PlayStation Plus Gets PAYDAY: The Heist, The Unfinished Swan Early Access
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
34Author Replies
By now, you should have already tackled NFL Blitz which came in free for Plus members earlier this month. You should also make sure to download one of the best fighters in the genre, King of Fighters XIII, which is also free for Plus members. With tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update, you’ll want to get your blueprints out and cover up those fingerprints because you’ll be robbing some banks (in video game form of course) courtesy of PAYDAY: The Heist, coming free to Plus members! You’ll also be able to get Unfinished Swan before anyone else this week. That said, there’s much more so let’s get to it.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or click here to get access.
October 16th PlayStation Plus Update
PAYDAY: The Heist
Free for PlayStation Plus Members
Dive full force into six heists of co-op madness, fighting off cops, stealing large sums of money and embarking on the ultimate high-intensity, first-person shooter adventure. You can play all the ‘heists’ solo if you like, or team up with friends on your friends list, or get your matchmaking on and work together as a group to pull off the crime.
The Unfinished Swan
Exclusive Early Release; Price: $14.99
The Unfinished Swan is a first-person painting game that begins in a totally white space; but as you throw globs of paint to explore the world, you’ll discover that the surreal, unfinished world that you inhabit is more than meets the eye. Plus members will get to be the first to discuss what this game is all about with the gaming community; so don’t miss out. The game will be released for all of PSN on 10/23.
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
Exclusive Beta Access
It’s time! We need your help in getting PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale prepped for showtime when it releases on PS3 and PS Vita on November 20th. Get a taste of the full game with 2v2 and 4 player online tournaments and choose from Kratos, Sweet Tooth, Radec, Sly, PaRappa and Fat Princess as you fight in Metropolis or Hades for victory. You’ll also get to check out the Cross Play functionality since this beta access works for both PS3 and PS Vita! The beta ends at 10/30 at 11:59pm PST, so get in while you can!
007 Legends
10% Discount (Regular Price: $59.99, PS Plus Price: $53.99)
As part of the door busting Day 1 Digital event, Plus members can snag the lowest price around on this new PS3 Full Game title, releasing the same day on PSN as it is at retail. Gamers and Bond aficionados alike will become James Bond reliving iconic and intense undercover missions from throughout the entire Bond film franchise including ones from the upcoming new Bond movie, “Skyfall”.
Caravan of the Dead – PlayStation Store Halloween Sale
Various (spooky) Games and Add-Ons With Extra Discounts for Plus Members
Time to celebrate Halloween with some of gaming’s most outlandishly ghoulish titles. This sale is for all of PSN, but Plus members will have the best discounts; many from 50% – 75% off the regular price. Find great games like the Costume Quest complete bundle for just $3.75, inFAMOUS Festival of Blood at a steal of a price at $2.50, and Dead Space 2 at $9.79. The sale ends 10/30. Here’s the full breakdown:
PSN Sale Price
Plus Sale Price
Dead Space 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection: Content Pack
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record
Plants vs. Zombies PS Vita
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
The House of the Dead Bundle
Zen Pinball 2 PS Vita Monsters Bundle (The Paranormal, Sorcerer’s Lair and Plants vs. Zombies)
Costume Quest complete bundle
Dead Nation
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
inFAMOUS Festival of Blood
Monster World IV (Plus Price: $1.00 – 80% off) and SEGA Rally Arcade (Plus Price $2.99 – 70% off the regular store price of $9.99)
Exclusive Discounts for Plus Members
Our friends at SEGA once again deliver gaming goodness at a price you can’t resist. With the Master System classic Monster World IV and the more recent arcade hit SEGA Rally Arcade seeing deep discounts. I encourage everyone to check out these titles.
That’s it for this week. Make sure you check out tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update post to see all the details for this week’s Plus update, and come back next week when we’ll have more great Plus news to share. See you in the comments!
