Hi everyone! My name is Manrique Brenes and I’m the senior director of the consumer electronics group at Skype. We’ve very happy to announce that the Skype Video and Voice calling app for PS Vita will be available later today on PlayStation Store.
Starting later today, you can enjoy free Skype calls on PS Vita. You’ll be able to keep in touch with gamers around the globe while you’re on the go as Skype is available for both the 3G/Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi models.
The Skype app includes free Skype-to-Skype voice calling, as well as high-quality video calling that utilizes PS Vita’s front and rear cameras. The Skype app on PS Vita runs in “background mode” while you’re gaming or using other applications* — meaning you have the capability to “pause” a game, conduct a call and then return to your previous activity — so you never miss a call. Plus, with a little Skype credit you can make low-cost calls to landlines and mobile directly from your PS Vita.
As you know, PS Vita is equipped with a 5” OLED touchscreen, dual analog sticks, precise rear touch pad, two cameras and a built-in microphone that can be used with any Skype-certified headset.
To help walk you through the application, check out the video with our friend, fellow game enthusiast Fatal1ty.
Please visit www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-ps-vita for more information on Skype features for PS Vita. For feedback or questions please visit Skype Support. Happy gaming!
* Certain games/applications will not be able to “pause” during a call.”
COOL! but need more psp games and ps1 wood be cool too
its not in the store yet…. :(
Thanks Sony, this is one main thing I have been waiting for since getting the Vita on launch. ✌
Awesome, now what about PS3!!??
I would like to add my request for Skype support on the PS3.
I use it on my PC all the time to talk to people.
nice app,vita owners rejoice!
now i wish this app would also come to teh ps3 :)
awesome great news
I guess its time to Skype! :P
PSVita PSBlog post ROCK! ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
Awesome! I think Fatal1ty’s name is on my PC more than mine lol! Anyways looking forward to Skypin’ on my Vita, the Vita ear phones with in-line mic are AWESOME!. And, YES, Fatal1ty’s creative labs sound cards kick a** on the PC :)
Well, it’s about time…
Cool. Now can we get the PSone emulator and an update the PSP emulator so we can play more games on your games portable? What exactly does “at launch” and “shortly after launch” mean to you guys?
@Manrique – That wasn’t directed at you, looks like a fine job you guys did here. Just frustrated with the lack of gaming features on my gaming device.
Nice :D
Now we need flash and HTML5 support XD.
I think the PS3 can have skype, but you wont be able to play and answer calls, because of the RAM limitations which also restricts the possibility of cross game chat.
@7: Ridleysbox: Hi, I read your comment in The Drop and I knew you were right. It happens all the time, but you can’t convince the perpetual whiners anyway.
The reason Rey and the other PS bloggers go silent on many topics like this is because they know an industry blogger is going to make the official announcement and they are not allowed to steal the guests’ thunder. It would also be kind of impolite.
I’ve never used Skype, didn’t care a twit about it but now that I know you can make voice calls to any number?!! That’s freakin’ awesome.
@62 – lisatsunami.
Be aware…the calls are to anyone using Skype that are free.
If you make a call to a landline, there will be a fee.
I’ve had the landline feature for about 2 years now with Skype and for all North America….any time (day/night) as many minutes….etc….is only 2.99 a mth….so well worth the price !
That’s cool to hear. Now all we need is AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and Google Talk and I’m happy.
and no chat support??? that’ really sucks
i’m kinda dissapointed
@GGCAN, only $2.99 a month? What? Dirt cheap!! Thank you.
I won’t be able to give up my cel phone since I use the 4G wi-fi teathering, but it sounds like a great option anyway. Really great for when you travel and for our military folk.
And look, the new whining started, “bring Skype to PS3 now!”
So predictable.
I’m just going to say thank you and be happy with this new app for now (when the store updates later today)
@ number 9 dFUSE how did you get that avatar or does anyone know how to get that Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City avatar? It not in the playstation store and it didn’t come with the collector’s edition. Thank you Sony for bringing Skype to the PS Vita.
@62, you’re 100% correct. Furthermore, “The Drop” will often make annoucements directly related to Sony products. Skype has its own marketing division which is responsible for product releases & collecting focused customer feedback. Another recent example is the “Walking Dead” announcement made seperate by Telltale.
People just love to complain that Sony is responsible for everything. It very difficult when you’re tasked w/ overseeing content to be ported to a new device. It’s not magic, apps like Skype take time to develope…
The lack of this feature before was one of the things holding me back from buying a PS Vita. Now if only we could get an official announcement on 3G plans for canada (april was supposed to be the time we get it up here) then I will be set. Until then, no Vita sale for you Sony!!
@67, in case he/she does not reply, just copy the user name & send a msg via the PS3 or Vita.
This is a great addition been waiting for it, basically makes vita a cell, but……..when are we getting more psp compatibility
@ luvtoseek thanks
@69 – Bigcalv2002.
