Starhawk Minipack Released This Week
After our reveal of the Starhawk Minipack last week with some help from our friends over at LightBox Interactive, we are proud to be able to present to you these awesome costumes which will be available on the PlayStation Store this week.
The Starhawk Minipack contains the complete trio of costumes shown above and we can’t wait for these guys to land on LittleBigPlanet.
So in celebration of this release, we baked an extra special LittleBigPlanet Starhawk cake filled with all the goodness and sweetness that you can expect from us!
Doesn’t it just look so awesome and delicious?
Mm Picks
We start this week’s Mm Picks with a trip to beautifully designed Sunset Paradise and Grabby Gorge levels with their amazing eye-pleasing visuals. Following that we head to the Megachimia laboratory for Sackboy to try his hand at mixing potions before heading out into space in Gun Sack.
Finally we have a rather super keyboard tool that we created by Samson107, just head over to his level and grab a copy of it for yourself to solve all your typing needs when creating a level! He’s even provided everyone with a rather handy little User Manual to help you get started!
Sunset Paradise by Alpha24bauer
Megachimia (platformer) by Khodex
Grabby Gorge (Platformer) by Alley_Cat_8633
GUN SACK(1P Only) JPN by robot_k
LBP Keyboard and Font Advertisement by Samson107
LBP Keyboard User’s Manual by Samson 107
Grabby Gorge Level:

Community Highlight – LBPC Community Spotlight Team
The LBPC Community Spotlight Team work tirelessly to provide a new hub level every couple of weeks, containing a brand new batch of amazing levels that they want everyone to play! I’ve featured them on Sack it to Me previously and we will likely be hearing much more from them as they continue to release new Community Spotlight episodes in future.
Head on over to their latest hub level to see their latest community level recommendations!
LBPC Community Spotlight: Episode 85 by LBPCentralHub
In honour of their amazing efforts though and to celebrate their community spirit, we will be awarding the members of the LBPC Community Spotlight Team a Rare Prize Crown for their continued dedication and hard work in seeking out and featuring these great levels from the LittleBigPlanet Community! Congratulations guys!
Much More Goodness To Come!
We certainly don’t intend to stop there though!
There’s plenty more awesome folks on LittleBigPlanet who deserve recognition for their contributions to the LittleBigPlanet community, so be sure to keep an eye out in future for more awards and prize giveaways for people that truly embody the LittleBigPlanet community spirit!
Stay tuned for more information soon!
LittleBigPlanet on the Web
LittleBigPlanet Twitter – @LittleBigPlanet
LittleBigPlanet Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/littlebigplanet
LittleBigPlanet Community Team Twitters
Steven – @StevenIsbell
Spaff – @thespaff
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