Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock on PS Vita Tuesday

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Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock on PS Vita Tuesday

In response to many, many questions from PS Vita owners, Iā€™m delighted to officially announce that the PS Vita version of Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock will be available to download from the PlayStation Store next week on October 9th in the US and October 10 in Europe! The PS Vita version of the game will have several new features that weā€™ve been working on the past few months.

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One example are the new PS Vita controls, which utilize the combination of the dual analog stick controls and PS Vitaā€™s touchscreen features, enabling players to switch between the more traditional controls and the ability to tap the screen to affect the action. All of the puzzle games within the game have been reworked to make full use of touchscreen controls as well.

Weā€™re also tapping into ā€œnearā€, PS Vitaā€™s geo-social service. Using ā€œnearā€, players can collect ā€œGallifreyanā€ medals while playing through the adventure and then drop them in a GPS location for other players to collect. Grow your collection while searching for other playersā€™ medals!

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Weā€™ll also support PS Vitaā€™s Cloud Save option for players who own Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock on both PS3 and PS Vita in the form of ā€œContinuation Play.ā€ This enables you to save your game on one device and load it on the other, which means you can continue your adventure while youā€™re on the move with your PS Vita and then pick it back up from the same place at home on your PS3.

We hope that you enjoy Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock on the PS Vita and want to thank all our fans for the support! To stay up-to-date on all things Eternity Clock, follow us on Twitter @DoctorWhoTEC.

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