@ + hawkthehunter …… Yeah boarderlands is a awesome series I platinum the first one ages ago and still love it but once I bought boarderlands 2 it fixed most of ALL my minor complaints of the first one and at the moment its my favorite game. My older daughters love playing coop on it with me. They love collecting all the loop and trading guns between one another lol. My 11 year old daughter thinks she is a master at getting me to trade her my good guns for her crappy ones and I’m like I DON’T THINK SO homegirl but she tries to fool me a lot and laughs. Its a great coop game thats for sure. I highly recommend it. Both of them.
How about a Halloween sale on Siren: Blood Curse? It’s pretty ridiculous that a 2008 game is still selling for full price in the first place. Things like that are why console gamers are so resistant to the idea of going fully-digital while more and more PC gamers embrace Steam every day.
I vote yes to Monopoly Streets on a plus sale or the IGC …. for families that would be a good title …. if anyone discovers the store has updated, please post here so we can get those downloads started …. hope my son & I can coop online with All Stars demo ….
Morgan, its hard to believe that you hear everyone, because you only reply to positive comments and kind of ignores the criticism, i mean, the only thing you do is say that next week will be better, witch kind of makes it worse when its not, you never speak the reason NA ps+ receives soh little Full games, and repeats itself on the 2d arcade stile, i’m shure there are people that really like what you’re offering, but ps plus should try to please at least a little every one, if you want to make a survey, why dont you as us if we prefer full games or psn, then if the response it’s psn no one can argue about that.
Hope you can reply to this comment, i think its a good oportunity for you to calm down the most unsatisfied subscrivers.
Hi guys, i was hoping someone could explain to me why I don’t see the awesomeness of the updated Playstation store. I did see the maintenance notice last night when I tried to access the store. I am particularly interested in the Free payday game. I already own it but I’ve tried to get my buds to buy the game, and since he’s a plus member, he should have no qualms about getting it now. But am I the only one who can’t access it or is there others with this similar issue?
Shocker!!! USA PS + members does not get no Red Dead Redemption AGAIN. Man Sony just does not care about US Playstation members at all. Just stuck with another lame game AGAIN!!!!! They will NEVER learn. So sad!
Preach on brother, i have been saying what your talking about over and over again and seems no one listens, the one comment by staff basically just writes yes we are listening to all…….However if they are listening then who is actually doing something about the overwhelming people that are bitter.
How long will King of Fighters and PAyday be free for PS+?
My PS+ ran out a week ago because I signed up for the ps credit card to get the free subscription and am waiting impatiently to get my code. Called sony rewards to find out that they don’t have the deal on record even though I have my Playstation card….Suppose to get a call tomorrow from CS so hopefully i’ll be signed up soon. Not sure what went wrong with my sign up but the discounts are excellent and can’t wait to pick up the pinball tables and tales from space on my Vita.
He barely responds to criticism because what is there to say? He works for SOE, but he doesnt run the place.
Also, they cant just DECIDE to give away games from other publishers, there has to be an agreement in place 1st. For all we know publishers are okay giving away games in EU because their research has shown yuros have greater attatch rates, or whatever goofy reason. I’m glad it isn’t retail games here, you can get older discs cheap, or pirate them on pc/Xbox, psn games mostly can only be had through one means, the psn.
At this point RDR is 2 years old, how poor and friendless are these people who need it free now?
Look @ what you few ninnycompoops have done now. Uncle Morgan is mad and is laying the banhammer down! And he went back in time to do it, too. His post #364 is hours before post #363.
I lost track of this blog since yesterday, and to catch up just read the last page. It is so funny I’m going to read what I’ve missed.
Gamer “sbh23”. You are awesome. The rarest of entities, an educated gamer who knows the proper use of our language. Please post more often.
@Slickety–missed you! You haven’t posted as much in the last couple weeks so I wondered what happened. I like a fighter (verbal only please. No silly virtual threats) especially when they’re usually wrong but keep fighting anyway. Much preferable to the angry-at-the-world teens who come on here everyday just to post 1 or 2 sentence complaints. I would feel sorry for their parents if it wasn’t so obvious they caused the problem.
Fight on, as those d*mn Trojans say. (just kidding, some of my best friends went to USC)
Ok was just wondering i live in Grand Rapids MI and its October 16 and in my psn plus store it dosent have PAYDAY: The Heist in it for me soo whts goin???
