Hello PlayStation Nation!
NFL SUNDAY TICKET is returning in time for the NFL‘s regular season opening weekend on September 9th.
All existing DIRECTV subscribers who have the NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX plan will be able to download the PS3 application from PlayStation Network for free, and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game every Sunday afternoon this season in full HD.
In addition, you will have access to DIRECTV’S the RED ZONE CHANNEL at no additional charge. RED ZONE delivers the final yards of every scoring drive and other exciting moments from all Sunday afternoon games as they happen, and it’s a great way to stay on top of the day’s highlights.
For all of you fantasy football aficionados, the NFL SUNDAY TICKET app also includes up-to-the-minute stats to help you keep track of every play on the field. If you play NFL.com fantasy, you can follow your fantasy team in real time while watching games Sunday afternoon.
PS3 owners without access to DIRECTV will also be able to receive NFL Sunday Ticket and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game this season for $299.95.
We’re very excited to see the return of the definitive NFL football app on PlayStation Network. Keep an eye out for the launch of NFL SUNDAY TICKET with the PlayStation Store update on September 4th.
very well said
i understand this is a huge contract sony i had to make to get this package for use, but i do hope they plan on doing something about additional add-ons.
My review was too long(this website told me that it was) so here’s the shorter version.
The first half of my games….very good recetion. I went the wireless route. Sounf very good all the way through.
***Half time*** WHAT HAPPENED? When I switched to another game-filtered 7-20 seconds, BEFORE half, 4-7 seconds of filter time to see a game from changing channel. Commercials were very visible ALL the way through.
Half time…if it show a replay…FUZZY. If it showed the whole field …FUZZY. If you could see or read a players name….very good reception. All channels were this way after the half. Ididn’t change my tv screen at all.
Maybe an ethernet would help? Anyone use an ethernet?
Go Texans!!
***Remember, this is my first time with either DTV or PS3 NFL Sunday ticket** I thought I ‘d see all the Sunday games.
Also, when I’d switch to another game…..twice….I’d get a blue DTV screen…no connection try back later? I switch to another game…fine. Only twice did this happen.
I wish someone who used an ethernet cable from their modem/router to the PS3 would post a review.
Guess I’ll wait until next week to see if I should try an ethernet connection.
so far a huge disappointment.
Tried it during the pre-game it was horrible thought maybe it was because I was wireless so I plugged in the ethernet redid the connection tried again. Seemed the same.
About halfway through the first quarter the picture came in crystal clear with no buffering at all. this lasted until about halfway into the second quarter got me so excited.
Then I got nothing, picture quality went down the game would buffer or freeze every time the game would come back from commercial. tried reseting the ps3 got technical error try again later. tried again a few minutes later got be back to choose the game could see the stats but got an error saying video unavailable. went back and forth with that until I gave up. Will try again next week.
Hopefully Microsoft gets this deal soon they would execute it better bought my ps3 just for this so far huge disappointment. I hope sony gets it right next week.
*****PROBLEM SOLVED****************************************************************************************************
1st. Thank you Jennifer at PS3 help line. This is what she suggested….IT DID HELP!!!
Have the PS3 system off
Go to the PS3 -with the TV on- and press the start button-wait until 3 beeps- or with mine, it turned off, tried again and on the TV screen you should see: Connect the controller to the usb cable and into the PS3.
Connect the controller to the PS3 with a usb cable.
Press the PS button.
On the menu there are 6 options…….go to …….restore file system…..press yes…**My was corrupted**
It will restart itself and return to the PS screen with all your options.
**I did this and went to watch the Arizona Cards and switched over to Tampa Bay…WOW,WOW!!!!
FREAKIN HD QUALITY and 4-7 second buffer time when I switch stations…WOW,WOW!!!!!!!
Hope it stays this way……..did I say …WOW!!!!!!!!
i will try that next week if I have to a prefer not to as my ps3 system is brand new it should not have a corrupt file system but anything can happen thank you
Hey kent i have the app and i use my ethernet cable. No problems at are. Picture was great. Wireless connected is not good for the app.
Is this service not in HD? I was pretty disappointed with the quality of the picture today. Am I missing something?
They call it “HD” but it certainly is not HD as in what you’re used to on good digital cable or satellite HD. Note they just say “HD” but don’t give a resolution (e.g. 1080p or 720p.) It seems to be somewhere between SD and true HD.
Does the price decrease as the season goes on? Considering it’s a one time charge.
@rosenberg -You guys really should consider bringing back the payment plans. It may be easier for you, but its definitely not easier for the consumer. Directv doesn’t make you pay it all at once. One of the main reasons I bought a playstation is for the NFL sunday ticket, but the $300 one time payment is kind of steep for a college kids who don’t have access to directv to get your cable service and NFL sunday ticket package.
