UPDATE: That’s a wrap! Check out all the huge news from this morning’s conference.
Media Molecule’s New Project Revealed: Tearaway for PS Vita
See the First Trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified on PS Vita
PlayStation All-Stars Gamescom Reveal: Dante, Sackboy, Spike, Ratchet and Clank
Gamescom: New The Last of Us Trailer
Watch the GamesCom Trailer for Killzone: Mercenary
PSone Classics Coming to PS Vita via the latest System Software Update (v1.80)
Until Dawn — New PS Move Horror Game — Announced for PS3
The Curtain is Raised on Puppeteer, a New PS3 Adventure
PlayStation Plus Coming to PS Vita, Online Game Save Storage Getting Upgraded
Are You Ready for the God of War: Ascension Multiplayer Beta?
Guten Tag from Cologne, Germany! The doors to gamescom 2012, the world’s largest gaming event, officially open tomorrow, but the news and announcements start today. PlayStation’s gamescom press conference should certainly be of interest to gamers in North America, and fortunately the timing of the evening event means that you can watch it as it happens. We’re streaming it live right here, beginning at 1pm Eastern/10am Pacific.
A note while you’re watching today: much like E3 is targeted to the US audience and Tokyo Game Show is targeted at Japan, the gamescom press conference is primarily aimed at European gamers, so please keep that in mind as you watch. Not everything mentioned or shown today will necessarily apply to those of us in North America. We’ll post on all appropriate things for the North American market, however, just as we always do.
If you don’t see the video above this sentence, please refresh your page. It should then appear.
Note: if you’re viewing this post on a mobile device, please go to gamescom.eu.playstation.com to view the live stream.
Once the main show has wrapped, there’ll then be a short break before our VIP panel gets underway, which will also be streamed live. Some of the brightest minds in video game development will be taking to the stage to weigh in on the “games as art” debate, including Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida, LittleBigPlanet co-creator Alex Evans and thatgamecompany co-founder Kellee Santiago. If you’d like to get a question in on the panel, you can Tweet to us including the #PSGC Twitter hashtag.
At the conclusion of the livestream, you’ll want to refresh the PlayStation.Blog and take another look; we’ll have filled it with stories and trailers from the titles you just saw on stage. We’ll keep the gamescom train rolling all week, with hands-on previews, interviews, and a special podcast from the event. It’s going to be a good week – we hope to see you frequently.
So are the PS1 games gradually rolling out to Vita or will all of our previously bought PS1 games just work day one?
Worst convention of the year so far.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw Japan Studio, but of course expecting The Last Guardian was surrealistic.
Not gonna lie, the only thing that really excited me was that PlayStation Move game, Until Dawn. It actually might be the best Move game made. And its looking like it’ll be going for a Mature rating. But other than that, everything else was so-so. Hopefully we get a killer September game of the month for Plus.
This was so much better than E3!
Good stuff:
1) PS1 on Vita now has a date
2) 1 GB Cloud Storage!
3) COD Vita is real!
4) Killzone Vita is real!
5) New Media Molecule IP! (and it looks great!)
6) Rain
7) Pupeteer looks interesting
8) Until Dawn
9) PS Mobile (more games for Vita, even though most will be casual – but options are always good)
10) Cross Buy
Bad stuff:
1) FIFA 13 has weird move controls instead of cross-save compatibility with Vita
2) Wonderbook took too much time
3) No Kingdom Hearts HD Collection
Overall, a very good conference!
Europe wins one more time on PSN+. Red Dead free and 1gb Cloud Storage.
The way things are going for US, we might get none of those……
Please Sony America, copy everything Europe does and we will be happy. Just saying……..
Man this was so much better than E3. A lot of great announcements. Only game not that impressed with was the COD. I’m let down with the 4 vs 4 online. Pretty weak in my opinion. The game also looks horrible. I don’t know how old the trailer was but if that comes out in November looking the way it did I’ll definitely be passing that up.
