PlayStation Plus Gets PAYDAY: The Heist, The Unfinished Swan Early Access
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
34Author Replies
By now, you should have already tackled NFL Blitz which came in free for Plus members earlier this month. You should also make sure to download one of the best fighters in the genre, King of Fighters XIII, which is also free for Plus members. With tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update, you’ll want to get your blueprints out and cover up those fingerprints because you’ll be robbing some banks (in video game form of course) courtesy of PAYDAY: The Heist, coming free to Plus members! You’ll also be able to get Unfinished Swan before anyone else this week. That said, there’s much more so let’s get to it.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or click here to get access.
October 16th PlayStation Plus Update
PAYDAY: The Heist
Free for PlayStation Plus Members
Dive full force into six heists of co-op madness, fighting off cops, stealing large sums of money and embarking on the ultimate high-intensity, first-person shooter adventure. You can play all the ‘heists’ solo if you like, or team up with friends on your friends list, or get your matchmaking on and work together as a group to pull off the crime.
The Unfinished Swan
Exclusive Early Release; Price: $14.99
The Unfinished Swan is a first-person painting game that begins in a totally white space; but as you throw globs of paint to explore the world, you’ll discover that the surreal, unfinished world that you inhabit is more than meets the eye. Plus members will get to be the first to discuss what this game is all about with the gaming community; so don’t miss out. The game will be released for all of PSN on 10/23.
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
Exclusive Beta Access
It’s time! We need your help in getting PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale prepped for showtime when it releases on PS3 and PS Vita on November 20th. Get a taste of the full game with 2v2 and 4 player online tournaments and choose from Kratos, Sweet Tooth, Radec, Sly, PaRappa and Fat Princess as you fight in Metropolis or Hades for victory. You’ll also get to check out the Cross Play functionality since this beta access works for both PS3 and PS Vita! The beta ends at 10/30 at 11:59pm PST, so get in while you can!
007 Legends
10% Discount (Regular Price: $59.99, PS Plus Price: $53.99)
As part of the door busting Day 1 Digital event, Plus members can snag the lowest price around on this new PS3 Full Game title, releasing the same day on PSN as it is at retail. Gamers and Bond aficionados alike will become James Bond reliving iconic and intense undercover missions from throughout the entire Bond film franchise including ones from the upcoming new Bond movie, “Skyfall”.
Caravan of the Dead – PlayStation Store Halloween Sale
Various (spooky) Games and Add-Ons With Extra Discounts for Plus Members
Time to celebrate Halloween with some of gaming’s most outlandishly ghoulish titles. This sale is for all of PSN, but Plus members will have the best discounts; many from 50% – 75% off the regular price. Find great games like the Costume Quest complete bundle for just $3.75, inFAMOUS Festival of Blood at a steal of a price at $2.50, and Dead Space 2 at $9.79. The sale ends 10/30. Here’s the full breakdown:
PSN Sale Price
Plus Sale Price
Dead Space 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection: Content Pack
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record
Plants vs. Zombies PS Vita
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
The House of the Dead Bundle
Zen Pinball 2 PS Vita Monsters Bundle (The Paranormal, Sorcerer’s Lair and Plants vs. Zombies)
Costume Quest complete bundle
Dead Nation
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
inFAMOUS Festival of Blood
Monster World IV (Plus Price: $1.00 – 80% off) and SEGA Rally Arcade (Plus Price $2.99 – 70% off the regular store price of $9.99)
Exclusive Discounts for Plus Members
Our friends at SEGA once again deliver gaming goodness at a price you can’t resist. With the Master System classic Monster World IV and the more recent arcade hit SEGA Rally Arcade seeing deep discounts. I encourage everyone to check out these titles.
That’s it for this week. Make sure you check out tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update post to see all the details for this week’s Plus update, and come back next week when we’ll have more great Plus news to share. See you in the comments!
The first two weeks of October felt really crappy to me but I like this update a lot – one game that I would definitely like to check out and some great discounts to take advantage of. I can’t complain.
Count me as another vote for monthly updates instead of weekly.
