Lots of moving and lots of shaking in the PlayStation world this week: New PSN games (including PS3-exclusive Derrick the Deathfin, PlayStation Mobile standout Rebel, Atari’s Warlords re-imagining), a new PlayStation Store coming soon, new details on PSN stunner The Unfinished Swan, new hands-on details for Street Fighter X Tekken on PS Vita, a delightful PSN platformer designed for two people, an October 30th launch date for PS Vita’s socially connected brain scrambler Smart As, first details on next week’s releases (Of Orcs and Men, Mugen Souls, a new Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 Q&A, Halloween details for PlayStation Home, and a way for Ontario-based gamers to check out PlayStation’s campus tour.
Gaming had a good week, too, with a stacked lineup of quality releases such as Dishonored, XCOM: Enemy Territory, Retro City Rampage, and the fourth episode of Telltale’s righteous The Walking Dead series. I’m working my way through Dunwall right now; later this weekend I’ll plunge into the undead-infested Savannah, Georgia.
What are you playing this weekend?
- I’m playing: Dishonored, Retro City Rampage, The Walking Dead Episode 4
- I’m watching: The Walking Dead: Season Three (tomorrow)
- I’m reading: The Walking Dead Book 8
- I’m listening to: Official PlayStation Blogcast 046: Retro City Pimpage
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