UPDATE: That’s a wrap! Check out all the huge news from this morning’s conference.
Media Molecule’s New Project Revealed: Tearaway for PS Vita
See the First Trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified on PS Vita
PlayStation All-Stars Gamescom Reveal: Dante, Sackboy, Spike, Ratchet and Clank
Gamescom: New The Last of Us Trailer
Watch the GamesCom Trailer for Killzone: Mercenary
PSone Classics Coming to PS Vita via the latest System Software Update (v1.80)
Until Dawn — New PS Move Horror Game — Announced for PS3
The Curtain is Raised on Puppeteer, a New PS3 Adventure
PlayStation Plus Coming to PS Vita, Online Game Save Storage Getting Upgraded
Are You Ready for the God of War: Ascension Multiplayer Beta?
Guten Tag from Cologne, Germany! The doors to gamescom 2012, the world’s largest gaming event, officially open tomorrow, but the news and announcements start today. PlayStation’s gamescom press conference should certainly be of interest to gamers in North America, and fortunately the timing of the evening event means that you can watch it as it happens. We’re streaming it live right here, beginning at 1pm Eastern/10am Pacific.
A note while you’re watching today: much like E3 is targeted to the US audience and Tokyo Game Show is targeted at Japan, the gamescom press conference is primarily aimed at European gamers, so please keep that in mind as you watch. Not everything mentioned or shown today will necessarily apply to those of us in North America. We’ll post on all appropriate things for the North American market, however, just as we always do.
If you don’t see the video above this sentence, please refresh your page. It should then appear.
Note: if you’re viewing this post on a mobile device, please go to gamescom.eu.playstation.com to view the live stream.
Once the main show has wrapped, there’ll then be a short break before our VIP panel gets underway, which will also be streamed live. Some of the brightest minds in video game development will be taking to the stage to weigh in on the “games as art” debate, including Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida, LittleBigPlanet co-creator Alex Evans and thatgamecompany co-founder Kellee Santiago. If you’d like to get a question in on the panel, you can Tweet to us including the #PSGC Twitter hashtag.
At the conclusion of the livestream, you’ll want to refresh the PlayStation.Blog and take another look; we’ll have filled it with stories and trailers from the titles you just saw on stage. We’ll keep the gamescom train rolling all week, with hands-on previews, interviews, and a special podcast from the event. It’s going to be a good week – we hope to see you frequently.
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