Hello, I’m Michal from Team Plastic and we are really happy to bring you Datura, which we can confirm today is coming to PSN on May 8th. Datura is a spicy mixture between an old-school adventure and a modern interactive experience. The game has a couple of interpretation levels, so it’s up to you to experience it on your own and share your thoughts afterward with others.
From a technical standpoint, Datura brings you a novel gaming mechanics based on the PlayStation Move motion controller. We created a virtual hand that you can operate and touch nearly everything in the game. If you don’t have a motion controller, you can still play with a DualShock 3 controller. For an even greater experience, Datura also fully supports stereoscopic 3D.
The game was designed to have a film like narrative and we encourage you to play through it in one session to really experience as one. We are excited about releasing it and will be happy to read your reactions afterwards.
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