Hello PlayStation Nation!
NFL SUNDAY TICKET is returning in time for the NFL‘s regular season opening weekend on September 9th.
All existing DIRECTV subscribers who have the NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX plan will be able to download the PS3 application from PlayStation Network for free, and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game every Sunday afternoon this season in full HD.
In addition, you will have access to DIRECTV’S the RED ZONE CHANNEL at no additional charge. RED ZONE delivers the final yards of every scoring drive and other exciting moments from all Sunday afternoon games as they happen, and it’s a great way to stay on top of the day’s highlights.
For all of you fantasy football aficionados, the NFL SUNDAY TICKET app also includes up-to-the-minute stats to help you keep track of every play on the field. If you play NFL.com fantasy, you can follow your fantasy team in real time while watching games Sunday afternoon.
PS3 owners without access to DIRECTV will also be able to receive NFL Sunday Ticket and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game this season for $299.95.
We’re very excited to see the return of the definitive NFL football app on PlayStation Network. Keep an eye out for the launch of NFL SUNDAY TICKET with the PlayStation Store update on September 4th.
Thanks Volk for the updated. I will be buying PSN cards today and will update on here later.
I am now seeing the promotional video when I open the app on my PS3. I really hope the quality is better for the actual games – to me, it looks like standard def. The PS3 connection test is telling me that I’m getting approx 10Mbps down and 2.3 Mbps up, so that shouldn’t be an issue.
ick. are u using wireless or hard wired?
I’m about to embark on the NFL Sunday Ticket for the PS3 but I have a question. If I already have Sunday Ticket MAX do I login with my Directv credentials? How does the PS3 know I am a Sunday Ticket MAX subscriber?
Yes login with your directv credentials.
@nitty – I am connected wirelessly. Tried through PS3 directly (which I think is G, can’t remember) and from a wireless bridge connection (wireless N, at 5G). Got similar speeds from both. I also turned off the media server, as someone suggested.
I don’t think my wireless connection is the bottleneck, but might try a wired connection later. Will report back.
Also, my other TV (currently being serviced) seems to handle standard def better than the one I’m using – hopefully that will make a diff.
Thanks nitty… Also do I have to login every time I launch the PS3 app with directv credentials?
correct. you must use it everytime.
horrible they don’t have the pay installments
Yeah, I had it last year – very fast internet connection, hardwired to the router, 54″ Panny plasma 1080p HD TV. The feed looks barely better than SD during the season. Remember, what they are doing is compressing the HD feed from DirectTV’s broadcast and then sending that compressed video over the internet. And since I’m sure they are trying to minimize bandwidth usage, it seems pretty compressed. So don’t expect anything close to what you see on your HD Dish channels in terms of picture quality.
I broke down and bought PSN cards today; worked wonderfully and I am not all set for the start of the season. I think from now i will be buying the PSN cards and just forgoing the storage of my CC info on the playstation network
How do I track my Fantasy Team using this app? A step by step would be nice :)
good deal. seems like PSN cards are working for this. I will be getting mines later. Yeah i wiash they had the pay installments. $300 upfront is steep these days. I hope there are no hiccups the first week. If so I better see some credit refunds,
I, like Valran, also went to Smallmart and bought the cards. Worked like a charm! It sucks that I had to go out of my way, but I NEED ME SOME FOOTBALL!!! I’m going to save beaucoup dinero by not having to go to the bars. Also will save on legal fees, b/c I don’t have to come across and beat down Bears fans anymore.
@slow – I get your point, but this is straight off of this website (blog.us.playstation.com), referring to Sunday Ticket on PS3:
“It’s the perfect way to enjoy all the action of the NFL in high definition”.
I think this is a bit of a stretch.
@ickrayz – I know, that’s what they said last year and they got a lot of grief for the comments. Frankly, I think it is deceptive. You can say “well, HD can mean a lot of things!” But for people who are used to watching digital cable or satellite, there is an expectation that it will be the kind of HD they see on their HD channels on their providers. Its not. In my experience, not even close. I suppose if you are watching on a lower end, 26″ TV it may look “HD” but, again, just don’t expect HD like you’d see on a Dish or DirectTV or good digital cable TV provider’s HD channels.
yea I had it last year, and the video feeds looks grainy. Hopefully they upgraded it this year.
Oh man let me pawn my ps3 so I can get the Sunday ticket. Oh man I can’t do that I need the ps3 to watch the Sunday ticket ! Oh! I know what I can do I can pawn my kids Wii yeah ! That’s the ticket to get Sunday ticket ! Yeah right ! What they should do is sell individual team games you know one team that you could watch just their games for the whole season. For example the EAGLES YOU COULD WATCH ALL THEIR GAMES FOR LET’S SAY 150.00 I sure as hell there would be more people inclined to do that then spend 300 buckaroos . 300 bucks is just way to much for the working class man
Just brought 6 $50 PSN cards. All loaded on my wallet successfully. Ready to buy app now.