Really impressed with Wonderbook and think my kids will really enjoy it. Glad to hear the Vita update hits in 2 weeks and the cloud storage bumping to 1gb. Not impressed with getting RDR since I beat the game quit a while back. I mean who hasn’t played it yet? Not that big of deal though.
Oh well so many great stuff shown and awesome to hear we get the Vita version when we buy PS3 version on some games. Great job Sony.
Wow, first time in years of trying that I’ve been able to watch a live Sony stream on my 3G iPADD. I’d given up hope. This was awesome, now I’m going to watch the panel.
Wow. This show rocked! Great job.
@MaKTaiL: US gets RDR and the 1gb updates to Plus too.
This show was rather awful in more ways than one. Following on from the much derided bloodbath that characterized the E3 presentation by all companies, at the end of this show we have a back to back to back depiction of non-stop death and slaughter and an extremely disturbing puppet game being marketed to young children. What does this show really say about the video game industry and some of the warped minds and priorities behind it (to say nothing of the consumers who support it)?
Where have all the wholesome games gone that actually enrich the player? That Vita paper game looked like something I’d give to children, and that was about it. Most importantly, where was Last Guardian?
meh i want my hour back. but killzone on the vita is a plus.
Yep, Until Dawn was interesting… leaked PS All Stars characters RE-confirmed…. you tube for PS3… PS plus Cloud storage to 1GB and RDR in September (only for EU?)….
PSOne Classics —-Finally!
Ratcher, Sly, LBP, CoD, Killzone for Vita and PSVita Plus
I think that pretty much sums everything :P
ahh …..one more thing… Wonderbook…. O.O
hmm….its was an ok conference.. was expecting a little more TBH.
@DazeOfWar, RDR I doubt it. But Cloud Storage is probably coming.
103. I agree. I love all the Vita and LittleBigPlanet Content coming. and Tear Away looks so amazing
I hope this Cross Play thing becomes a NORM for Sony!!!!! This is great
Why are people whining sooooooo much. Nobody said anything about this all being EU exclusive?!?!? its a convention – in EUROPE PERIOD.
Stay tuned for more details instead of jumping to conclusions.
also. whiney people your not getting your hour back so dont comment about it. the confrence was amazing and proved that 2013 well be a great year.
There’s gonna be more Sony announcements in the upcoming days at Gamescom, right? Not just this? I’m still waiting for an inFAMOUS 3 announcement! :P
this was a much better presser than a E3 by a mile.but there was a genre that was missing in action and that was the RPG genre.i thought that you were going to announce something about it when the japan studio guy stepped on the stage but boy i was wrong.so, where are the RPGS SONY?
Goddamn Puppeteer!
This was amazing, one of the best PlayStation conferences ever! So many new announcements and surprises. Sony PlayStation I love you! So happy to be a PS3 and Vita owner.
You guys knocked this one out of the park. I feel like you listened to us with Cross Buy and more Vita support. The Cross-Controller play was great, integrating PS Mobile into Vita was intriguing, and I’m stoked that PS+ is going to be looking at Vita more seriously. All in all, your marketing department should break out the champagne and celebrate. I mean, you even convinced me Wonderbook could be a great thing in a classroom. Solid work, ladies and gents.
IS MINECRAFT COMING TO PS3 ?!?!?!??! Answer Please!
This show easily killed E3.
need zombie mode for black ops for fhe vita announce *this will increase your pre orders
i want to use vita as a controller for black ops in campaign and zombie mode
what happen to info about the new pulse headphones?
announce 2 more characters for playstation all star battle
make some ps3 exclusinve controllers with sony characters as skins
please add some more apps to the vita
Cross Buy…WOW! I was expecting perhaps a discounted bundle price for PS3/Vita games such as PS All-Stars but the Vita versions for FREE?! Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Finally a date for PSone Classics! FF VII on my Vita? Yes please! Finally footage of CoD for Vita, more on AC III Liberation, PS+ coming to Vita, MM’s new IP Tearaway and Killzone for Vita!
