It’s another week to check out unique gaming stories and thoughts via the PSN Community Spotlight. This is your chance to share your story on the PlayStation Community Forums, while snagging a $50 PlayStation Store voucher if your post is selected!
I know I’ve been leaning a bit on the family stories a bit, and next week, I’ll likely shift gears to some more traditional gamer themes, but I saw this story about how PSN Mom gamer Lil_Mermaid_Girl uses Trophies as a fun way of competing with her family and her son, and I couldn’t resist sharing.
PS3 Trophies Are Fun For The Whole Family
Both myself and my husband have been gaming since we were around eight years old, so when we had our son we figured he would become a gamer too. He’s now seven years old and has been playing since he was four. We’ve always been PlayStation gamers, but since the inclusion of Trophies in 2008 we’ve had an extra way to compete (and play) together.
All three of us have our own PSN usernames because we like to have friendly family competition with our trophy counts. Our son just hit level 11 on his trophies and got his fourth platinum with Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. It took him over a year, but he got it! He even started a real Lego collection to go right along with his favorite games, the Lego series.
We play games together on his account, but his trophies are all his doing besides the things we have done in co-op. We platinumed Up together in co-op, and it’s always fun playing the games with him. His aunt just got her own PS3 and he thinks she is trying to catch up to him so he’s been trying extra hard to not get passed by her!
The newest addition to our PlayStation setup is the PlayStation Move. He’s having a lot of fun “gaining muscle” as he says in Sports Champions. His favorite mode in it is beach volleyball and he’s trying to get 3 stars on everything for those trophies (and self pride). Even though I told him that will be quite difficult, he seems pretty determined. I’m thinking there’s a life lesson in there somewhere.
On the left, Lil_Mermaid_Girl’s son sits proudly next to his Trophy score, while mom and son celebrate Sports Champions accomplishments on the right.
Gaming really does give us something fun to do together as a family, whether it’s cheering for each other in Sports Champions or upping our trophy counts so the other person can’t catch us. I’m still the leader of this family, but as he gets older I’m thinking I will have a real run for it! I personally just think my husband and son are lucky to have a wife/mom who games too though, right, lol!? (At least I’ll be sure to use that when I do get passed!)
Congrats to Lil_Mermaid_Girl, who is now the recipient of a $50 voucher redeemable in the PlayStation Store! Send in your stories here, and feel free to read Lil_Mermaid_Girl‘s original submission right here.
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