We know that it’s been all-too-quiet on the LittleBigPlanet PS Vita front lately, so we are pleased to share some very exciting news with you all…Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to introduce the lovely box art for Sackboy’s latest adventure!
But wait, there’s more! We know many of you have asked for more video footage of the game, so we created a brand new featurette which will give you all a look behind the curtain of LBP for PS Vita. Enjoy!

Remember to follow LittleBigPlanet on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with all the latest news.
I wasn’t sure wether to buy a Vita, or not. Wether i really wanted one. As soon as i heard about a Little Big Planet game that i can play on the go, that made the desicion for me.
Can’t wait for this game, already PreOrdered.
Will this game have any pre-order bonuses like extra costumes or levels?
I’m so excited about this game. Little Big Planet is the reason I bought my PS3 and this game is one of the reasons I bought my Vita. The only problem I see with this game is it can’t come soon enough! Any chance we’ll get the release date at E3?
I wanna be on the beta testing so bad…
YEEESSSSSS!!!! I’m really glad to hear that I’ll be able to continue making music on Little Big Planet PS Vita, thanks again for replying! I can’t wait to buy this game. I want it NOW lol. Hopefully we get an official date soon because my birthday is on June 21 and I’m hoping that it lands somewhere around my birthday. Even if it doesn’t I’ll still buy it. :)
Hey Simon, do you know if LBP PS Vita has the full resolution of the Vita (like WipEout and Rayman)?
Thank you.
i need that game it a good vido to
Hope DRAWING your own stickers (if it’s going to have like LBP2 with Move pack) will turn out good. Found it a semi nusiense trying to draw in Paint Park, was accurate & not accurate at the same time. Like the pointer/cursor would determine the center of your fingertip perfectly, but you yourself couldn’t 100% even with the magnifying glass (in Paint Park). Sure hope/suggest that LBP Vita have a zoom-in/zoom-out feature while creating/drawing your own stickers.
Do I still have a chance to get an invite?
Because I’m seriously conisdering about buying that
game… and I need something that would help me decide
and beta just looks awesome!
i am so at a loss i signed up for the beta day 1 i was one of the first at least first 20 i told them that i have played every LBP and i dont get a betta key im talking to friends that signed up like a week later and they got in in but not me im so disappointed and really kinda angry i dont think thats fair at all ……if anyone knows how i might be able to get a betta key send me a mssg on psn
oh and i pre orderd the dame game day 1 i love lbp but im really not happy with this it hurts i think im gonna cry