As most of you know we are releasing a pretty hefty System Software Update (v1.80) for PlayStation Vita (PS Vita), which will enhance your experience and also allow you to play PSone Classics on your device.
Before the update becomes available, I wanted to take the opportunity to walk you through some of the highlighted changes and give you a sneak preview of what you can expect.
PSone Classics
We are working hard to ensure that all of your favorite PS one Classics titles will be available for download directly on your PS Vita via PlayStation Store (PS Store) as soon as possible.
Here is a list of PSone Classics titles that will be available for download on 8/28:
- Arc the Lad
- Cool Boarders 2
- Hot Shots Golf 2
- Jet Moto
- Syphon Filter
- Tomb Raider
- Twisted Metal 2
- Wild Arms
For those of you who have already purchased these titles, you will be able to re-download those games directly from your PS Store account or transfer them to your PS Vita directly from your PS3 at no extra charge.
I hope you enjoyed the video; for any additional information on PS Vita System Software Update v1.80, please visit this page when the update goes live.
As always, we appreciate and look forward to your feedback and questions below.
@Everyone who keeps saying that “you can transfer your PSone games from your PS3 to your Vita excuse…”
Not everyone who has a Vita owns a PS3 so that is not an option. If true that only 9 PSone games will be available for download on the Vita store then SCEA just showed how truly incompetent they are.
EU gets over 120 PSOne games available for download when the PSN store is updated, Asia, if the asian blog is to be believed will have over 200 PSOne games available..while NA gets 9? NINE?! DAMN!! That is just massive fail.
E3 sucks and now this? Honestly, every single one of SCEA management should be fired. They are and I repeat THEY ARE INCOMPETENT MORONS!
Where is Vigilante 8?
I am playing Soul Reaver and Legend of Dragoon now. Just donwload from the ps3. Stop complaining before checking it out. Sony is working hard and delivering great conten and valuet every week. Good job sony!!!
*content and value
Wow, are you serious? only 9 when SCEE has a 100? https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2012/08/27/ps-vita-system-software-update-v1-80-the-full-psone-classics-line-up/
talk about being a joke. SCEE has better offers for PS owners and it looks like the streak continues. Thanks SCEA!
How about those without PS3?
We have every right to complain, especially when EU gets 120+ and Asia gets 200+ that DO NOT require a PS3.
Remember, this is PSVita, a stand alone device. It is not a PS3 accessory.
this really better be a joke, i mean come on this list can’t even be compared to Europe’s list
it’s not even half the size of Europe’s list. huffff…
well i guess we’ll see later, good things happen to those who wait i guess………… i hope.
anyway i hope this can all be sorted out soon, its not that I’m angry just kinda disappointed man.
Every time I think Sony couldn’t possibly handle the Vita any more poorly than they already have, they go and prove me wrong.
Why did I buy this thing again?
Yea, I made the comment about just relax and you will receive in due time but yea I forgot that not all PS Vita users are PS3 users. I understand yall pain and understand yall just using this blog to blow stream. I just yall just have to keep playing them by whatever means yall had DL them, I guess PSP.
Yea, I do have to agree that the Memory Card lock sucks but thats just a way for them to lock content not belong to another user (same as with the PSP account locking games). And its not just SCEA is Sony across all regions (I have a Japanese account as well).
ATTENTION!! To all those who own a PSVita-” BUT DO NOT OWN A PS3″-. A select few PSOne games can be downloaded to the Vita system straight from the PSN store. Go to store on Vita, then click on settings, its the button bubble at the bottom right with this (. . .) Then click on download list and search through your downloads manually.
Games I’ve downloaded this way and I know for sure work are;
Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness
Japanese PSOne games that work are:
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Cho Aniki
Some PSP and PS minis also work this way. Go ahead and try it and please keep listing what works so we’ll all know. Thanks and You’re welcome. :)
More info; You have to turn on back touch for browser in browser settings while in app.
I appreciate what you are doing, I really do, but now we’re going to play the same waiting game that we are forced to endure with the super gradual ports of PSP games. How much longer am I going to have to wait for Motorstorm Arctic Edge in the US? It’s been available in EU for months….
Can someone from Sony at least confirm if the browser will ever be updated with Flash or HTML5 support? While you are at it check if we will ever get PS3 game support with remote play. These are the two main reasons why I bought a Vita.
Thank you,
Glad to see PSOne Classics on Vita, period.
I won’t complain like most of your other fans, but I am hoping you guys will update the PSN Store today or tomorrow so we can actually get said games.
