Earlier this month, we delivered a big update to your PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection with the addition of great games like Gotham City Impostors, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, and Renegade Ops. These three games continue to be free for Plus members, in addition to nine more free AAA games, like LittleBigPlanet 2, inFAMOUS 2, and Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. That’s not all for this month, though! To round out July (and even getting a bit into August), we’ve got even more goodness for Plus members!
July 17th PlayStation Plus Update
Dyad – 20% Off: Dyad is an abstract game that is influenced by many genres, including racing games, fighting games, puzzle games and classic arcade shooters. Each of the game’s 27 different levels utilizes a variety of mechanics and present unique challenges: forming long combos, racing, surviving as long as possible, hitting certain top speeds, and more. Releasing as part of the 7/17 PlayStation Store Update, we’re proud to present this highly-anticipated game to all Plus members at a 20% discount on day one! Want more info? Check out all the coverage from the PlayStation Blog on this title, or hop into the PlayStation Forums thread to discuss it with the community.
The Games (PlayStation Store Promotion): Start Your Training. Once again four years have gone by in a flash, and the world is getting together to compete in The Games. To celebrate, snag two bonus sporty PS one Classics free: International Track & Field and Hot Shots Golf 2. International Track and Field is a 3D update to the classic Track & Field series and offers fun competition in over 11 different Olympic Events. Hot Shots Golf 2’s gameplay still shines as well, with easy to pick up and play golf action. If you own a PSP and have a Plus subscription through your PS3, you’ll be able to activate these free Plus downloads on your PSP, as well as your PS3. In addition, the sale will feature 50% discounts on select titles for Plus members too.
July 24th & 31st PlayStation Plus Update

PSN PLAY – 20% off: This legendary PlayStation Store event returns with a killer lineup of new releases and special incentives. PlayStation Plus members get the edge though as each of these highly anticipated new releases will have a 20% discount for all members during the first week! By participating in this event, you’ll not only get discounts on each week of a game’s release (including the pre-order week), but the more you buy, the more actual dollars will end up back in your wallet! So watch out for the pre-order of Expendables 2, starting 7/24 and game release on 7/31.

Sound Shapes, Papo & Yo, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive are also in the wings to rock your PSN world in PSN PLAY, which continues into August. Want more info? Read more about the PSN PLAY event right here or discuss it in the PlayStation Community forums.
Malicious – 20% off: In Malicious, you’ll take control of a “Spirit Vessel” awakened by prophets to defeat Holders, evil giants bent on destroying The Kingdom. You’re armed with the Mantle of Cinders, a magical artifact that takes the form of weapons or a shield. This awesome new PSN title sports a 20% discount in its debut week on the PlayStation Store on 7/24!
That’s it for now, but keep your feedback coming in by posting your thoughts on this update in the comments section. We got some great feedback from the questions posed in the update earlier this month, so thank you for making your voice heard. What games will you be picking up this month? Thanks, and see you in the comments!
Compared to june – july offers you guys are not offering any AWESOME games like u did
Does you guys do a poll to add a game, or do you just check to see what most popular and bring it back?
Morgan any word on if any full ps3 games will b rotated in in august or is it gonna be psn titles I am a fully devoted ps fan anyway I could get a reply haven’t got one yet lol I love ps plus best value in gaming
Motorstorm Apocalypse please!!!!!
Good update you have in there folks, keep em coming.
There is a problem with the full game releases on PS+, the problem is that they don’t come with an operating manual, sometimes it feels uncomplete, with the retail game having a manual but the digital version coming with no manual. Can you please consider it for the future to include the game manual along with the full game releases? thank you.
I want Motorstorm Apocalypse please europe alredy has it and it would be nice a driving game for us too!!!!
I’m PSN Plus from The Netherlands Where are my free games from July games JustCause2, PacManDX, Cotham City-Impostors, Ratchet & Clank all 4 one, Choplifter and Rainbow Moon. All the other games that where in the PSN Plus Store i have dowloaded but these games i NEVER SEEN in the PSN Plus Store. I want those games to.
I hope to get a answer from you Thanks.