PS+ is a must buy for any serious gamer. I like being surprised with what we are getting week to week. Ive been a member for over a year and its paid for itself 10x over.
Im excited to find out about getting the unfinished swan early. I will be be purchasing it, for sure.
Guess I’ll spend another week on the side of the fence thats not too impressed with October’s plus lineup. Well, if there was one thing I did appreciate it was a couple of bucks off of Tokyo Jungle. Great game. Payday is fun too if you find a good set of guys who actually use their mics so I can kinda recommend it to people.
Anyways, I can only hope to personally like something in next weeks update, if RE5 or the like never delivers then I’ll grab it on PC
Thanks, I don’t post much because this place is maddening. I just don’t understand most of the comments, it seems like people think $5 is some princely sum that entitles us to an unyielding stream of AAA retail games. While I am surprised there isn’t more cross promotion like Borderlands & LBP being free right before the sequel hits to drum up interest, I don’ make angry posts about it.
Like when KOF was the free game last week, I have zero interest in fighting games , but I’m happy for those who do. If they release RDR, I won’t rage that it’s old, or that I already own it, I’ll be happy for those who are about to have their face melt off from the sheer awesomeness of it.
@shb23 look, the fact that he runs this section of the blog makes him responsable on at least answering our doubts, if the reason for us to have less full games is indeed what your hipotesis says, the all he had to do is say that, “for legal reasons we cant give you so many full games”, people would be disappointed, but not responding is worse, because makes people get mad, and fell like they’re been deceived, i know that they dont like to say “we cant get you something”, becouse may lead to people stop buying ps+, but its a matter of respecting they’r custumers, and also, you may think its so much better many psn games, thats you opinion, but sayng that you dont want full games becouse you can “pirate them on pc/Xbox” may be your excuse, but not all gamers are in favor of piracy. The reason people want full games, it’s because they’re worth more than psn games, so its a better deal, if they would put so many psn games, they could put more, to compensate on the difference of price between a full game.
So I know I saw one other person having the problem, but do we have to do anything special to get the store to update? I cant see any of the new content from my Vita or my PS3.
I predict that the update will happen around 2pm west coast time. But they technically have all of the business day if they feel like it.
I have noticed even if it is not showing in the Plus section of the store you can do a search for the game and most times it will have the plus icon already attached. Not always but the last few games I have downloaded I did the search and it was ready that way but not in the plus section yet.
He works for people, I doubt they encourage their forum moderators to get too in depth about the reasons.
It’s all subjective, the “value” of games. You can get RDR used very cheap, plus even if we attach a full price retail value to it, if a person hates Rockstar games then what is the perceived value? There is no concensus game, all they can do is offer variety and hope a majority is happy.
And I wasn’t promoting piracy, I detest it, I was merely pointing out the real world ability to get ahold of multi-plarform through a variety of means.
@Morgan Haro Somehow they seem to overlook the “Open to everyone, but don’t be a jerk.” that is right next to the comment box :P What I don’t understand is why everyone is always hating on you as if you’re the one making all the decisions about plus :S And frankly I consider every game I’ve gotten with plus so far (except for virtua fighter) to be plus worthy, sure they may not all be in my taste but I wouldn’t go as far as saying they’re bad games. I got my 50$ worth within my first month of plus, so no complaints here!
P.S You should add “and don’t shoot the messenger” under “don’t be a jerk” though I guess that’s just another rule many would ignore lol
That’s one of the things EU is doing better though, they have more verity, and they have had RPGs, Shooters, and a racing game, while the US has given us 4 fighting games. I don’t like fighting games but I understand that some people do but 4 fighting games is just to many when we haven’t gotten a rpg or a racing game yet.
Thanks! I got the games to work using your method. Just download it again then cancel the download immediately. When they activate the download, they updated the game’s expiry date.
Not to add fuel to fire but I want to feedback something to Morgan.