They don’t listen, I doubt they even looked at the boards after page 1 of this topic. I cussed and called them out, on an earlier page ,normally moderators patrol topics for comments like mine but they have yet to delete or ban me so I really doubt they read this stuff
You had me at hello($300) , but lost me at one big payment. I guess I’ll put that money towards the NHL package if they decide to play , but not thru ps3.
Is there an option to watch games after they have been played and at later dates and times (similar to MLB tv)
sony direct tv. brang back the payment plan. may be easyer on you but not most people with this econmy
I did this last year and loved it. But, if there isn’t an installment option, I’ll be opting to walk down to the bar instead.
HD Quality….don’t know if restoring the file system/corrupted files did it…but the reception is FANTASTIC!!!
If this ain’t HD….it dang sure is the next best thing!! Thanks Sony…how do I sign up for life membership to the NFL/PS3 Sunday ticket!!!?? LOVE IT,LOVE IT!!
Doesn’t hurt that my team is kickin’ the H$#LL out of Jacksonville Jags!!! LOL
Why is it so glitchy? What a disappointment. Out $300.00. What a crummy present for my husband. We have the internet hardwired into the PS3, good signal. Why does it pause, so then it skips a play, no rewind. Then it will kinda replay something on its own. Why? Why? Why? You could have charged less and said that it was beta testing.
I just purchased the Sunday Ticket service, completely unaware of any previous issues with it. I can report that in its current form the Sunday Ticket service is unusable. It constantly buffers, pauses, and stops playing. When it is playing the quality is grainy at best. I’m very disappointed…
In addition to the quality issues, when I tried watching the Ravens/Eagles game it said that game was blacked out due to NFL rules for my market. (I live in Minneapolis and the Vikings game was also blacked out!)
It should be noted that I video play games online and successfully stream netflix and amazon prime movies through ps3 all the time. There is definitely something wrong the service and not the local network.
Since it was unusable, I called to have the service cancelled. I got a response that they would be unable to refund my request because …
“We are unable to process your request for a refund on the PlayStation® Network.
According to our Terms of Service, all sales are final.”
Between this and security breach earlier this year – I’m fed up with Sony PS3… I’m moving everything to the Apple TV.
Don’t waste your money… It isn’t worth it.
I should also note I’ve logged a complaint with the BBB… After reviewing Sony’s BBB site – the company gets an “F” rating… Terrible customer services for such a large, well known organization. You’d think some of the Senior VPs would give a damn about things like this.
This service did not work for me today, week 2 of the NFL. Either “Game not available” or some of the worst online streaming I’ve ever seen. It was unwatchable.
I’m sure Sony already knows this. Let’s hear how they are going to fix it.
Here we go again. During the early games I got the “server busy” message when switching between games on occasion. I can live with a little of that. But during the late games, this was unwatchable. It would play, then pause, then replay, then skip forward repeatedly. Sony/DirecTV, I don’t care who’s at fault. You’ve been paid your lump sum, now provide the service.
I just signed up today. Red Zone channel was flawless, but the Dallas game was clunky throughout (low quality video, and constant re-buffering). Other games were better, but not consistent. The odd thing is Red Zone Channel comes in perfectly so I know it is not my connection. They really need to fix this. $300 is a premium price–we should be getting a premium service.
People…..look at my post 253/254….nothing but problems.
LOOK at my post 256….I called Sony and followed their advice….I even posted what they told me to do.
After I did this…corrupted files…the ps3 also asked me if I wanted to HDMI….something..I clicked yes. I may have screwed up my ps3..don’t know….what I do know is that yesterday’s games were EXCELLENT in quality.
HD or the next best thing.
As fo switching to other games…it takes about 7-10 seconds to connect. Once in a while, I get the cannot connect to server….switch back to last game and then go back to the one that wouldn’t connect.
PLEASE call Sony and ask them questions. Trust me…like I posted in my first postings…I called them TWO MONTHS BEFORE THEY OFFERED IT. The Sony techs told me everything I needed to know….they even told me how to have a better wireless comnection. They helped me get better reception. If I have another problem(s) they’ll do their best to help. Remember…they’re techs, and do the best they can. Call them. Trust me, I’ve called my $300 for the price of the Sunday Ticket…way before it started, along with additional calls last week.
No…I don’t work for Sony, nor get a kickback…..maybe I should, maybe I should.
I do feel that calling and then dealing with my minor issues…may be the price I pay for not having DirecTV.