All I want is Motorstorm Apocalpyse or GT5 hell even Burnout Paradise would be nice. I’m so sick of how Sony is being unfair by giving out the Good games to these other Countries meanwhile screwing over us USA gamers. I got plus just for the free games. So far I’ve been so cheated, Each Month it’s the same old crap that most of us already played or beaten. Give us a break. Give us a good game not these throwbacks. Hotshots Golf 2, Track and Field comeon the Dinosaurs were outside playing Comet Tag last time I herd old games like that. Give us a good game even if it’s only 1 game instead of Sony’s Plus Usually 3. I’d Rather have 1 good game each month than 3 dinosaurs. I got plus for Minis too which Surprise, Surprise PSN hasn’t offered any Minis since May-June.
Here’s a List of what Gamers want and what I want to play but they are still on the old side
Motorstorm Pacific Rift
Motorstorm Apocalpyse
Dragon Age
Dragon Age 2
Dungeon Hunter Alliance
Burnout Paradise
Gran Turismo 5
Midnight Club LA Complete
COD Blackops
Dead Island
FF8-Final Fantasy 10 cause they have very high REPLAY quality.
Armored Core 5
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Complete or Skyrim, LOL!
Uncharted 1,2 or 3 doesn’t matter I love Uncharted games.
Tomb Raider Underworld
Deux Ex Human Revolution
Resistance 3
Well UK still got Motorstorm Apocalpyse and that was a new game still. They need to give us MA then I’ll shut up about it with all these hatin comments look at how many people agree with me. Come Sony Doomsday is coming up around the corner, Stop being Greedy – Give us the Apocalpyse! It’s a suiting game considering where all about to be fried by the Sun and it’s Solar Flare Meltdown. Give us some good games I’d take Motorstorm Apocalpyse, The Walking Dead and I am Alive. Anyday over these other crappy obsolete games. I like the fact your trying but try harder. Give us a Early Doomsday Christmas Sony! Make it Apocalpyse themed. That would be awesome.
The Game I really want is Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2. It’s a great game and would help gather some traffic for the online components of the game. I bought RE5 Gold but they had a PSN Crash and Rollback my order just vanished all logs deleted and I lost my 29.99 it also happened to Blackops order I had as well and would you’ve guess it Motorstorm Apocalpyse Complete during May/June Order. So I want a refund Sony refused to help me. Since the logs were erased due to a Rollback. I lost alot of Faith and Trust into Sony. When the Server came back on the prices inflated 4x/5x the value I purchased them for so what happened to the money on my cards, I bought Plus for 1 year at 49.99 then Modnations and 35$ worth of DLCS. I didn’t want any of that stuff. I wanted my 3 games I ordered and was in the middle of Downloading. I’m very aggravated about this. Sony still has not reply to my refund even though I processed it the same day I got scammed by PSN.
It’s kind of funny cause I bought my order of Plus thinking I would get the UK pack, I still have my UK account but my cards don’t work cause they was bought in America. I would have never bought plus had I known I wasn’t gonna get Motorstorm Apocalpyse. It’s So messed up yall. After my Motorstorm Apocalpyse Order failed. Now it’s a few days later United Kingdom got the damn game for FREE! OMG. Why doesn’t the USA PSN cards work for the United Kingdom Plus, the UK is just a Extension of the United States Empire. I bought Plus cause I though I was gonna get a UK Plus Membership. Which would in fact get me Motorstorm Apocalyse. I know it’s a bit confusing but I still felt cheated by the System here. Damn you Sony!
Screw you Europians you always get better games than us. Go jump of London’s Bridge.!
Sry for my innapropiate lang but given what I’ve been through with sony in the past until recent this really is the censored version of what I really wanted to say ;)
I didn’t see the don’t be a jerk comment until now, My bad :) I’m not a jerk, I do apologize if I offending anyone I was just trying to be a little comical, lol don’t really jump off the bridge. LOL!
Got the gold cross!!! Totally excited. Totally worth it.. :) Thank you :)
If i become a Playstation Plus member now in August, will I still have access to all the free games in the July collection?? thanks