Hi everyone! My name is Manrique Brenes and I’m the senior director of the consumer electronics group at Skype. We’ve very happy to announce that the Skype Video and Voice calling app for PS Vita will be available later today on PlayStation Store.
Starting later today, you can enjoy free Skype calls on PS Vita. You’ll be able to keep in touch with gamers around the globe while you’re on the go as Skype is available for both the 3G/Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi models.
The Skype app includes free Skype-to-Skype voice calling, as well as high-quality video calling that utilizes PS Vita’s front and rear cameras. The Skype app on PS Vita runs in “background mode” while you’re gaming or using other applications* — meaning you have the capability to “pause” a game, conduct a call and then return to your previous activity — so you never miss a call. Plus, with a little Skype credit you can make low-cost calls to landlines and mobile directly from your PS Vita.
As you know, PS Vita is equipped with a 5” OLED touchscreen, dual analog sticks, precise rear touch pad, two cameras and a built-in microphone that can be used with any Skype-certified headset.
To help walk you through the application, check out the video with our friend, fellow game enthusiast Fatal1ty.
Please visit www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-ps-vita for more information on Skype features for PS Vita. For feedback or questions please visit Skype Support. Happy gaming!
* Certain games/applications will not be able to “pause” during a call.”
Still nothing in the UK – come on hurry up, it’s bed time soon on this side of the pond :)
Too early to rejoice
As soon as I connected I got a message telling me:
Skype has run out of memory because you have too many contacts.
You will now be signed out.
Was test done for this piece of software?
In this state it is useless to me….
Please add Skype chat, sorely disappointed it doesn’t have it.
Will the ability to chat with just text be included later on? calling and video calling is great, but would be great if I could just chat as well.
Um why Skype doesn’t have text chat?
Sorry….I apologize for my comment @102. I should have said thanks for the Skype Voice calling. Don’t get me wrong. I was just hoping that Text chat would have been included. Hopefully this is something you can add in the future.
This is an awesome addition but it is not working for me. I am getting the same error message as many others:
Skype has run out of memory because you have too many contacts.
You will now be signed out.
Hopefully this can be fixed so the rest of us can enjoy using skype.
Nice. Now on to the next complaint.
Working great for me and I have about 20-30 friends on Skype (even the landline calling is working great).
Wondering how many Skype friends these people that are having loading problems have.
Yay for Skype!!
heyy i have a big prob with the skype app ummm i just downloaded it and i tryed logging in and it told me had had to meny contacts so it logged me out so does this mean i cant use the app at all??????????????????? please help
This app is the best app that i have seen on the PS Vita. Great Job Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some things missing from Skype APP. Add Contacts… (I can sneak by this one kinda) and able to call people not in your contact list.
I just downloaded the Skype app. How do I chat and game at the same time? Skype disconnect calls when the PS button is pressed.
Long Live Vitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also have a problem with skype like some of the people here. It says running out of memories because I have too many contacts. I have 174 contacts on my skype. Hope it get fixed soon. I don’t want to delete my contacts just to make skype works on my Vita.
Why there is no Instant Messaging on skype?
No instant messaging/text chat? Is there a reason this was left out? It’s kind of annoying when the person talking to me is sending me messages, but is given no indication that I can’t receive them.
@ lionraj
It really has nothing to do with the amount of skype contacts, though that is what the error states. I only have 13 contacts on my list and I get the same error message. Even deleted and re-installing does nothing. Hopefully they will release a fix soon to fix this issue.
Love the Skype app i used it on 3G and it still worked good once the Video warmed up. My only problem is i cant add contacts or call anyone who isnt on my list. Also, my Skype app seems slightly different from my friends. I dont have the little video in the corner of myself and he does. I have a button that can expand or shrink the video and he doesnt have that.
OMG I just tried Skype and it’s even better than my Samsung Galaxy S2!!! Thanks for the update Sony I’m really happy with this app because I use it a lot :D
Feedback time…
1. No chat? what are you thinking guys?
2. No way to filter contacts (all, online, etc.)
3. Only way to search is by scrolling alphabetically.
I don’t think these features are too much to ask and shouldn’t affect performance in any way. Just got lazy in programming I guess.
