Hello Craftworld enthusiasts! Today, we’re announcing a contest for the LittleBigPlanet community, where you’ll have the chance to create this year’s PAX Prime LittleBigPlanet Karting T-Shirt!
We’re constantly amazed by the unique levels you all come up with, and we can’t wait to see your creative talents put toward this T-Shirt design.
The rules are simple; the shirt can be any color and must:
- Contain a Classic (non-costumed, knitted) Sackboy
- Include a Kart
- Use only 1-3 colors
- Utilize up to 3 areas on the template
To participate, visit the contest site
Also, our artists can rework what you submit, so even if your drawing skills are not the greatest, go ahead and send in your creation! Winning designs will be selected by LBPK’s production team. We will take the winner’s design and place it on the exclusive T-Shirt that will be handed out at PAX Prime in Seattle.
The winner will, of course, receive their winning shirt. Additionally, they will receive a 3G PlayStation Vita unit, a copy of LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, and a copy of LittleBigPlanet Karting. Five runners up will also receive the winning T-shirt and a copy of LittleBigPlanet Karting. The contest is open now through August 8th, so submit away!
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