, This new Store ( That Really Sux ) , Doesn’t know I’m Ps+ member .. It keeps making me try to pay for R.E. Gold.. Need a Fix here..
yeah re5 still says 29.99.in cart
logo has the price crossed off and “free”, but not in cart
I just finished it and now in my download list free follow my advice on comment 117
Where are the good PS2 classics? I bought and love Persona 3 but that’s all there is…the rest aren’t anything to talk about. I know the GTA VC and SA will come sometime. I want to see Star Ocean 3, Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2, Dark Cloud etc…
Well, I already voiced my displeasure with the new store on that thread, but that was before this latest failure with RE5G. Way to go, SNEA…
It would be nice if you guys only posted this article AFTER the Store actually updated :l
Add me to the list of people that can’t download RE5 for free. It’s only giving me an option to buy it for $29.99. I hope this gets resolved soon.
RE5 is full game trial. Payday: The Heist: PS+ edition.
It would make much better sense to post this article AFTER the Store actually updated :l Would that be so hard?
Hey Morgan,
RE5 Gold Edition just charged me $29.99 and I am a PS+ member. How can I get a refund on the amount? Hmm, just noticed that my gold plus symbol is missing from my ACIII avatar. My PS+ doesn’t expire until 2/2014 since I got an extra year from the Playstation Card promotion.
I guess I answered my own question about the RE5 Gold Edition charging me. Just need help getting my PS+ back! Any thoughts?
Please give us some info on the crackle app for unoted states please.
Okay im about to flip out wth playstation i thought i could count on the ps+ on ps vita but nohing can we get a release date at lease
Guys. I’m a PSN Plus user, but can’t download Resident Evil 5 in the plus section for free, the store tries to chargue me with $29.99. Also, many products i have got free thanks to plus, like Farcry 2, try to chargue me for their full price as well. I can still get them trough my download list (except for Resident Evil 5), but since it doesn’t has a search options it’s very time consuming just to reach a particular game of my collection, well, it’s a huge step backwards in usability.
Those issues are to be expected in the new store or i’m experiencing bugs ?. I never had issues like those in the old store.
My plus subscription is in perfect shape, so to say ( other games and content obtained trough plus work perfectly), these issues are very confusing.
Yeah, I’m also one of those who hate the new layout. It’s ridiculously slow and convoluted. The one thing that desperately needed an upgrade (the “Downloads” section) didn’t get one and I don’t know if it’s a problem of the layout or what but I’m also being charged for RE5 GE even though it says “Free” on the storefront and I’m a PS Plus member.
So, are you guys going to keep ignoring all the comments regarding issues and only replying to those who praise you or are you going to at the very least pretend you’re looking into the problems?
Hmmm weird, now my gold PS+ symbol is back! LOL! I guess I just need to figure out why I was charged for RE5 Gold Edition now.
So, what it says above its a lie, RE5 GE its free, it keeps charging me, Sony fix it!!!!!!!!!!
U-E-N-D-I-L — I tried to download RE5 from the XMB like you suggested but its still trying to charge me. I guess it’s only working for certain people.
@ #110 broodwars:
For the Pinball Arcade DLC, follow this trail:
Games > PS3 Add-Ons > Levels, Etc.
It’s the first item.
Ridiculous, I know. But at least it’s there.
@JaredLucas1984 I have it download as we speak when you went in did you let the store load fully and did you see the wording free when you pressed?
First time posting here, wanted to say thanks to the guy for comment #117 on the workaround to download RE5 for free instead of getting charged $30.
I must say I’m very unimpressed thus far with the new store layout and how it’s not working right. It’s put a dent in my goodwill towards Sony.
And now the crap with the store and RE5 charging everyone GIVE ME PS+ ON PS VITA ALREADY !!!!!! (upset)
Pinball Arcade pack 5 is a no show on PS3. Only the Vita version is available.
Morgan could you answer this please?
When will be fixed the Sonic Adventure 2 and NiGHTS free theme? It was stated that either theme would be free with the purchase of either game, Kristine told me that the support team were looking into this issue!
Bts, Sega stated that!
Thank you
Thanks U-E-N-D-I-L. Had to hit the Trial Version and then the game showed up on my list.
Not that I actually want to play it, but RE5 is not showing up as “free” so I can clam it in case I ever do want it.
Also the add-ons section needs to be organized by game like the old store used to have.It’s ridiculous to make me wade through all that SF X T crap to get to the new DLC I’m looking for.
1) In the PS Store, Select “Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition”
2) Select the FULL GAME TRIAL
3) Go through the process of purchasing the 60-Minute Full Free Trial
4) Select “View Download” or “View Download List”
5) VIOLA! Your 60 Minute Full Free Trial has become the FULL GAME (no longer a trial).
6) Download (like I’m doing right now) and ENJOY!
Thanks U-E-N-D-I-L :) that worked.
@88 – it’s not with the downloading of the game, it’s during the install. There is a yellow icon on the left-hand side of the Install bubble for Infamous and Wipeout, and these two titles uniquely have that icon. Once downloaded, they only suggest copying the game to a PSP system (which isn’t possible). I’ve tried manually installing it by hitting Triangle as well.
It says free when I select it, it takes me to the re5 overview screen where I can choose add to cart 29.99 or full game trial. When I add it to my cart it says free on the left with the re logo but on the right it says total purchase price 29.99