Im testing the games that PS+ gave out, Castlevania Chronicles, works, im testing Medievil, and for RE1, 2 and 3 im downloading them as well as Castlevania Symphony of the Night (glad to be able to play this last one on Vita!) also the commentary on folders, NOW it should be a terrific idea, imagine… Folders: PSone, Vita, APPS, PSP… plsea have it in mind… hope to see it soon
I downloaded the firmware update and the ps one classics are not available. My vita ps store has the usual options such as psp , cross play, vita only etc. No ps one option is selectable. I have ff7 on my ps3 so i decided to transfer that over. I connected my vita to the ps3 and still nothing. It cant even read that i have ff7. I love my ps devices but this is just annoying. Ive read online that other people have been able to play their ps1 games so idk what is going on. Also the other features that came with the update are working just fine. Such as the rear touch pad scrolling on the browser.
@ Rorschach413 – I heard other ps3 owners say you need the game install program on ps3 to transfer the games to vita. So just redownload it I guess.
Well, for someone that didn’t own a PS1 today is like Christmas for me!! Thanks Sony! I have the following playable on my Vita!
Metal Gear Solid
Legends of Dragoon
Syphon Filter
Castlevania SotN
Castlevania Chonicles
Silent Hill
I had to set my screen to Full since the text at the bottom of the screen gets cut off in Silent Hill so I have black bars on the top and bottom. Oh well, that’s not to big of a deal. I am going to get FFVII later on. My 32GB card only has 2GB left!!! Cries! I need PS+ for the Vita so I can get my Vita saved games to the cloud to free up some space!
Thanks again Sony, I am one happy Playstation gamer!
Am I missing something? I don’t see any of the PS1 games yet…
PSN wont be updated till later today..around 4pm or something I think. So until then, you wont see those ps1 games on PSN..like 9 games will mater..
Again to everyone. There are more than 9 ps1 games that can be played on the Vita..
My Complete list.
Works on Vita.~
~Dino Crisis 2
~Fighting Force
~Vagrant Story
~Gex 3
~Castlevania Chronicles
~Legacy Of Kain:Soul Reaver
~Parasite Eve II
~Rayman 2
~Rally Cross
~Street Fighter Alpha2
~Street Fighter Alpha 3
~Resident Evil 3:Nemesis
Does NOT WORK on Vita~
~Crash 1
~Crash 2
~Crash 3
~Crash Team Racing
~Blood Omen:Legacy Of Kain
~Oddworld:Abes Oddysee
why does the European Blog update show like 50 games as available tomorrow?
i dont see any PSOne classics in the PS vita PS store… and i dont have a PS3… how can i get them?
How to get Ps1 games onto your Vita.
(1) Plug Vita via usb into ps3.
(2) Select content manager on Vita, it will open up “Connect to Ps3 System” select .
(3) Next hit “Copy content from Ps3 system to Ps Vita
(4) Next hit “Applications”
(5) Next hip ” Playstation ”
(6) Next hit Aplications downloaded on the Ps3 system.
There you have it.
As stated by many before, it seems that you CANNOT transfer ps1 titles straight through the Vita as of now. You will need your ps3 to transfer your titles.
If im right the reason PS1 classics arent showing on vita store is because the store hasn’t updated yet. Thank you for the update Sony.
@onslaughtree Thanks for that list. That’s too bad about Crash and Oddworld.
I put Symphony of the Night on mine, as well as Castlevania Chronicles, Hot Shots Golf 2, and Track and Field. And I redownloaded all of the ps1 games I own on my ps3 so I can see which ones transfer later. I hope Harvest Moon, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill work.
so it was like i waited for nothing. hahah
Only the 9 games mentioned by sony can be transfered via Vita PSN store.
Please hear me out on this. A lot of people who have owned a PS3 since launch have over 1500 downloads in their download list. The Vita shows every single thing you have downloaded, including what you cannot download onto a PS3 system. All I am asking for is a filter to show only what can be downloaded in the download list to make searching for what you need that much easier. I hate having to scroll for what seems like an eternity to get to the halfway point in my download list. Can you guys please pass this on, this is a much needed change.
@DragonSpirit76 I just saw your list too. Thanks for doing that. Very disappointing that Final Fantasy V, Crash, and Spyro don’t work. Those may have been the 3 I wanted the most. Oh well.
Seems strange that North America’s compatibility list is so much smaller than Europe’s — theirs really dwarfs this one. A good start, anyway.
@onslaughtree What if I don’t have a PS3? No Res Evil 3 for me? :(
@onslaughtree: Doesn’t work for me. None of my 10 installed games show up, not even Jet Moto which is listed as supported.
Good Start. Now you guys need to work on lowering the ridiculous pricing of your memory cards. It was already stupid that you changed the format from duo stick memory which worked fine, but to create a new one and be greedy with its pricing is terrible.
Found my problem. The game needs to be downloaded, not installed, on the PS3 system for it to copy over.
