Attention N7 forces on PS3: We have great news. After working closely with PlayStation we are now able to offer you the multiplayer Commendation Packs for Operation Goliath and Operation Raptor, which were held previously this year. As of now, PS3 users can log in and check out the in-game store for their Goliath and Raptor packs, free of charge.
Rally your squad, prepare your arsenal, and get ready to give the Reapers hell.
Cerberus defectors have verified key intel on Reaper Banshees to help provide us a vulnerability to exploit. Banshees are created from a specific kind of asari that cannot be replaced quickly, so we are diverting forces to focus on an all-out Banshee extermination effort.
This task is an onerous one, and many of you are right to dread contact with these particular foes, but rest assured that we are prepared to reinforce your battalion with reserves. The vorcha want in, and as soon as they complete combined-arms training with our technically-skilled personnel, we will let them loose.
It’s time to make our enemies scream.
Successful completion of the Allied goal will grant all players a Victory Pack.
Successful completion of the squad goal will grant all squadmates a Commendation Pack.
Welcome to the next N7 Weekend Operation, Operation SILENCER, beginning this Friday, May 11 at 6:00PM PST until Monday, May 14 at 5:00PM PST, and all of our N7 forces from the PS3 platform are welcomed and encouraged to participate. Please remember to set the “Upload Gameplay Feedback” setting to “On” in the online options to be able to participate in this N7 Operation.
*Note that due to a known issue, PS3 users will not see the promotion screen but they will be participating in Operation SILENCER and will be rewarded.
Keep up the pressure, troopers. As you can see, N7 efforts to date have been bringing the fight right to the front door of our enemy. Our enemy is fierce, but we’ve got the might of the entire galaxy on our side.
Good luck and see you on the battlefield.
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