Two of the major difference I see between the EU and US blog are:
1) The blog posters reply a lot more to the comments. I know Morgan you mentioned last week that you have more responsibilities than just posting these blogs and I understand that, but I’m just saying…
2) This is a good one. For those who kept bashing people who comments about what games they want, listen up. The EU blog posters ASKS WHAT GAMES the commenters would like to see on a sale, and although they may not always be able to get everything that was asked of them, some of the games that were thrown out there by the commenters do end up in the sale the following week.
I just want to say people need to stop complaining so much. I’ve been very happy with the content I’ve gotten. Definitely more than $100 worth of games over the past 8 months. So thank you for all great games guys. I do have one unrelated question. My friend said they’re releasing a Collection of all 3 mass effect games and I’m wondering if you’ll be able to get the first one separately since i already own 2 and 3 for ps3. Thanks!
The crappy updates continue excuse me if I don’t jump up and celebrate yet another useless game that I already have. Every time I see an update I hope something decent will be included only to realize it’s worthless and I’m left annoyed by the fact that I actually spent money on this PS+ trash.
@shb23 well, like i said before, thats one of the problems of the current NA PS+, there is no varieti, you sai RDR would have people that don like it, well, the current games have many people that don like it, so, you’re just pointing the problem that already exists, thats why they should put more game stiles on the list, racing, rpg, rockstasr stile, if they could do that variety with the psn games you would cut the complais by half, another thing, i never said anithing about RDR until now, all i said is that we should receve proportionally to PS+ EU, thats it, people just want PS+ NA to be comparable with EU, so if the majority of people on NA prefer PSN games, so be it, but, i dont think thats reality, if they did a survey, then it would be easyer for them and for us to see what NA wants, and if you dont agree with that, instead of waiting for it to change you just change your subscription
@shb23 well, like i said before, thats one of the problems of the current NA PS+, there is no varieti, you say RDR would have people that don like it, well, the current games have many people that don like it, so, you’re just pointing the problem that already exists, thats why they should put more game stiles on the list, racing, rpg, rockstar style, if they could do that variety with the psn games you would cut the complaints by half, another thing, i never said anything about RDR until now, all i said is that we should receive proportionally to PS+ EU, thats it, people just want PS+ NA to be comparable with EU, so if the majority of people on NA prefer PSN games, so be it, but, i dont think thats reality, if they did a survey, then it would be easyer for them and for us to see what NA wants, and if you dont agree with that, instead of waiting for it to change you just change your subscription
Hey there Captain Morgan. Any sort of update on the update? The day is well over half way done and there isn’t any new content or store layout as of yet. :D
I’m glad Amazon started selling the PSN cards and PS+ cards again. Been such a long time. I haven’t bought anything from the PS store because of that reason alone, and I wasn’t wanting to put in my CC info on the Sony site for security reasons and always forgot to buy em in store.
Don’t know why it stopped, but glad it’s back on Amazon. Time to download some new games and perhaps be a PS+ member. :)
Customer service told me a couple minutes ago that the update will be later on tonight or tommorow morning i don’t know why i pre ordered Doom 3 bfg from the psn. I will be playing this game a day after it’s release even though i pre ordered thanx sony
Glad to see you are being vigilant about things Morgan. Also awesome update, 6$ less in my wallet till I re-up, and I can get Infamous FoB, AMY, and Monster World 4, now that’s amazing.
@ + hawkthehunter …… Yeah boarderlands is a awesome series I platinum the first one ages ago and still love it but once I bought boarderlands 2 it fixed most of ALL my minor complaints of the first one and at the moment its my favorite game. My older daughters love playing coop on it with me. They love collecting all the loop and trading guns between one another lol. My 11 year old daughter thinks she is a master at getting me to trade her my good guns for her crappy ones and I’m like I DON’T THINK SO homegirl but she tries to fool me a lot and laughs. Its a great coop game thats for sure. I highly recommend it. Both of them.
Meant loot not loop lol
How about a Halloween sale on Siren: Blood Curse? It’s pretty ridiculous that a 2008 game is still selling for full price in the first place. Things like that are why console gamers are so resistant to the idea of going fully-digital while more and more PC gamers embrace Steam every day.