Thanks Sony…at least for now….until I have another issue, then I think it can be resolved talking to the techs, AND short of having to buy a new ps3.
*** Just remember, shouting and cussing at the techs won’t make anything happen sooner or in a friendly manner.
Go Texans
Go OU Sooners
Week1 Crappy signal always froze said game not available try again later skipped would really only play during commercials missed almost every snap complete nightmare.
Someone on here said they restored their ps3 and it worked so I tried that. My ps3 is brand new did not think this would work but it did.
Week2 Great signal barely buffered seemed to be great hope this stays like this the rest of the season.
anyone having blackout issues its because the game is on in your area weather it be on cbs or fox. If its on local tv stations it will give you the nfl blackout message
X6xRAMSx9X…..that was myself who posted about corrupted files. Worked did it?? Good!!
Here is that post….again:
1st. Thank you Jennifer at PS3 help line. This is what she suggested….IT DID HELP!!!
Have the PS3 system off
Go to the PS3 -with the TV on- and press the start button-wait until 3 beeps- or with mine, it turned off, tried again and on the TV screen you should see: Connect the controller to the usb cable and into the PS3.
Connect the controller to the PS3 with a usb cable.
Press the PS button.
On the menu there are 6 options…….go to …….restore file system…..press yes…**My was corrupted**
It will restart itself and return to the PS screen with all your options.
**I did this and went to watch the Arizona Cards and switched over to Tampa Bay…WOW,WOW!!!!
FREAKIN HD QUALITY and 4-7 second buffer time when I switch stations…WOW,WOW!!!!!!!
Terrible quality… buffering … an constant stops… WOWOW this service sucks.
now 281 and 272 are waiting moderation…
Week 1 was flawless. I watched almost every game in crystal clear HD. I raved about it to my friends and family. Raved.
Week 2 was a complete disaster. The Seahawks Cowboys game was unwatchable. I was able to see maybe 50% of the snaps. The picture was constantly grainy. When it wasn’t grainy, it was freezing. When it unfroze, I was suddenly 4 minutes further along in the game, with no way to rewind to see what I had missed. This is unacceptable. It is a complete slap in the face to those of us who plunked down $300 in good faith that big names like Sony and DirecTV would be able to deliver a reliable service.
Acknowledge the issue, then fix it. Don’t tell is to check our connections, don’t tell us to call our ISPs. Fix it. I have a fiberoptic connection and the service worked PERFECTLY during Week 1. Nothing changed on my end- what changed on yours?
Need more proof? http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-Network-Support/NFL-Sunday-Ticket-Lags-Week-2/m-p/38281891#U38281891
Fix it. Now.
It has to be Sony’s servers. They are the ones providing “support” for the product, and they need to step up.
I have a huge pipe and HD video streams flawlessly throughout my home. Plus, the Red Zone Channel (RZC) was nearly flawless and in near HD quality. The game channels didn’t come in all that well and ranged from decent quality (but not as good or stable as RZC) to the Dallas/Seattle game that was literally unwatchable. The screen would freeze and buffer constantly–The weird thing was when RZC covered the Dallas game, it came in crisp and clear with near HD quality. Then I switch back over the the game channel, and then more buffering and freezing. It has to be their servers otherwise I would also be having problems with RZC.
I will try the “fix” mentioned (thanks DavidKent1963)–if it is still acting up, I will contact for a refund. $300 is an awful lot fro something that performs this poorly–and again, it is 100% not my connection.
Will test this Sunday. I do wish they also offers the NFL Network games–I have Time Warner.
I wonder why every comment I make about leaving a complaint with the B BB gets a “Your comment is awaiting Moderation…” And the deleted a few days later… What happend to “Comments are the lifeblood of the PSBlog”…
It is very frustrating that Phil Rosenberg never returned to review this feedback. He set a really positive tone when this article originally went up. Big missed opportunity to stay engaged with this community.
I agree very disappointing that Phil Rosenberg has chosen not to communicate to the customer base and addressing their concerns.
Yeah, the lack of response here seems to make it appear that the official Sony presence was only here to sell. :(
First week was pretty good. Last week I was out of town. This week, Chicago game, it is pausing every few plays – the pause lasts about a play or two in length every time. My system is “clean” (I had already done all the procedures mentioned, even thought it didn’t make sense why that would impact an internet feed.) But the thing is close to unwatchable.
I suspect, again, this is why they wanted all their money up front.
3rd week in. The service is really disappointing. I have Fios Quantum service at 50kbps and still get buffering, pix-elation and lags? I paid $300 dollars for a crap product? I use the MLB app, no problems.