WHAT HAPPEN TO MORE PS3 GAMES , NOT PSN GAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Morgan I know a few people have mentioned this but would it be possible to get Catherine for next month’s plus? Appreciate your efforts, plus really is a great deal, thanks!
Look at this offer from Xbox on bestbuy. Includes a 250 gig Xbox 360, Headset, Controller, Forza 4, Skyrim DOWNLOAD, Free month of Hulu and some other program ps3 doesn’t have, 1 month free Xbox live which they also have FREE CLOUD STORAGE on live. All of that for just 250 bucks. I left 360 in 2007 to go ps3 well I’m thinking of buying the 360 bundle since ps3 was a lie at how powerful it was suppose to be yet a iphone and IPOD runs circles around its web browser and ps3 can’t even HANDLE cross game chat it doesnt have enough memory so imagine that news on sony saying its the most powerful gaming console on the market lol. Sony can’t even get add ons before Xbox or digital games on psn before xbox and I’m a digital only gamer so why have I stuck with spending money on ps3 like a fool when Skyrim of all things is digital on Xbox live already? On ps3 the blog team always spew its too large a download for psn lol. Thats a lie! 50 bucks a year for plus and crappy rip off service, a scam service you are forced to have for cloud storage so whats the difference from Xbox lives 60 bucks a year fee? Live gets games and add ons WAY sooner has better streamlined service with voice messages / cross game chat.
OMG whoever say’s they are excited for these releases needs a reality check, release some good games maybe some RPG titles not these titles that are dead stock on shelves, Where is the Gods of war or the COD? or where are the PS3 RPG’s titles not the PS2 ones. Give us something we can say WOW i cannot believe we are getting these titles, not yay we got whatever that game is called whoopty dooo.
Looks like I’ll be buying the Infamous expansion. I hate vampire though I that’s a very nice price for a generally good game series. Why couldn’t you guys made Unfinished Swan have a PS Plus discount though!? Shame on you.
We should all make a list of the unsatisfied members of ps+ US, together we have more power than a few comments on every update post, and if we have people enough morgan won’t be able to ignore us
Important note: I’m not, nor have I ever ignored negative feedback. Everyone’s (and I mean everyone’s) thoughts are always tracked, quantified, and analyzed, every single week right here on the PS Blog, as well as other community destinations. It’s then delivered to all the teams involved in making Plus happen in a holistic fashion to give a total current picture of how the entire community is feeling about Plus. So don’t ever go thinking that anyone’s voices here don’t matter or not heard. Thanks!
Just a reminder here. People will be receiving a ban (temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of a comment) on the blog for a) directing insults and attacks to other community members, as well as b) making indirect physical threats. Just a reminder that I have a zero tolerance policy on this.
I’m up for friendly, feisty, and spirited debate, and always will support anyone’s thoughts, critiques, or opinions. But when it gets to the point of insults and threats, you’re out.
@SLICK_T At this point I’m not even sure why I’m replying to your post but there are a few things I want to point out. 1) I don’t recall anyone saying that people don’t have the right to complain, (even if they did the same people would still complain anyway). 2) Don’t you find it hypocritical that you talk so much about freedom of speech and constructive criticism and whatnot but two seconds later bash others who are “defending” Sony?
And 3) why bring politics into this? The Presidential debate has absolutely nothing to do with this post, and assuming people are conservatives and support one candidate, or even live in the US to begin with makes yourself seem narrow-minded. Pretty much you’re proving the same people’s points that you are against, quite a few of you complainers on this blog make yourselves look really immature and selfish.
@304 – do you speak to people in real life as you do here ? are you an adult, or a raging hormonal teenager ? wow, maybe convey your thoughts a bit more appropriately ….
I’m confused as to why so many people are angry about the differences between EU & NA service …. we don’t live there, this is the service “option” we have in NA. there are still 2 more updates before Halloween, who knows what tricks & treats might be in store for plus subscribers ….
@ Jisatsu_Kiddo…… Oh yeah I’m a 360 troll that left 360 in 2007 and been on ps3 for 5 years and I own over 100 ps3 games mostly digital and spend over 2,200 so far on psn and I’m a plus member since the start of it and have over 1,800 trophies with 7 platinums so far but yeah I’m just a 360 guy trolling huh? LOL. I make a fact statement and always a troll for it huh lol. A sony fanboy is something else I swear.