This is the Vita presentation they should’ve had at E3!
And new IPs for PS3 are always welcome. Until Dawn looks very promising. Red Dead and 1 GB cloud save storage on PS+ is also very sweet!
Not too excited for Wonderbook but my 7 year old son will be I’m sure.
Overall, great show Sony! Looking forward to what they have up their sleeves for TGS in a little over a month.
Sly 4 release date pushed back to 2013. With no explanation as to why, I am disappoint. :( At least we got a new trailer, and we got Salim al Kupar as a confirmed character (although he’s been pretty much confirmed by now).
There’d better be a Collector’s Edition with that Cooper Cane from a couple of months ago on Twitter coming out. :)
So Basicly:
(PLUS) Red Dead Redemption in September
(MOVE) Until Dawn by Supermassive Games
(MOVE) 2 new Wonderbook titles I already forgot.
(PSN) Rain by Japan Sutdio
(PSN) Puppeteer by Japan Studio
(VITA) Tearaway by Media Molecule
(VITA) Killzone: Mercanary by Guerilla Games and London Studio
(VITA) PSOne Support – Aug 28.
(VITA) LBP2 Controller DLC
(VITA) Ratchet and Clank: Q-Force by Insomniac Games
Cross Buy for PS3 and Vita – Buy One, get Both. (Featuring Sly Cooper 4, Playstation All-Stars, Ratchet and Clank – Q-Force)
Shown: Black Ops Declassified for VITA, AC3 Liberation for Vita, Book of Spells for
Wonderbook, Last of Us for PS3
Pretty good, and eventful show. Grats.
Well done Sony!! I really enjoyed this conference. The Vita CrossBuy is a great step forward. PS1 on Vita is another must have. 1GB storage, thank you! Tear Away, Until Dawn, Rain and Puppeteer look fantastic. Being a PS3 and Vita owner is pure bliss! Thanks!
Tearaway looks amazing, and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on soul sacrifice!
Ps vita Price Reduction to 150$ is a good idea
No news about wakeup club for north america…. was expecting some news on that front…
Loved the conference! So many highlights and the focus on games, games, games!!!
Cross buy is such an awesome idea!!!
I love my PS3 and VITA!!!!
Also, that panel at the end was amazing. As an artist myself, I always seen some games as art. It was awesome to see the actual creators talk openly and candidly about what its like to be in there shoes. So glad you guys streamed this for us!
Thank you SONY!!! From here on out there is so much awesomeness to play until next spring!!!
Unfornately I didn’t get to see the conference, but judging by the looks of all this news it seems Playstation must have had an amazing conference. And I know vita owners (myself including) must be happy especially with the All Stars cross buy and the upcoming Vita system update! I don’t know how much more good news I can handle this week
What’s taking so long for a different color PS3 to come out!? When are you guys finally going to release a non-black PS3!?
There shuld be a new log post just for ratchet and clank Q-force
Man listen, you guys destroyed E3.
SCEE, nice job………. Loved the Vita support. Just announce some dates, and promote the person responsible for selecting the music for this event. EPIC all round.
playstation mobile looks promising too
Also that LBP cross control looks f**** awesome too!
Good show but should have been a PS3 price cut,News on Final fantasy Vs, Last Guardian, Agent, its really cool to see all this news from Sony, but i think they need to market all these things, journey is an amazing game and i never see it advertised anywhere, Also the vita needs to be similar to steam, its should be flooded with content and updated each week like PSN, i really expected hundreds of apps on there day 1, plus gta, kingdom hearts, Monster hunter. Id like to see an update to the x-media set up on ps3 or allow custom settings, its not changed since launch, plus the web browser needs to be much improved. If FF 7 was remastered in HD exclusive for Vita and Ps3 that would sell like no tomorrow or even San Andreas remastered for Vita.
Dazeofwar we arent getting red dead redemption a sony employee said in another post