So why are Crash and FFV and many others deemed unplayable or security threats in the US but not Europe? I actually wish they’d try to explain the difference, even if they sound like idiots trying to explain the reasoning. There are only 3 possible solutions, take your pick.
1)SCEA is lazy and not good at their job. The games should be ready to transfer like Europe but they simply aren’t.
2)SCEA is more scared about security threats and hacking exploits than SCEE. SCEE is flagging games to transfer first and asking questions later, or maybe they’re just faster at doing their job – treating the fans right, while SCEA is being overly cautious and treating the fans poorly. If this is the correct answer then SCEA either needs to speed up their process or simply put games up to transfer first and remove them later if someone finds an exploit.
3)SCEA actually thinks there is some sort of business benefit to trickling out support for PS1 classics that are already ready. If this is the answer then SCEA is terribly misrun.
dang does any one know when the ps vita store will be updated in eastern time zone so i can download my ps one games :( dont have ps3
Wow, 10 pages of comments due to this update… around half with complaints. Not that I entirely blame everyone since not everyone has a PS3 or/ and were given lack of information, but it just goes to show how big of an impact this update was to many Vita-owners! I really hope someone from Sony supports rectifies the situation; however until then, keep up the good work everyone!
Remember! Not everyone reads the comment or will read through 10 pages to know the problems or that they can transfer games via PS3, so be nice and don’t disparage them! It’s not their fault and have a right to provide feedback or complaints as a consumer — they’re just expressing how much they love this system! :)
Lastly, I’m loving this update. Playing Xenogears on the go? Countless RPG-goodness? I’m ready for college!
oh, and one more.
possibility 4) Whoever owns the rights to these games for some reason isn’t playing ball with SCEA, only SCEE. That would make no sense to me. I think it’s more likely that SCEA is asking publishers to go through a ridiculous process to prove that there aren’t hacking exploits or something that SCEE isn’t doing.
The downfall for sony
I redownloaded my PS1 classics(cmon sony) to be played on my vita(which we should of been able to do day 1!), only to get a bricked PS3 that needs to be taken to a shop. Lovely.
It’s mind boggling how ALL the ps1 classics are STILL NOT playable. 9-10 games a week SCEA?….dont even know what to say….
Tomba, the game I really want to play, isn’t even on the list that I can transfer over from my ps3(that now needs to get fixed). Does that mean I gotta wait til the last batches of games in order to play it on the vita?
Well first I wanna say thank you Sony!!! This is the major kind of update I’ve been waiting for as opposed to the last one which added caps lock and fixed minor features :P That being said I’m excited for this update! It sounds like you guys have really put a lot of thought and work into the update and it’s great to see the vita is finally beginning to move up in the ranks! Progress is a process everybody! It’s not often that a game system launches and is epic, there’s almost always something so this is the road to victory! :D
How do I play Little big planet2 with the vita it says to connect to the game but the game doesn’t connect with the vita does LittleBigPlanet need an update?
Jade cacoon psone classic been looking for it a long time with no luck
Im so disappointed with Sony. This update could have been huge making Sony alot of money. But they decided to spit in the faces of all the loyal vita owners. Promising 100+ psOne classics and only delivering nine. REALLY!!!! Who’s stupid idea was that. With the way Sony is handling the vita i might as well sell it and go get a 3ds. At least the 3ds has third party support and games that people actually want to play. Why would i continue to keep a system without any real third party support. Lately anything vita has been nothing but a let down. Which is very disappointing given that the vita could be so much more.
The whole point of Sony’s users asking for button controls was so we would not need to touch the screen. I just turned on button controls and I still have to touch the screen to unlock it and browse the store, making this feature useless.
2 million sold worldwide sounds high to me for this abortion of a system. Since when was the Vita supposed to be a PS3 accessory? More than six months in and we still do not have full PSP support (needing the use of a PS3 to transfer PSP titles) and the just released PSX support is only nine titles (compared to EU and Asia’s hundreds) requiring a PS3 to transfer anything other than the nine listed.
some people say that ps vita could have had 50% more processing power to dedicate for gaming if the vita have used xmb, is this true?
how about Spyro The Dragon?
im pretty sure the Vita will have bombastic exlusives like the PS3 has in a few years, it is just a matter of patience.
No spyro no crash no mgs WTF
I’m currently downloading all of the Spyro games to test them out, will let you know how it goes
Tired of people bringing up the transfer method. Having a work around doesn’t negate the failures of SCEA and their treatment of us with the PS Vita and its b/c. They already failed to do well with trickling PSP games into the store, now we have to wait even longer for official support. When SCEE and SCEJ are giving a huge chuck right away. While we get next to nothing, for no reason.
We should NOT have to redownload something to PS3 and see if it will transfer to Vita.
They need to get their act together.