Hello PlayStation Nation!
NFL SUNDAY TICKET is returning in time for the NFL‘s regular season opening weekend on September 9th.
All existing DIRECTV subscribers who have the NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX plan will be able to download the PS3 application from PlayStation Network for free, and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game every Sunday afternoon this season in full HD.
In addition, you will have access to DIRECTV’S the RED ZONE CHANNEL at no additional charge. RED ZONE delivers the final yards of every scoring drive and other exciting moments from all Sunday afternoon games as they happen, and it’s a great way to stay on top of the day’s highlights.
For all of you fantasy football aficionados, the NFL SUNDAY TICKET app also includes up-to-the-minute stats to help you keep track of every play on the field. If you play NFL.com fantasy, you can follow your fantasy team in real time while watching games Sunday afternoon.
PS3 owners without access to DIRECTV will also be able to receive NFL Sunday Ticket and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game this season for $299.95.
We’re very excited to see the return of the definitive NFL football app on PlayStation Network. Keep an eye out for the launch of NFL SUNDAY TICKET with the PlayStation Store update on September 4th.
anyone see the app yet
I now see an app for “DirecTV / NFL Sunday Ticket” but when you click on it and read the fine print it says “FREE” and nothing about paying for it. The usual spiel about DirecTV etc. Wondering if I should download this free App and then maybe it will prompt me if I am capable of receiving DirecTV and I click “no” / then purchase. I’ll be the guinea pig and let ya’ll know.
is it really there?
its there and yes, the app itself is free to download but you’ll have to set up payment after opening it.
Where is NFL Sunday Ticket??? Come on Sony!!!! It’s already 7:05PM EST. I tried doing a system update via internet and it said the latest version of the system software is already installed. There is no need to update. Then I tried update via storage media and it said no applicable update data was found. Then I tried going on the PlayStation store and finding it but no luck. Anyone else have any luck?
The App Is there but does the wallet hold 300 dollars cause last year it was 150 dollars max
It’s there & I am in!
$299.95 but I don’t care as it’s cheaper than going to the bar AND having to worry about having too much to drink!
Food & beverages are much cheaper here at my house!
Chris, go to media and apps in the store.
thats it – go ahead and add the directv / sunday ticket you do get that gateway question of whether or not you can receive DirecTV at your place.
Only problem is I’m unable to add funds to my wallet – I’m assuming this is a system error :(
I had to update my CC info first.
Does the wallet hold 300 dollars or do i have to use a credit card
Please someone confirm if your wallet can hold $300.00 worth of PSN cards. I dont want to use my credit card info
Where did you find that out just want to be sure is their a LINk
so far, I am unable to add funds to my wallet despite updating the info. I’m sure it’ll be fixed soon enough.
Oh, looks like I have a $1 test charge on my credit card right now from Sony.
Thanks mrt144!!!! I found it and downloaded it already. Last year I know I did a system update before I actually saw NFL Sunday Ticket on the PS3. I tried searching for it but had no luck but after clicking on Media & Apps I was able to find it. Does anyone know if the PSN wallet hold more than $150.00? The PlayStation representative I spoke with on the phone the other day said the PSN wallet only holds $150.00.
This is annoying they keep saying they are unable to add funds to wallet. I called their help desk and of course the dude wants me to call my banks, etc. etc. Very frustrating – I told him I use my cards for transactions like this all the time and the problem is most definitely on their end.
So I’m assuming nobody is able to complete a transaction yet.
I am all set! Updated my CC info & that was it.
where did u found this at lefty bear? i dont want go buy $300 woth of psn cards and cant use them. why sony dont tell ua they did a increase for the wallet.
Hey guys!!!! I just called Sony and I guess other people are having problems trying to get NFL Sunday Ticket with their credit card/debit card. I had this problem last year and for whatever reason it wouldn’t accept my debit card. I did ask the representative about the PSN wallet having a limit of $150.00 and he said yes and that I was correct. Then I asked him if the PSN wallet limit has been increased and he said no. Looks like I’ll have to purchase 6 PSN cards for $50.00. I’m not sure how this is going to work if the PSN wallet limit is $150.00 and NFL Sunday Ticket is $299.95. Can someone help clarify this for me as simple as possible?
This is Really funny how can this info not be put out there for us to know
Come on sony give us some info
Just fyi, I saw that some folks mentioned that the “to go” option was included w/ this. It looks like that’s not the case. It appears the login is only to the playstation network. It doesn’t work when trying to log into the Android app or onto the DirecTV website.
Unless maybe it will update overnite – am doubting it, though.
Fearse I agree with you on this. Sony needs to do a walk thru video. Just like they did last year right here.
I guess I wait till Saturday to let them work of the kinks and find out if the wallet has been increased.
giving up. really frustrated that they are not accepting any of my credit cards. hate to drop the “other system” but I have literally never had a problem with a transaction on xbox 360 /banghead
Mike. Just wait till Saturday. Hopefully all our questions, will be answered on here by then.