I love this forum and most of these comments, it’s basically a large list of people to avoid in MP games.
Also, I guess I’m in the minority, I like that most of the free games aren’t AAA retail games, I own/have played any of them I’m interested in. I see a lot of complaining that we don’t get Red Dead like the yuros did. How poor are you people that don’t already own it? Plus it’s a disc game, you can get it cheap anytime you want.
DELETE PrimeroIncognitoand nolo451’s comments to if your deleting mine. They were making fun of complainers and acting like they some college professors trying to make fun of peoples grammar so if your fund of deleting my replys to THEM then keep your MORGAN of zero tolerance and delete their comments as well.
Definately a game or two worth buying on that list.
However… we get yet another random PSN game. AFter all those weeks of ‘wait’, exciting things are coming etc… we once again lose a full PS3 title (at least anyone signing up now) in exchange for another psn game that pretty much sticks to the styles we’ve been getting.
Other than the horrible direction the IGC is going (compared to EU at least) this is finally a really good update.
I am glad to receive Payday for being a member of PS Plus. I would like to see Monopoly Streets as part of PS Plus as either a free game or a significant price reduction.
Most of the people on my friend list have recently dropped plus becuase of the decline after the first release of IGC.
A lot of people complain on here, we’ve seen plus symbols dissapear from many users on the blog.
But yeah Plus must be doing great with membership though the roof because all of the public evidence is… the opposite.
Does ‘skyrocket’ include all the people who signed up, realized it was nothing more than a rental service now, and stopped already? Hope all the free trials and bonus plus with various promotions don’t count towards your supposed growth.
@ saskamazon …….. I’m a grown man boy and yes I speak that way in person and would love to say a few things to Romney the crook. Its best I’m in Montana away from most of that political waste of time cause I’d start up and a revolution lol. Anyways that’s the renegade in me, lets get back to game talking. Politics only make me want to destroy them all and start over! Different subject…….
Are we going to get anything Halloween based this month? Sorry if this has been asked already but it seems like the releases we have been getting are not overly Halloweeny. A good suggestion would be inFAMOUS Festival of Blood.
Here is comment 256 by nolo451 on October 15th, 2012 at 10:13 pm said:
PrimerIncognito- I don’t think these simpletons would agree with you even if you gave them helpful advice. Better to just let them ramble on and think someone is going to tell them how right they are, they aren’t going to stop with their nonsense anytime soon.
He and PrimeroIncognito have a flirty chat acting like they are better than the other blog posters making fun of grammar or typo’s of people like they all high and mighty and perfect and its starts at 253 and goes on past 260. You delete my comments defending the complainers from them two self absorbed bone heads but their comments stay any Morgan say you have zero tolerance for what they said but you delete my comments? They must be conservatives since their comments get to stay put huh? Go figure!
@Slick T
I am in admiration of your rebel attitude on a blog about video games. I’m sure many people wish they had the balls to speak out on this hugely important issue, and really stick it to man like you did. You really told Sony off (technically you actually just told off some poor dude who works for them, but still), and aside from all the money you have already given them, I bet they are sorry to have aggrieved the man who will not be silenced. If I could offer one piece of advice, it could use more Godwin’s Law invocations.
You aren’t the hero this forum wants or needs, but the hero we deserve. I wish to suscribe to your newsletter.
Agree this is not a political blog site, this is actually a form of entertainment where all people around the world will usually be non-political. But to attack canadites or makes threats at them or other bloggers on this site.
I would recommend going to something like MSNBC or the HUFF if that is your cup of tea.
Slick_T and PrimeroIncognito,
I know you both have such different opinions on the matter of US+ and that’s fine but when you BOTH start calling people dumb, trolls and whatever else, you not only lose credibility on your arguments but also you come across as jerks on these boards. Not calling you them mind you but the perception is there from these boards how you talk to others on them. We all have different opinions but my opinion on this issue is not higher than yours and vice versa. Let’s show some respect to our fellow users and enjoy (or not) enjoy the service!!