Glad I waited… I’ve been considering buying Payday for the last year! HAHA
I vote yes to Monopoly Streets on a plus sale or the IGC …. for families that would be a good title …. if anyone discovers the store has updated, please post here so we can get those downloads started …. hope my son & I can coop online with All Stars demo ….
Morgan, its hard to believe that you hear everyone, because you only reply to positive comments and kind of ignores the criticism, i mean, the only thing you do is say that next week will be better, witch kind of makes it worse when its not, you never speak the reason NA ps+ receives soh little Full games, and repeats itself on the 2d arcade stile, i’m shure there are people that really like what you’re offering, but ps plus should try to please at least a little every one, if you want to make a survey, why dont you as us if we prefer full games or psn, then if the response it’s psn no one can argue about that.
Hope you can reply to this comment, i think its a good oportunity for you to calm down the most unsatisfied subscrivers.
The Playstation Allstar for vita… Do you need PS Plus to download it too?
All Stars Vita version demo is for everyone with or without plus membership …. so you’re in luck. :-)
Why don’t I see the reflected prices on sale??? Everything on my Vita store is full price still…. Whats the deal yo?
Mmm … interesting is a long way to update the store?
Hi guys, i was hoping someone could explain to me why I don’t see the awesomeness of the updated Playstation store. I did see the maintenance notice last night when I tried to access the store. I am particularly interested in the Free payday game. I already own it but I’ve tried to get my buds to buy the game, and since he’s a plus member, he should have no qualms about getting it now. But am I the only one who can’t access it or is there others with this similar issue?
Shocker!!! USA PS + members does not get no Red Dead Redemption AGAIN. Man Sony just does not care about US Playstation members at all. Just stuck with another lame game AGAIN!!!!! They will NEVER learn. So sad!
Wow i think Slick T is feeling what i feel.
Preach on brother, i have been saying what your talking about over and over again and seems no one listens, the one comment by staff basically just writes yes we are listening to all…….However if they are listening then who is actually doing something about the overwhelming people that are bitter.
How long will King of Fighters and PAyday be free for PS+?
My PS+ ran out a week ago because I signed up for the ps credit card to get the free subscription and am waiting impatiently to get my code. Called sony rewards to find out that they don’t have the deal on record even though I have my Playstation card….Suppose to get a call tomorrow from CS so hopefully i’ll be signed up soon. Not sure what went wrong with my sign up but the discounts are excellent and can’t wait to pick up the pinball tables and tales from space on my Vita.
He barely responds to criticism because what is there to say? He works for SOE, but he doesnt run the place.
Also, they cant just DECIDE to give away games from other publishers, there has to be an agreement in place 1st. For all we know publishers are okay giving away games in EU because their research has shown yuros have greater attatch rates, or whatever goofy reason. I’m glad it isn’t retail games here, you can get older discs cheap, or pirate them on pc/Xbox, psn games mostly can only be had through one means, the psn.
At this point RDR is 2 years old, how poor and friendless are these people who need it free now?
Look @ what you few ninnycompoops have done now. Uncle Morgan is mad and is laying the banhammer down! And he went back in time to do it, too. His post #364 is hours before post #363.
I lost track of this blog since yesterday, and to catch up just read the last page. It is so funny I’m going to read what I’ve missed.
Gamer “sbh23”. You are awesome. The rarest of entities, an educated gamer who knows the proper use of our language. Please post more often.
@Slickety–missed you! You haven’t posted as much in the last couple weeks so I wondered what happened. I like a fighter (verbal only please. No silly virtual threats) especially when they’re usually wrong but keep fighting anyway. Much preferable to the angry-at-the-world teens who come on here everyday just to post 1 or 2 sentence complaints. I would feel sorry for their parents if it wasn’t so obvious they caused the problem.
Fight on, as those d*mn Trojans say. (just kidding, some of my best friends went to USC)
Ok was just wondering i live in Grand Rapids MI and its October 16 and in my psn plus store it dosent have PAYDAY: The Heist in it for me soo whts goin???
“OH”, hee, hee. Uncle Morgan’s banhammer is some kind of special floating post. Wow, didn’t know you could do that, UM.