Week 3: I restored the file system as mentioned before, and it performed flawlessly for the Dallas/TB game. I also flipped around to all the early games and it was swift and flawless on other games and RZC. I would say near HD as in looks looks much, much better than SD but still a hair behind a crisp HD signal from DirectTV or a good cable signal.
Then…the “late” games come on and it is constant bufferring and freezing, and when it does stream it is ultra blurry low res. Unwatchable (no exaggeration).
This is DEFINITELY a server issue with Sony. Please fix this Sony. I have no problem pay $300 for the service as promised, but I am livid that I paid that premium for 40% reliability. Please fix this.
I emailed Support asking for a partial refund for the game I was unable to watch last week (Seahawks-Cowboys). Here is the response I received:
“Thank you for your recent call to Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) Consumer Services.
We have reviewed your case and as a one time gesture of goodwill, your credit card has been refunded in the amount of $299.95.
Please note, according to PlayStation® Network (PSN) terms of service and user agreement, all users should safeguard their account information to prevent use by any other user. SCEA shall have no liability for any unauthorized usage of a PSN account. SCEA will not be able to refund your account again.”
Sooo- They refunded me, which is nice, but they also shut off my subscription. I didn’t want to CANCEL the service, I just wanted it to get better, and to not pay for the weekends where it was not working. The way they are handling this makes no sense. But for those of you who want a refund, you can get one. Just email support and explain you have tried all of the troubleshooting tips.
Hey all, Phil Rosenberg is acknowledging the issues on Twitter: https://twitter.com/philrosenberg
VERY unusual for them to refund. Most people who ask get the standard reply of “the TOS says no refund, sorry.”
Update, week 3: About 10 minutes after my last post, the stream was restored and played with same quality I had this morning. Excellent quality, with no buffering or freezing. So this week was at least better than last week. When it works, it’s awesome–now they need to work on providing consistent service.
They need to fix this. It is not hard to stream HD quality video. Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, Amazon et al. stream HD video flawlessly on my network.
Dear Sony–
Please fix this. $300 is only worth it if the service works.
Ok, discovered this afternoon that the service blacks out the wrong friggin’ games!!! I’m a Saints fan living in SC, and happily paid the $300 for this service to watch the Saints this season.
Well, the first 2 games were broadcast locally, so of course the blacked out message made sense. Today, game not broadcast on any channel, yet still got the blackout message! Interestingly, the Dallas/Tampa Bay game was also blacked out, and not being broadcast locally. Makes no sense.
Spent over 3 hours on the phone w/ both DirectTV & Sony, and they each blamed the other (of course). They did each claim that the service uses the IP address of the PS3 to determine it’s location, and so also tried to blame my ISP. Speedtest.net shows my IP pinging to Sumter, SC, so…wrong-O “tech” support!
After Sony threw their hands up, I demanded a refund and they put the “request” in. I received the email denying my refund due to TOS that I see others have received. This is unacceptable!
I tweeted Mr. Rosenberg per the recommendation at the Sony PS3 forums’, so, do I have any other options? I do plan on disputing the charge w/ my credit card co., so we’ll see.
Email Sony support asking for a refund. Don’t bother with the phones.
Week 3, and all is good. Receptiom great and my team is on a winning streak….GO TEXANS!!!
My only issue, if you’d call it that is blackouts. Dang, I wish DirecTV,Sony, NFL …someone, would offer ALL games that play on Sunday….especially through the PS3.
That way if one game is in overtime, another channel could the scheculed game on time. Also, if CBS, predicts a game in your area(blackout)…so what!!! Show it on DirecTV/PS3…get those attornies fired up and rewrite the contract.
Thanks PS3, I feel from reading the postings, I’m one of the few or one of the lucky ones able to view excellent quality football. I have to us the PS3, we have Cox cable, internet, and phone…bottom line the BOSS….my wife(M.D./PhD.) keeps telling me we don’t need another cable hookup of having a dish hanging on the side of our house…homeowners association may not like it either…oh well.
Thanks PS3!!!
Thanks. Is there a specific email address I should contact?
Fill out the form at http://us.playstation.com/support/ask/
Make sure to select PlayStation Network as the product, Apps as the service, and NFL Sunday Ticket as the topic. Explain in your email that you have a strong connection speed, you are using a wired connection, you did not have a loose connection, you didn’t have anything else downloading in the background, and that during Week 1 it worked as advertised for every game. Also mention that you know that many others are having the same issue because of posts in the Sony Support forum.
Someone will get back to you asking for your PSN username and email address. Give them that and they will file for a refund for you. The whole process shouldn’t take more than 4-5 days.