Lol WOW! How awesome, you guys get payday the heist. Lets see what Europe gets free, probably 3 FULL ps3 games. I can already tell ps+ for vita will suck at least for US people lol.
Any chance we’ll ever see PSOne Classics and themes in PS+ again? I miss those from before the IGC started.
A lot of the recent PS+ freebies hasn’t been my cup of tea but since I’ve already got such a massive backlog from games given over the passed year, It’s gave me a chance to catch up. I don’t see how some of these people can complain. Where do they find the time to play all these games?
Maybe they don’t have jobs and money to spend on games, so they want all these blockbuster titles cause they can’t afford to buy them.
@ + shb23 ….. Good sarcasm it made me laugh though. I technically make constructive criticism comments on here most the time but of course the blog team ignores all of us. Yes politics don’t belong on a game forum but when PrimeroIncognito and nolo451 was acting like the conservative people I’ve known personally and told off it just raged so much to see them bone heads attack other complainers grammar and spelling like the grammar police and I snapped after reading their nonsense and went all bipolar like in my fact statements about conservative ways they act towards them two and I went off man lol. Do I take back back what I said? Heck no but I felt I needed to vent the truth to them or to sony lol. I am vocal in person to. My wifes family is all conservatives and my dads side. I told them all off already and don’t visit any of them thats how serious I am on who I’ll tolerate on politics.
@Slick T
> My wifes family is all conservatives and my dads side. I told them all off already and don’t visit any of them thats how serious I am on who I’ll tolerate on politics.
You can’t tell, but I’m air-brofisting you right now. Yeah, a lesser man might just try to make social niceties and not force his wife into an untenably awkward situation with her own family, but not you!
Morgan, just want to say I appreciate your fair handed and even tempered moderation, this place sure needs a steady hand like that. So easy to lose your top in here.
why are people getting so mad about the games there giving us payday is a awesome game and all the discounts are great too I’m going to be buying a lot of them people these days only want high price well known games we would have to pay a lot more for those kinds of games i think there doing a great job keep up the good work
@shb23 comment 338 – thanks for a belly chuckle ! that was fantastic. ;-)
wish PSN would update … I have a list of wanted downloads – wanted to get them started …. All Stars tonight ! whoa. & soon the complete Costume Quest – going to be some good gaming going on here !
@ + shb23……. Again nice left field sarcasm. I don’t hang around or tolerate morons that talk down on less fortunate people mind they be disabled or on low income welfare. I do not find the need to gossip about them like I’m better just because you have a job. I will not tolerate jerks that act like that and most conservatives all act like my wifes family or my redneck dads side of the mississippi racist against black people family. Thank god I mostly raised myself in Arizona away from racist southern conservative hate. Don’t sarcasm bull like my wife is in the awkward situation I met her in college and let Arizona to live in montana for her and then put up with her judgmental conservative trible cop step father for several years before setting their judgmental ways straight about me. This controlling trible cop came to Arizona while I’m at work packing up my 1 month old daughter and wife and took her to Montana cause he is a control freak so I had to move up here in 2001 for that so don’t feed me the sarcasm of I put my wife in a awkward situation, I was put in it from day one meeting her judgmental controlling family that hate me cause they can’t run me off.
Playstation Plus is amazing! I like what you guys are doing. Dead Space 2 for ten bucks? Brilliant. This service keeps getting better and better. Thanks guys and keep up the good work.
I saw your response to post @242 about the plus symbols next to your friends that are plus members,
I have at least two friends who have joined plus but there is no plus symbol next to their ID’s nor when I log into Playstation network on my Cpu as well.
Is there a reason this could be happening?
Any thoughts would be great.
The new PSN store, will the updates come sooner in future updates. Just seems bad for business knowing
other consoles are so much faster. I find myself waiting until 6pm for store updates.
@ + shb23…… You patting yourself on the back you want a cookie? How about you come face me face to face and rant your junk humor to me? I’d pay for your plane ticket up here so we can see how big mouth you would be to my face. After cops avoiding me in this small town town and the wifes trible cop dad backing down after I gave him a chewing I’m sure you will be a piece of sissy cake to deal with lol.
