Tired of missing all the amazing comebacks, big plays and not being able to follow your fantasy team players in real time? Don’t worry. Everyone makes halftime adjustments, and you can too. Starting today, DIRECTV’s NFL SUNDAY TICKET streamed in full HD to PS3 owners, is available for just $149.95 (reduced from the season start price of $299.95).
If you’re already an NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX subscriber through DIRECTV and haven’t yet linked your account with your PlayStation 3, you can download the app from the PlayStation Store for free to access all the live streaming out-of-market games and premium content like the NFL Network’s RED ZONE Channel. In addition, you can access on-demand options like game and player stats, highlights, standings, and the full season schedule.
If DIRECTV service is unavailable in your area, you can purchase a subscription to NFL SUNDAY TICKET right through PlayStation Network on your PS3 at the discounted half-season price of $149.95. So if you want to watch NFL SUNDAY TICKET right on the PlayStation Network at an amazing price, this is your chance. Head into the PlayStation Store today to get your $149.95 NFL SUNDAY TICKET subscription before this Sunday’s games, so you don’t miss another minute of action this season.
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