PS+ is a must buy for any serious gamer. I like being surprised with what we are getting week to week. Ive been a member for over a year and its paid for itself 10x over.
Im excited to find out about getting the unfinished swan early. I will be be purchasing it, for sure.
This is great. I cant wait to play Payday. I might even take advantage of those great discounts.
Guess I’ll spend another week on the side of the fence thats not too impressed with October’s plus lineup. Well, if there was one thing I did appreciate it was a couple of bucks off of Tokyo Jungle. Great game. Payday is fun too if you find a good set of guys who actually use their mics so I can kinda recommend it to people.
Anyways, I can only hope to personally like something in next weeks update, if RE5 or the like never delivers then I’ll grab it on PC
Thanks, I don’t post much because this place is maddening. I just don’t understand most of the comments, it seems like people think $5 is some princely sum that entitles us to an unyielding stream of AAA retail games. While I am surprised there isn’t more cross promotion like Borderlands & LBP being free right before the sequel hits to drum up interest, I don’ make angry posts about it.
Like when KOF was the free game last week, I have zero interest in fighting games , but I’m happy for those who do. If they release RDR, I won’t rage that it’s old, or that I already own it, I’ll be happy for those who are about to have their face melt off from the sheer awesomeness of it.
@shb23 look, the fact that he runs this section of the blog makes him responsable on at least answering our doubts, if the reason for us to have less full games is indeed what your hipotesis says, the all he had to do is say that, “for legal reasons we cant give you so many full games”, people would be disappointed, but not responding is worse, because makes people get mad, and fell like they’re been deceived, i know that they dont like to say “we cant get you something”, becouse may lead to people stop buying ps+, but its a matter of respecting they’r custumers, and also, you may think its so much better many psn games, thats you opinion, but sayng that you dont want full games becouse you can “pirate them on pc/Xbox” may be your excuse, but not all gamers are in favor of piracy. The reason people want full games, it’s because they’re worth more than psn games, so its a better deal, if they would put so many psn games, they could put more, to compensate on the difference of price between a full game.
So I know I saw one other person having the problem, but do we have to do anything special to get the store to update? I cant see any of the new content from my Vita or my PS3.
What time they usually update the psn?
Yes, play nice.
Now update update update update.
I predict that the update will happen around 2pm west coast time. But they technically have all of the business day if they feel like it.
I have noticed even if it is not showing in the Plus section of the store you can do a search for the game and most times it will have the plus icon already attached. Not always but the last few games I have downloaded I did the search and it was ready that way but not in the plus section yet.
He works for people, I doubt they encourage their forum moderators to get too in depth about the reasons.
It’s all subjective, the “value” of games. You can get RDR used very cheap, plus even if we attach a full price retail value to it, if a person hates Rockstar games then what is the perceived value? There is no concensus game, all they can do is offer variety and hope a majority is happy.
And I wasn’t promoting piracy, I detest it, I was merely pointing out the real world ability to get ahold of multi-plarform through a variety of means.
@Morgan Haro Somehow they seem to overlook the “Open to everyone, but don’t be a jerk.” that is right next to the comment box :P What I don’t understand is why everyone is always hating on you as if you’re the one making all the decisions about plus :S And frankly I consider every game I’ve gotten with plus so far (except for virtua fighter) to be plus worthy, sure they may not all be in my taste but I wouldn’t go as far as saying they’re bad games. I got my 50$ worth within my first month of plus, so no complaints here!
P.S You should add “and don’t shoot the messenger” under “don’t be a jerk” though I guess that’s just another rule many would ignore lol
i tired searching for the game but it didnt have the plus sign iam looking forwrd to playing payday
That’s one of the things EU is doing better though, they have more verity, and they have had RPGs, Shooters, and a racing game, while the US has given us 4 fighting games. I don’t like fighting games but I understand that some people do but 4 fighting games is just to many when we haven’t gotten a rpg or a racing game yet.
@Morgan and @Akimitsu 782
Thanks! I got the games to work using your method. Just download it again then cancel the download immediately. When they activate the download, they updated the game’s expiry date.
Not to add fuel to fire but I want to feedback something to Morgan.
