Hey everyone, James from Insomniac Games here. Our team of veteran Insomniacs in North Carolina has been hard at work developing Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault, and today I’m happy to share new details surrounding Ratchet & Clank’s latest PSN adventure.
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault heads back to the classic camera, weapons and third-person Ratchet gameplay that the series is known for, while adding a new tower defense element that will have you building and defending a base against invasions using your ultimate Ratchet & Clank arsenal. This new twist, added to the classic Ratchet gameplay, brings a whole new level of strategy and decision-making to Full Frontal Assault. You’ll want to make sure your Hoverboots are laced up and ready as you race to defeat your enemy while keeping your base secure. Wait, Hoverboots don’t have laces…
In Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault, our heroes face a new nemesis – one who has a nasty surprise planned for Captain Qwark. You’ll be able to choose between playing as Ratchet, Clank, or Captain Qwark, and confront an alien army across five levels set on three different planets. The game allows you and a friend to play together with either split-screen or online cooperative gameplay.
Full Frontal Assault will give you a ton of reasons to keep playing, including an online mode we’ll reveal later, as well as loads of upgrades, extra character skins and unlockable content, but we’d like to show you first screenshots of the game here!
Everyone here is very excited to bring Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault to you this fall. In the meantime, for those of you hungering for a Ratchet & Clank fix, be sure to check out the Ratchet & Clank Collection when it launches in the U.S. on August 28th. You may have seen some of the great reviews from the European release.
There will be much more to come from Ratchet & Clank this summer and fall, as we celebrate their 10th Anniversary! To keep up with the latest news, be sure to like Insomniac Games on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.
You guys are having a online mode again????? Holy, must buy. If you guys had a moba mode, it would make me buy it RIGHT NOW!!!! You have lots of characters, great world, turrets, bots…………..mang, yah got everything for a great moba game.
Can the US get it in bluray too. I need it to go with my ratchet ps2 collection. Plus I love the covers of the ratchet games.
I thought all 4 one was a great game. It had the same great humor that i have come to love from R&C series. I had my girlfriend play it with me (She does not play games) and she adored it. We had a blast playing together, even though she fell of ledges a lot lol. That game made her a fan and im glad we could enjoy it together so thanks guys and im def getting this along with hd collection.
So MANY complainers on here, sheesh! Like they say, can’t please everybody. And even if they do, someone will still be complaining about something else!
I just hope the Tower Defense is MINIMAL and a game no so short like Quest for B.
Why its so complicated to just release a classic Ratchet and clank game?
I was interrested until I read tower defense elements because I hate this kind of games. Too bad because Ratchet was one of my best franchise but with All 4 one and now this, its kind of disapointed to see the direction of the series and I’ll not buy this.
You should still give a chance, it’s very much a Ratchet & Clank game