Looks like you’re having a rough day comment wise so I want to make you feel better but at the same time I have to be honest. I first want to say thanks for the great discounts in this update and the great service that plus is. I understand, unlike many, that you have a HUGE target base of customers that are all different and like and dis like different things. It’s impossible to please everyone. So I’m just here to give some feed back. I subscribed to plus in late August and was greeted with a slew of amazing games, Infamous 2, Saints Row 2, and Ratchet and Clank to name a few. Then last month when you released Borderlands it BLEW my mind and prepared me to buy the recently released sequel. Finally this month was disappointing though. I tried playing Blitz but compared to Madden it had no depth and I didn’t enjoy. Then I tried King of Fighter 13 you gave us last week and I was never good at those type of fighting games but I’m sure others enjoyed it. Anyways I won’t formulate an opinion on Heist until I’ve played it. I hope it’s great but for the distant future I would love to see more games similar to Borderlands.
The first two weeks of October felt really crappy to me but I like this update a lot – one game that I would definitely like to check out and some great discounts to take advantage of. I can’t complain.
Count me as another vote for monthly updates instead of weekly.
We should all make a list of the unsatisfied members of ps+ US, together we have more power than a few comments on every update post
WHAT HAPPEN TO MORE PS3 GAMES , NOT PSN GAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we was told more ps3 full games , not psn mini , not psn games , why does morgan avoid the EUROPE questions , why is EUROPE getting all these games ?
why does morgan avoid the EUROPE questions , why is EUROPE getting all these games ?
Hey Morgan I know a few people have mentioned this but would it be possible to get Catherine for next month’s plus? Appreciate your efforts, plus really is a great deal, thanks!
Look at this offer from Xbox on bestbuy. Includes a 250 gig Xbox 360, Headset, Controller, Forza 4, Skyrim DOWNLOAD, Free month of Hulu and some other program ps3 doesn’t have, 1 month free Xbox live which they also have FREE CLOUD STORAGE on live. All of that for just 250 bucks. I left 360 in 2007 to go ps3 well I’m thinking of buying the 360 bundle since ps3 was a lie at how powerful it was suppose to be yet a iphone and IPOD runs circles around its web browser and ps3 can’t even HANDLE cross game chat it doesnt have enough memory so imagine that news on sony saying its the most powerful gaming console on the market lol. Sony can’t even get add ons before Xbox or digital games on psn before xbox and I’m a digital only gamer so why have I stuck with spending money on ps3 like a fool when Skyrim of all things is digital on Xbox live already? On ps3 the blog team always spew its too large a download for psn lol. Thats a lie! 50 bucks a year for plus and crappy rip off service, a scam service you are forced to have for cloud storage so whats the difference from Xbox lives 60 bucks a year fee? Live gets games and add ons WAY sooner has better streamlined service with voice messages / cross game chat.
OMG whoever say’s they are excited for these releases needs a reality check, release some good games maybe some RPG titles not these titles that are dead stock on shelves, Where is the Gods of war or the COD? or where are the PS3 RPG’s titles not the PS2 ones. Give us something we can say WOW i cannot believe we are getting these titles, not yay we got whatever that game is called whoopty dooo.
fail troll alert
Looks like I’ll be buying the Infamous expansion. I hate vampire though I that’s a very nice price for a generally good game series. Why couldn’t you guys made Unfinished Swan have a PS Plus discount though!? Shame on you.
We should all make a list of the unsatisfied members of ps+ US, together we have more power than a few comments on every update post, and if we have people enough morgan won’t be able to ignore us
Important note: I’m not, nor have I ever ignored negative feedback. Everyone’s (and I mean everyone’s) thoughts are always tracked, quantified, and analyzed, every single week right here on the PS Blog, as well as other community destinations. It’s then delivered to all the teams involved in making Plus happen in a holistic fashion to give a total current picture of how the entire community is feeling about Plus. So don’t ever go thinking that anyone’s voices here don’t matter or not heard. Thanks!