We interrupt your regular scheduled blog content with a gentle reminder from Helghast Autarch Scolar Visari:
“My people… Sons and daughters of Helghan… Today is a glorious day for our nation. For many years, our history was incomplete – divided, fragmented, and split up over multiple platforms. But on this day, the record of our great struggle is made whole. On this day, Killzone Trilogy is released for PlayStation 3!
Experience the power of the Third Helghast Army in the original Killzone, remastered in majestic HD. Witness the tyranny of the ISA as it attempts to seize Helghan in Killzone 2. Tremble before the awesome might of the Helghast war machine in Killzone 3. Then, go online and smite the enemy on any of the enclosed DLC multiplayer maps!
In honor of this momentous occasion, I have declared the coming weekend a Double XP Weekend. All acts of valor in online multiplayer matches of Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 shall be doubly rewarded! Go online and strike at your foes without fear or hesitation… Remind them, with every bullet fired and every drop of blood spilt, that Helghan belongs to the Helghast!”
You heard the man! The Killzone Trilogy bundle is now available in stores for $39.99; Killzone HD is also separately available from the PlayStation Store for $14.99. The Double XP Weekend starts on Friday, October 26th at 9:30pm Pacific, so make sure you mark it on your calendar. You wouldn’t want to upset the Autarch…
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