The Wifi Vita model can be tethered to a cell phone.
One of my friends in Vancouver is doing it without any hassles since the Vita was launched in Canada.
Also, it will save you the cost of having two plans…one for your cellphone and one for the Vita. With tethering to your cell, you’ll only need the one plan.
With the way our carriers work up here, it may take some time before Canada gets a service provider to support the 3G Vita.
@73; I can attest to that. I use my boyfriend’s iPhone to tether my PSVita to his 3G and it works fine.
The video explaining how Skype works felt really half-assed, but looking forward to trying it out! Does the app improve the camera quality of the PS Vita?
about time guys.. you only had ad’s w/ it in them for how long?
I’m very happy that we’re getting more Applications added onto the Vita, really I am…
…but where are the PSOne games?
It’s great that you’re getting third parties to support the Vita, but honestly I’m never going to use Skype on my Vita at all. With the low camera resolution and the trend for games to max out the CPU/GPU, forcing the Network Connection to drop anyway…I don’t see a use for it. I’m sure there’s a small market of people who don’t have something that can handle Skype already….but I don’t think they are PS Vita owners.
Nice addition though, but where are the core features for this device that we’re still missing?
PSOne Games
Expanded PSP Game range (Really, still not supporting most of the games I have??)
PS3 Remote Play (Playing GAMES from the device, not just remote controlling it)
For a gaming console….we’re lacking a lot of the games that should be an easy tie in, especially seeing as we’ve come to a slow trickle of games now.
Before any of you comment “Oh, but you can load it from your PS3! Herpy Derpy!” Well, sure, yes I can. Why should I have to go a backroute in order to put the game on my system though? What about the people who don’t have a PS3?
@ 77
Playing PS1 games is fun for about maybe 20 minutes and then you realize…wait.. I beat this…and bought new consoles so I could actually play NEW games.
Remote Play was somethign I had hoped for but I heard rumour that the PS3 can’t handle the memory or something so as usual.. Sony straight up lied about a product feature.. and extremely important one at that. Developers aren’t going to hop on the remote play bandwaggon when they can just republish the same game and steal our money (MORTAL KOMBAT -_-)
There are currently SEVERAL PSP games available. I personally don’t have any, but there’s at least 10x more PSP titles available on the vita than there are Vita games. My Modnation PSP game i got for free with the blackout is one of the games that doesnt work, but personaly I don’t really care much because PSP games just…suck. Sorry. I’d rather they start cranking out some more Vita games so I don’t look more retarded for having purchased a $300 console with no games to play.
Skype is a step in the right direction. Considering this was a feature promised to us at release…only took 2 months. Thank you Skype for taking your sweet time -_-
Shame the PS3 still hasn’t got this yet.
So much things for the Vita, while nothing for the PS3… It’s pretty sad.
@1 The answer to your question is PS1 Classics compatibility and a fix for the PS+ minis not working on Vitas in North America. These 2 things should be whined about until they are fixed. After that people should whine about the fact that PSN and retail games of the future should be remote-play compatible. Especially first party games.
What time will it come out the suspence is killing me
Ok, giz a clue. Where is it? Nothing showing up in the PS store for me. Nothing showing up on a search in the PS store either….
ITS OUT ON PS STORE…………………………………………………..naw just playing
Awkward and embarrassing video, or MOST awkward and embarrassing video ever???
Can i get a hoooorah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you give us a hint of what time it will be on the PS Store today?
cant wait 2 try out the skype on the vita omg yeah i love u playstation
Vita? What about PS3? people has been asking this application for years..!!
@7 @62 @68 The reason this was not in ‘the Drop’ is because it’s not a game, simple as that.
Only game releases are featured there which is why you won’t see DLC, sales or apps featured.
“Today” is nearly over….
Please sony bring html5 video so we can stop this youtube madness, also the remote play whiners.
What a great addition! It looks like a lot of effort was made to make it seamless and take advantage of the Vita capabilities.
Here are my suggestion for the Vita, since this type of forum is often where people pitch their thoughts:
– Let’s get a Sony Reader app! Consumers could purchase e-books from the PlayStation Store to read on the app. The Reader app is already available on Sony Tablets.
– This is the first external communications app for the Vita. For the sake of streamlining, could you combine the internal Messaging and Party apps into one app?
Can’t wait for the app. i will finally to use vita for calls. for some reason, i think it will be better on here than on ipod for some reason.
PSN store on VIta has been updated dling now!!!!
and i would like to know when is skype coming out for playstation 3
@etur0 No they still do flash for everything…
They just updated flash on android last week…
I can’t believe they put this on the vita and not the ps3…
I guess their excuse for not putting it on the ps3 is the ps3 don’t have enough memory or something..
ms is putting it on the crapbox as well…