Two of the major difference I see between the EU and US blog are:
1) The blog posters reply a lot more to the comments. I know Morgan you mentioned last week that you have more responsibilities than just posting these blogs and I understand that, but I’m just saying…
2) This is a good one. For those who kept bashing people who comments about what games they want, listen up. The EU blog posters ASKS WHAT GAMES the commenters would like to see on a sale, and although they may not always be able to get everything that was asked of them, some of the games that were thrown out there by the commenters do end up in the sale the following week.
I agree with you there!! Us+ needs to add more variety to IGC cluttered with fighters and brawlers!! I wish they would add more RPGs, shooters, etc.
Interesting to see so many interests in RPGs. I’m a big fan too.
Wild A.R.M.S. please Morgan!!!!
I just want to say people need to stop complaining so much. I’ve been very happy with the content I’ve gotten. Definitely more than $100 worth of games over the past 8 months. So thank you for all great games guys. I do have one unrelated question. My friend said they’re releasing a Collection of all 3 mass effect games and I’m wondering if you’ll be able to get the first one separately since i already own 2 and 3 for ps3. Thanks!
The crappy updates continue excuse me if I don’t jump up and celebrate yet another useless game that I already have. Every time I see an update I hope something decent will be included only to realize it’s worthless and I’m left annoyed by the fact that I actually spent money on this PS+ trash.
@shb23 well, like i said before, thats one of the problems of the current NA PS+, there is no varieti, you sai RDR would have people that don like it, well, the current games have many people that don like it, so, you’re just pointing the problem that already exists, thats why they should put more game stiles on the list, racing, rpg, rockstasr stile, if they could do that variety with the psn games you would cut the complais by half, another thing, i never said anithing about RDR until now, all i said is that we should receve proportionally to PS+ EU, thats it, people just want PS+ NA to be comparable with EU, so if the majority of people on NA prefer PSN games, so be it, but, i dont think thats reality, if they did a survey, then it would be easyer for them and for us to see what NA wants, and if you dont agree with that, instead of waiting for it to change you just change your subscription
@shb23 well, like i said before, thats one of the problems of the current NA PS+, there is no varieti, you say RDR would have people that don like it, well, the current games have many people that don like it, so, you’re just pointing the problem that already exists, thats why they should put more game stiles on the list, racing, rpg, rockstar style, if they could do that variety with the psn games you would cut the complaints by half, another thing, i never said anything about RDR until now, all i said is that we should receive proportionally to PS+ EU, thats it, people just want PS+ NA to be comparable with EU, so if the majority of people on NA prefer PSN games, so be it, but, i dont think thats reality, if they did a survey, then it would be easyer for them and for us to see what NA wants, and if you dont agree with that, instead of waiting for it to change you just change your subscription
does anyone know when the updates are going live….ive been checking in all day and nothing new is up yet????
Hey there Captain Morgan. Any sort of update on the update? The day is well over half way done and there isn’t any new content or store layout as of yet. :D
Almost 3pm on the west coast here and still nothing.
If someone complains about people who complains, doesn’t that complain adds more complains to the original complains?
Mind boggling!
Almost 5pm Central and no update. Still waiting…
I’m glad Amazon started selling the PSN cards and PS+ cards again. Been such a long time. I haven’t bought anything from the PS store because of that reason alone, and I wasn’t wanting to put in my CC info on the Sony site for security reasons and always forgot to buy em in store.
Don’t know why it stopped, but glad it’s back on Amazon. Time to download some new games and perhaps be a PS+ member. :)
Customer service told me a couple minutes ago that the update will be later on tonight or tommorow morning i don’t know why i pre ordered Doom 3 bfg from the psn. I will be playing this game a day after it’s release even though i pre ordered thanx sony
So do I
Oh baby! Amazon is back on PSN! Or PSN is back on Amazon!
It’s been over a year but now… now it means I’m gonna spend even more money on PSN…
Thanks for the info btw @GMFCO311
Glad to see you are being vigilant about things Morgan. Also awesome update, 6$ less in my wallet till I re-up, and I can get Infamous FoB, AMY, and Monster World 4, now that’s amazing.