Been trying to purchase this, but for some reason I cannot add funds to my psn wallet, pissed off.
FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! I am an Eagles fan, live in DC area and a forced Comcrap subscriber limited to getting only the Eagles games they choose to show. I HAD NO IDEA I COULD GET DIRECTV’S SUNDAY TICKET ON MY PS3!!! This is 300 bucks well spent. Thank you PS3 and DirecTV!!!
Just brought the app. Looks just like last year. Its showing the deion anx peyton promos for sunday ticket on the redzone channel. Picture looks ok so far. Guess i find out on sunday how the games looks.
I was all set to order this today but saw that the payment option from last year is no longer available. That stinks. I had my budget all set up for it. Now, I have to wait for at least another month. Not too happy about that. Glad it’s available because I live in an apartment complex and can’t get DirecTV but, damn, why remove the payment option that makes it easier for more people to afford?
Well, tried to purchase this today and it says my account info is invalid. I looked, it is all good. It is exactly what it was a month ago when it renewed my playstation plus account. Checked my bank account, way more in there than the $300 needed. Went online on my PC, logged in, it won’t even let me add $5 to my wallet, saying my account info is invalid. OK – reentered it all, and get the same message. I called support, and the only thing the lady said was I don’t know, maybe our system is down or something, you should go buy PSN network cards and use those. Unfortunately, where I am, there is no close location that sells them. BTW – tried buying something from Amazon just to make sure nothing wrong with my card, just now – no problem.
Sure wish someone at Sony would be willing to take my money.
I bet they will lose out on a lot of fans for not having the installment option! I live in Wisconsin and I am a Lions fan, I can go to a place for free to see all the games! Screw this!
Wow DirecTV and Playstation 3 should be ashamed of themselves! I had this package last year and I enjoyed it despite the sub par HD. But to first rip off Playstation owners and say you have to pay for the Sunday Ticket Max package for $299 with no option for the $199 package and then not allow consumers to make installments in addition is bogus! I get my favorite teams game in market anyway so I just dont see dropping three bills at once to watch the rest of the league. I can just take that money and go to a game or 2. You will lose many consumers for not allowing installments, get the installments back ASAP!!!!!!
How the hell is there not a payment plan like last year? Is this company run by Mitt Romney now? I love how Phil disappeared without fully explaining how this “benefits” everyone involved. If you’re completely confident in the product and service you’re providing you don’t have to ask for a lump sum payment. I paid for this last season but there’s absolutely no way I’m paying for this service as it stands right now. I’l just add the extra 10 bucks a month to my cable bill so that I can watch Red Zone. This is just another example of how it’s never enough money for these lowlifes.
I see a lot of people buying PSN cards to put the $300 in their wallet. Why not just use a credit card? Is there something I should know about before giving PSN my CC #?
OK, Sony is awful. For CC, they only give you the options of $5, $10, $25, $50, and $350 to add to your wallet. Why would I add $350 when Sunday Ticket costs $300?!?!? So, I can have $50 sitting in their banks?!?!?!? Ridiculous that there is no option to type in the amount you want to put in your wallet. So, I decided to try six $50 transactions. First one went through OK. All subsequent tries ended up saying “your credit card has expired”. Just ridiculous! Now I have to head over to Best Buy to purchase five $50 PSN cards to add funds to my wallet. You would think they could make it easier for them to take your damn money!!!
Sony and Direct TV can kiss my stinkin swamp ass. I was hoping they’d come to their senses after my earlier posts I made a few days ago about bringing the payments back , I guess they don’t care , PS3 IS A COMPLETE JOKE, half the apps are garbage, YouTube freezes and crashes the system , the whole community setup blows . PS3 is a thourghbreed trapped in a donkeys body .Your networks and programs blow!! I have an Xbox and I’m by all means not a Xbox fan boy , but my honest opinion is making me sound more and more like one.
Your going to miss out on a lot of customers without the payment plans . Signed, F ing Pissed
Is there a free trial? I want the service, but want to make sure it actually works first.
@haugs32, no free trial. That has been the big issue for a lot of people. Last year I signed up, with a very fast internet connection (measured on the PS3 as actual 15 Meg download) and the first couple of weeks were unwatchable. It was like a really bad YouTube feed. Very pixellated. Even my wife, who doesn’t pay much attention to such things, asked me why the TV was messed up. But when I tried to tell Sony that first week that it just didn’t work and that I’d like a refund, even if they wanted to take out the amount for the first week, they said no. I told them, but I can’t use it – it is unwatchable. Why would you want to charge me for a product you can’t deliver – I really WANT it to be good, but it is so bad as to be unwatchable – they said too bad, read the agreement, you paid, no refunds.
I suspect this is why they are making people pay lump sum up front, so that people won’t call their CC company and tell them to stop payment on the later payments if the quality is low. I am signed up again this year, but only because it was a gift (and I’m hoping it is much better this year.)
If I were you, I’d wait at least a week or two and see the reports before signing up.