Best thing for sony to do is increase the wallet funds to 300 dollars
Just saw my brother add a few PSN cards to his account giving him a balance of $197. So it did increase from $150. He will buy and add more tomorrow.
I am just wondering my mom is a directv customer and I dont have her email address nor her password and I was wondering since my mom is a directv customer is the sunday ticket free.
burnt chicken keep us updated.
Just bought it. This is awesome for NFL fans. Let’s pray they fix the problems they had last year on opening day. Opening dayis like Xmas morning for me.Talk about a total disaster, a party with food drinks everything, then having to go to the sports bar and miss half the game. PLEASE FIX THIS FOR OPENING DAY!!!!!
As far as the price, its a ton cheaper than going to the sportsbar.
Will there be a DVR function? Will we be able to watch archived games?
steviaquinn, did u use psn cards or a credit card.
Credit card on file
ok. I am gonna wait a couple days until i hear about PSN card wallet increase. Credit card is a no go for me.
Got it…..7:30pm Central/Oklahoma Time.
1. Go Texans!!!
2. A BIG thanks to the Sony Customer Service Reps!!! I have been calling off and on since June about this and they have ALWAYS been very helpful. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. When you buy this if you go the wirless route, ask the Sony Customer Service Rep how to speed up the connection……………..Network Settings……diable media server.
4. This whole process was too easy, there’s got to be some problems somewhere…LOL!!
5. Beer…check, Tailgate food…check, Bourbon…check, cigars…check. All systems…GO!!!
Are You Ready For Some Football!!!
@ nitty – it did get added to my wallet first
thanks stevi. looks like i will be getting this tomorrow. so disabling the media server helps speed up the wireless connection. thank for the info
Sorry People I was misinformed by Directv..Since I was a former customer for some reason they keep speaking to me if I planned on coming back. If you buy Sunday NFL Ticket through Playstation 3 you will NOT be able to watch it on your PC or MOBILE devices. This really sucks…might just do the online version with Directv since my PC is already 27 inches..but I do prefer my 70 inches to watch the game on:( this really sucks….will make my decision tomorrow
So i was looking forward to getting this but after reading the summary on the order page and looking over this post again this is basically a huge ripoff. Your being charged the NFL Sunday Ticket MAX cost yet get 0 of the features of MAX.
The in-app purchase summary indicates 1 game at a time so out goes the 8 game mix. In the blog post everything before “PS3 owners without access to DIRECTV will also be able to receive NFL Sunday Ticket and live stream every out-of-market NFL football game this season for $299.95” indicates that it’s only for DirecTV subscribers. So I read that as no fantasy tracker and like no real time stats/scores. Also no mobile or computer access.
Really nice of DirecTV to charge the MAX price and screw you over. Oh well it’s expected from such a horrible service as DirecTV. I’ll be happy when the NFL finally realizes they’ll make more money doing this on their own or opening it up to multiple providers.
I’ll pass on this until they price it respectably. For what is given it shouldn’t be no more than 199. Honestly maybe less but I’d likely buy it at that price instead of paying an extra 100 for services I am not given access too.
i agree with you soild, but hey this is what some ppl can only get. Some cant get directv
I just was reading through all the comments and started up my PS3. The app was there and I went through installing it & accepting the typical legal crap. I chose the “no I can not get DirecTV in my area” option and stopped at the purchase page. It looks like it’s a no-brainer but after reading some of the problems people were having with purchasing, I’m holding off for a couple of days.
If anyone has more info how to purchase with a credit card. Please post some comments. Thanks in advance.
steviaquinn, do you have a credit card on file with PS store? Can you explain how it gets added to your wallet first (with a CC on file)? Did you have to call to do this and then purchase Sunday Ticket? This will be my first time purchasing something on PS3. Please give a step-by-step breakdown on the Sunday Ticket purchase process (if you don’t mind). Thanks.
This is my first year of purchasing the NFL Sunday Ticket for PS3. I downloaded the app today and entered my login information. The app loaded to say “We’re Sorry. The season starts September 9th. See you then!”, but does not have any other features at all. Is everyone else’s look this same way as well? I just thought that since they were announcing the release of the app today, subscribers would be able to view something other than an error screen until September 9th. Someone that has purchased NFL Sunday Ticket (PS3) and logged in, please let me know if you are currently getting this same screen! Thanks in advance!
Why is there no installment payments like last year?
@KenDawg – I have a card on file. When I purchased, it automatically added to my wallet from my card and then debited the wallet, in the same step. I received 2 email confirmations. Plus a confirmation from my credit card company.
@ChadNikk – After purchasing, I’m getting the same message as you. “Season starts Sep 9”, or something to that effect. Not terribly interesting ;-)
I can confirm for everyone that you can buy PS cards and have a $300.00 credit balance. I just bought 6 cards and added them to my account with no issues!
Updated the sunday ticket app to version 2.0, no issues. Ordered the sunday ticket with my $300 PSN store credit with no problems. One interesting new thing is when I launch the app I don’t get a “Season starts September 9 (or whatever message). I am watching a promotional video for Sunday Ticket…. Video is very clear! Hope this helps