LittleBigPlanet PS Vita Goes Gold!
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita has gone gold! This means that the game is now 100% complete — all that remains is for us to print off Sackboy’s new adventure and send it off to stores for release on September 25th!
Our teams at Tarsier Studios and Double Eleven have been working hard to get Sackboy’s portable adventure ready for you; we cannot wait to see what our community of talented creators can make with Sackboy’s brand new collection of create tools, which are just perfect for making your very own portable gaming classics!
If you haven’t already, be sure to pre-order today to ensure that you receive your copy on time. You’ll pick up some snazzy bonus content too!
The World Peace Day Costume Returns
This month will see the return of World Peace Day. To commemorate the occasion, we will be re-releasing our World Peace Day Costume onto the PlayStation Store next week.
The World Peace Costume will be free and will only be available for one week, so don’t delay in picking it up!
Don’t forget that your downloaded Costume DLC will work across LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet Karting — this includes our Free Seasonal Costume DLC releases too! So, you’ll want to pick up this costume now to give your LittleBigPlanet PS Vita costume collection an early boost before it’s released later this month.
Mm Picks
We have a great mix of levels for your Mm Picks this week! There’s an amazing space shooter that will see you blasting through levels of arcade awesomeness, a brilliant platformer that sees Sackboy undertaking a very windswept adventure, a devious platform challenge that only gives you 100 lives to navigate its obstacles, and finally some multiplayer madness that will see four players working together to show that teamwork is sometimes needed to overcome challenges.
Aero Spartan: Warriors of Pirate Bay (1-2P) [PHI] by RoDRiGo-FiLiPiNo
Stormy Valley (platformer) by yu-kamone
So a big, big thank you to all our fans on there! We truly appreciate your continued support of everything LittleBigPlanet and cannot wait to bring LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet Karting to you before the end of the year!
GOODBYE LBP2 hello lbpv and lbpk lol :D buT ITS BEEN A GOOD SERIES THOUGH we will miss you sackboy :( ,,,,,,,,,
@42: The vast majority of DLC is can do without DLC. ie; visual only.
The level packs are actually worth the prices they are released for.
So your argument is awful, and just comes off as “I feel I need it all for nothing. So give me everything for nothing.”
@31: A PS Vita native lbp.me app would be pretty awesome for PS Vita. You can always use it in the browser though. I’d like a native app though.
Hi umm I published my progressive contest entry august 21st 2012 and I know the the rules state that progressive contest entries must be in midnight september 4th. what I wanted to know is would it be ok if I republished my level after 12am? because I didnt know whether my level would be skipped because you guys thought the intro was just film and I republished it as a cooperative level but the level was originally published august 21st I republished it a minute after midnight
Are all lbp & lbp2 levels be playable in this version?
Will there be any online pass?
also I wanted to know if I can republished it as a film again? just incase you guys might wanna skip the intro and get right to the gameplay I know these questions are probably annoying but I just realised that the intro cant be skipped in a cooperative level.
How big will this download be? I’m debating on whether or not to get the physical copy vs digital. Thanks!
Ok I have a question jw if a game is on both ps3 n vita do u get trophies for both and do your trophies for both accumulate into one or are they sorted by console. I love playing n grinding for trophies they extend like of every game much appreciated of anyone could answer this
Well this may sound like a dull question, but I haven’t seen it really being talked about let alone confirmed anywhere:
Will the game have offline multiplayer (via Wi-Fi ad-hoc) for up to 4 players?
This is much more important do me than the online multiplayer. Thank you in advance!
I know it comes out this month, but is there any possibility that there will be a bundle? I really want this game, but don’t have a vita
I’m with everyone else on this, I want to know about the pre order bonuses for the Downloadable version. Also, is it going to be the standards 10% ish off for the PSN version?
Hehehehehe…can nots wait to have my Vincent hair flowing on my Vita with my Snake Moustache, Drake Scarf and Shirt and Good Cole pants and Ryu gloves……..dis is gonna be great game…..which reminds me….I havn’t pre -ordered yet…
How does a game that’s put on a card/cart/non-disc medium go “gold”?
Does anyone know if the lbpvita levels made will be able to be played on lbp2? You know if they don’t use the touch controls and stuff.
Any news on a demo? PLEASE reply!
@64: It’s an expression, dude.
I know that you can use purchased costumes in LBPV from LBP2. But here’s my question. What if your brother bought the costumes on his account, but you also have the costumes in LBP2? Would that be transferable?
I completely agree.
It’s completely true what iiGeTMoNey23 posted.
If Sony wants me to buy a PlayStation Vita they will have to do that.
I also agree that the DLC for LBP is greedy. Some should be free and some are overpriced. I too wait for the Game of the Year Edition.
All DLC for all LBP games should be compatible with all games, at least the costumes, stickers, everything that isn’t stages, although if stages are included it would be evern better and more reason to buy other LBP games.
I agree with the person who said this game should have offline four player multiplayer. Every game should have offline and online multiplayer, it would make more people buy the game. And if it has the great, play multiplayer with offline and online multiplayer, that is one of the most epic features. If this game doesn’t have offline multiplayer I won’t get it.
Love it! Have it pre ordered and im getting it for sure! Still i need to say this again…. THE NAME ITS TOO GENERIC!!!! WHY U DIDNT CHANGE IT!
B!tch Pls….
LBP Sackboy’s Journey
LBP Puppeteer’s revenge
LBP Trip to the cursed festival
LBP Around the World
LBP Something Else than the generic LBP PS vita….
MADE the same mistakes as PS all star battle royal…. sigh…
Anyways… The game its awesome! cant wait for it!
Is that really going to be the final title? LBP PS Vita… not very creative.
This game is goona be great! I can’t wait till the 25th!
Would there be a demo soon before the release date?
There are several costumes that I have purchased from LittleBigPlanet, and LittleBigPlanet 2 that don’t want to carry over to my PS Vita version of LittleBigPlanet, like Men in Black, Halloween Pumpkin Head, Santa, Christmas Tree and Present costumes, LittleBigPlanet Cap, Sports Costumes, Solstice Costumes, Sacktue of Liberty, Clu Costume, Tron: Evolution Mini-pack, Alice in Wonderland Costume Pack, St. Patrick’s Day Costume, Valentines Day Costume, Chinese New Year, Birthday Cake, Turkey Head, InviZimals Costume Pack, and Weekend Pursuits Costumes, to name a few. All of the costumes that were included with the Game of the Year Edition of LittleBigPlanet aren’t working either. This disappoints me, especially because it seemed like ALL of the costumes that are currently in your Popit on PS3 would carry over. I hope that these problems get resolved, weather it be in a future update, or patch, or if you simply add them to the store. Thank you.