Honestly, we were expecting a $199 option. Went for the $80 HD antenna instead. Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC are crystal clear…
If you are wanting this package so you can watch the local team you are likely wasting your money. Read the rules carefully before paying a dime. I did. Looks like pretty much none of the Colts home games will be shown for me so I have no interest in spending any money on this. For the obscene price that is being charged for this service you should have access to all games…period.
Buyer beware!
Yeah, the reason to get this package is because you want to be able to watch games that are outside your market and that the local stations are not carrying. The picture quality will be nowhere near as good as what you’ll get from an HD feed on your cable or satellite. So, for example, I’m a Bears fan, and really want to see the Bears play Indy and see how Luck does in his first game, but we’re getting the Vikings game instead. If we were getting the Bears game I’d watch it on Dish rather than on the PS3.
So if you can get the games you want on your local networks, I don’t know why you’d pay for this package.
Now we hold our collective breath and see what the quality of the feed is like today….
So far the Gameday show on the Sunday Ticket looks to be like it is in good SD resolution. Seems to pixellate pretty hard with fast motion. The sound also has a bit of an echo. We’ll see how the actual games are.
The commercials seem to be in higher resolution! ;)
Slow Hand – the updates are appreciated… I’m one of those waiting for the reviews before purchasing. Thx for being the canary in the mine.
Slow Hand, I remember you and I not being satisfied at all with the feed last season but here I am contemplating buying it again at the last minute. Looks like you already have bought it. It’s hard to buy something knowing you’re not going to get the quality that’s being promised but then again I have no other way of seeing the game (Also a Bears fan) without going to a bar.
So if you aren’t a DirectTV subscriber and don’t have NFL Ticket MAX, you don’t get the NFL RedZone???
I paid the $300 but get messages about the red zone channel being a free trial..can someone explain what is going on? I was watching the NFL network show and then it cut off for a while, got the red zone free trial message and now its playing the fox pregame show…what the heck is going on? i’m gonna be pissed if theres no red zone channel..and no, i’m not a direct tv subscriber in any capacity..
ok, red zone channel is on now..quality is pretty good, i did not order last year but its pretty high quality..we’ll see once the games start what happens..
Is there a way to view multiple games on one screen (and toggle which one has sound) like on the DTV version?
one time fee of $300 is high Sony, be for the people and not the business. That’s why i still love my Dreamcast over any game station
nope, we have a dumb down version. hopefully next year we can see such of a thing
daaayum, 300 for a dumb down version. thanks WU-soldier
picture quality is equivalent to or equal to 720p, ive seen better at 720p, im that kind of a person that just goes with the flow so it doesnt both me as much as the sound quality. i think the quality of sound needs improving. it almost sounds like its coming in at 96kps.
this is my second year with this alternative service sony/directv offer, its smoother this year WAY smoother, but it can still have some improvements. $300 is a lot of money to ask for up front and not installments.
i would like if sony could do a mid season update and add OR AT LEAST LOOK INTO
– being able to add fantasy team
– being able to view dual games or multiple games at once
got to accomplish the little things before you go for the big!
lastly, i think more people would purchase this app if sony/directv had just those two features listed. sadly, im almost 99.9% sure no one from sony/directv is going to read this…
To those that are about to order the PS3 version of NFL Sunday Ticket…Just say “No.”..those who already ordered it are out $299
They say what the service IS but with all the confusing advertising (I am a Marketing Director) about the service overall they do not tell you what the service IS NOT! Talk about “Guilty by Omission.”
Because of the PS3 $299 price, which is the same as the NFL Sunday MAX on DirectTV, it seems that some subscribers would assume it was the NFL Sunday MAX on the PS3. IT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Below are the services that the PS3 NFL Sunday Ticket is NOT:
* It is not HD
* There is no player tracker or game mix
* It is completely buggy. Says the NO vs. WASH and the NE vs. TEN is on Blackout status even though I live in San Diego, CA.
* There are no refunds.
The thing that really gets me is because there is no refund you are paying the $299 in one shot. They are pretty smart because than you cannot close your account so they could not charge the remaining cost.
Here are a few tips: When in a strip club do not ask the “waitress” to give you change for $100 bill and do not subscribe to PS3 NFL Sunday Ticket.
OK, halftime of the Bears-Indy game. Picture quality is pretty good. Again, nothing like HD like you are used to on digital cable or satellite, but very watchable. The field seems to flick in and out of focus quite a bit. (Oh, just measured, my PS3 is getting about 14.5 Meg download speed, direct connected to the router.)
Also, if you’ve never seen this package before, don’t be surprised that the picture looks like film and not video. In other words, it doesn’t look “Live” it looks taped. That is a result of the way DirectTV does this: they are recording the games, compressing them to save bandwidth, then sending that compressed package over the internet. This is also why what you are seeing is delayed from what is being seen or heard live (haven’t tested to see what the actual delay it.)
But again, the picture quality on this game has been very watchable so far, as long as you keep your expectations in check.