Hate to complain so much but I can’t help is if BASIC features are missed.
Anyways, still glad Skype finally arrived and hope to get updates soon.
Just tried it out. Works GREAT. You can tell they really took their time to make this RIGHT! GREAT JOB!! :)
I have a major problem with this app.
When I downloaded this it was working great but….
a few time later it crashed my router and I can’t connect to the internet for a half hour.
It keeps doing this.
Please fix this.
Wow I have had my skype account for about 5-6 years now, never did nothing with it but tonight my wife (in Seattle) is talking to her mom(in Tennessee) on the Ps vita and loving it. First thing she did was to hold the ps vita for the first time ever. And show off all the new clothes she just bough, she’s walking and talking and having a blast with this new app Just won’t to give a big THANK YOU for putting a big smile on her face.
It’s okay but I am not a big fan of the PlayStationVista or any other handheld game system
Whoa!!! Microsoft was OK to have this on a competitor’s device? I wonder if there was a deal struck.
M$: You get Skype for Vita, we get Blu-Ray for next Xbox.
Sony: Deal
M$: We crush Nintendo
Sony: U Got It Dude!!!
Hi, Thank You!!!
I’ve noticed if you reject a call after a second of pressing reject you can hear a second of distorted voice.
when your in full-screen video chat it would be cool if there was a retract button for the menu cause scrolling in full-screen is kinda cool.
and yeah like other people were saying IM and photo transfer for people on a pc to send photos would be cool too, oh and wasn’t sure but i thought that when you have disable mic checked when you press and hold the ps button that it would disable the mic entirely. just trying to help a bit.
Once Again Thank You to EVERYONE that made it possible!!! It is Simply Awesome!!!
THANKYOU for giving us skype!
HTML5 and youtube and a job well done!
The voice and video work pretty well so far, though it would be handy if the ability to send and recieve text-based messages could be added at some point.
(Actually, any sort of Vita-tailored IM app would be welcome; at present, trying to use web-based services like ebuddy don’t seem to work overly well with the current version of the web browser.)
Just used Skype and it’s working great! THANKS! Too bad it came out the day I got back from my trip :)
Not sure why so many are asking for text chat on Skype for Vita.
We’ve already got the Vita’s Messaging built onto the system, so if I want to just text, I use that function.
If I want video chat I use Skype.
For me, it’s fine the way it is now.
Thanks for this app…greatly appreciated.
The memory issue with Contacts on the Vita for Skype has been addressed in the Skype Vita forums. (The Sony Blog post for Skype app on Vita, mentions if you have any problems, to issue your problems on the Skype Vita Forum support page).
The answer they had was:
“At the initial sign-in the synchronization can cause the application to exit if there are many contacts, try signing in several times with the same account to load all contacts and prevent this from happening. Should work with up to 150 contacts. ”
May be a hassle initially, but apparently works.
Also, found this on Skype forums support for Vita for anyone using a Mac with this problem:
“On your Mac go to preferences,general,then uncheck show address book contacts that should fix the vita problem should be similar on pc ”
Hope that helps
Is anyone else having difficulty setting up Skype on the Vita? Seems there’s no setup menu or anything to get profile pictures or multiple contacts! I find this app strange.
Has anyone used video chat with other Vita users?
@ 135 – Shedagilos.
To set up the profile and contacts you have to do this on your PC..the Skype app on the Vita is just the app, but can’t do the features you can on your pc.
Also your next question, yes I used video chat on the Vita last night with another friend from North Carolina…I’m in Toronto and it worked quite well.
@ 137-GGCAN
Thanks for your help. I’m on it.
Thanks Sony for the Skype app, and for listening to the fans. Me and my friends are very happy with this application :)
The app is great!!! However, it would be even better if in the future we are also able to receive and send text messages. I don’t understand why this is not added from the get go…
i love it
i just want to know what other social networks can i use in the ps vita cause im in a hard decition between a laptop or a ps vita i wat to know if the ps vita is avaible to make video chat and in what social network