Taking advantage of some of PS Vita’s unique hardware features and bringing exclusive content, Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention brings two new characters, new story chapters and quests, new bosses, and new unique GPS positioning functionality. Also on PS Vita as a PSN release, StarDrone Extreme puts you in the pilot seat of an always-in-motion spaceship through 60 diverse cosmic environments, where you’re tasked to survive, destroy, and collect items.
Dropping this week in the form of a full PS3 digital download is Dead Rising 2: Off The Record, which sees Willamette survivor and photojournalist Frank West take center stage as players experience a very different interpretation of events in this re-imagining of the Fortune City outbreak. Enjoy this week’s The Drop.
PlayStation Vita
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (Also on PSN) — Disgaea 3 is a sequel to Disgaea, a hardcore, turn-based strategy RPG. The game follows the exploits of Mao, the most honored student at Evil Academy, a school where the tardiest, laziest, and rudest demons receive the highest marks. The son of the school chairman, Mao has never once attended class nor opened a textbook. He longs to overthrow his father and assume the title of Overlord, which he decides he must become a hero to achieve. Join him on his zany adventure filled with witty dialogue, exciting events, and thrilling strategy battles.
PlayStation 3
Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat — Based on the Spike TV series that pits two of the most feared warriors civilization has ever known against each other, Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat combines two explosive Deadliest Warrior games — Deadliest Warrior: The Game and Deadliest Warrior: Legends — into one package, and also adds a huge arsenal of additional weapons and features found only on this Blu-ray disc.
Deadliest Warrior: The Game — Players can choose from history’s greatest warriors, equip them with signature weaponry, and go head to head against the greatest fighters that ever lived. Sever limbs, decapitate foes, and taunt your enemy’s lifeless corpse to build up ranking points and compete on a global scale to become “The Deadliest Warrior.” The game features five play modes, customizable warrior, and true-to-life action with interactive environments.
- Deadliest Warrior: Legends — In Deadliest Warrior: Legends, take control of history’s greatest warriors and face the likes of Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Hannibal, Hernan Cortes, Shaka Zulu, Sun Tzu, Vlad the Impaler and William Wallace. With enhanced graphics and nine arenas, new fighting options like grapples, pushes, ring outs, feints, projectile targeting, and new final strikes will expand your tactical options. Also included is a new strategy game called Generals! Players take control of the Battlefield Simulator from the TV show and play one of the nine legendary warrior campaigns and unlock abilities that the actual warriors used to get an edge in battle.
PlayStation Network
NHL 12 (Full PS3 Game) — Experience a fresh new look and feel with all new gameplay presentation, and, for the first time ever, the chance to lace up outdoors under the lights in one of the biggest hockey events of the season, the NHL Winter Classic at Pittsburgh’s Heinz field. This year will be the first to see dynamic goalies in the game; players can knock the net off and make contact with goalies, knocking them down or out of position, as they crash the crease. Watch as goalies fight through screens to make awe-inspiring saves and leave the crease to trade punches with hated rivals during fights.
StarDrone Extreme (PS Vita) — StarDrone is a perfect blend of high-speed physics and pinball action, with strategic elements of break-out and object collection. But this is no walk amongst the stars, as the Drone is always in motion in the zero gravity environment, and the more stellar matter collected, the faster it travels until it is careening across the screen at light speed. Gather enough momentum and enter into Comet Rush where the Drone is impervious to all enemies and obstacles.
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (Full PS3 Game) — Dead Rising 2: Off The Record sees Wilamette survivor and photojournalist Frank West take centre stage as players experience a very different interpretation of events in this, a reimagining of the Fortune City outbreak.
This alternate storyline means an-all new Dead Rising 2 experience; with Frank facing new missions, new enemies, new combo-weapons with which to defeat them plus a brand new Fortune City attraction to explore. Complimenting the new narrative and action of Dead Rising 2: Off The Record are enhancements to elements such as the save system and the co-op experience to deliver more satisfying gameplay.
The House of the Dead 4 — Slap in a clip and prepare for an onslaught of terror in The House of the Dead 4! Set three years after the second game, the fourth game in the shoot-em-up series featuring House of the Dead 2’s protagonist James Taylor as well as new hero Kate Green, working together to battle untold horrors from beyond. In addition to the run-and-gun-down-creatures gameplay players had come to know and love, the game fully supports PlayStation Move.
PS Vita Demos
- Stardrone Extreme
[Editor’s Note: The following dates are subject to change. Game details are gathered from Press Releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
when will we be seeing these games. this was posted the 15th for the 16th. its now the 17th. ive been lookin 4 dead rising and cant find it.
note to everyone who wants more apps and stuff on the vita: remember its a gaming device mainly so thats where most of the processing power goes to. if you want to watch videos, use a computer or put your favorites on the vita. i guess i am one of the few that doesnt like having everything in one.
Where’s House of the Dead 4? Wanted to actually play before work.
I love PSN, and its probably the lead virtual marketplace I often run to for quality products and entertainment related merchandising. Its probably just my own personal preference in network purchases, but I’d rather see a discounted PS1/PS2 title than a free “timed” one for Plus users that stays active for their subscription months. I tend to “go plus” the very moment a discount on a game I’d like to play reaches a sale, and its somewhat disheartening when your subscription is up and you have the urge to touch base with older titles that have limitations on the word free (Especially when you have a hard copy disc to an older title and there are compatibility issues with your newer PS3). Its probably a petty thing to bring up, but its just my view on newer release sales.
#102 if you do you homework the vita was never set up to be just a gaming device.All tv commercials,internet,and sony themselves always said it was going to be a everything system.Don’t downgrade it from what it is suppose to be.They just wimped out at the last minute on there product.
It’s April 17th.. release date of Disgaea 3 on Vita. I don’t see it in the PSN store. When will it be available for digital download?
yea..im looking for this on the PSN Store now…dont see it. Guess i’, heading to Gamestop after work… :(
Disgaea 3 is up on PSN for Vita.
now to figure out how to make the vita not idle-turn off as my connection is slow
Mine is going idle but it seems to keep downloading…heres hoping!
Wheres hod4 sony?
please please please add vita support for valkyria chronicles 2!
Ok sony, i’m rather irritated at the lack of Vita content. We only have about a handful games for the Vita. Where are the Vita games? I’ll give you some good ideas for games. Augmented Reality Fantasy games, L for left hand, R for right hand, actually the item system coud be almost the same as dark/demon’s souls, X, square, triangle, O buttons could be quick mapped for spells. (no guns in this game.) An actual RPG game for the PSVITA that isn’t a diablo clone or just a disgaea port, not hard to make (Most would even settle for one made in RPGmaker if it has a decent story.) Being a fan of the Pen and paper version and the video games for the most part, a D&D game. All the mechanics are easy to program. A challenge that would satisfy most fans of the games would be the options to choose the ruleset (AD&D 2nd edition, 3.5, and 4E). A starship troopers game would be amazing. A mmo game for the vita that plays similar to Phantasy Star Online or Universe (Which i hear PSO2 is supposed to be on the vita so i’m hopeful that makes it here.)
eehh i played most of these already and tbh most are good cept for the fact that putting skpye on the vita….c’mon who’s rlly gonna use that
So…its been 2 months since the vita came out in north american and I’m still not able to download MGSPW from the PSN to my Vita. Without a PS3 or friends with it I’m really missing out, I wish Sony would fix this sooner
I just bought one PS Vita, and started to buy at PSN STORE…nothing wrong with the console..
I have to say that I am very dissapointed with the number of games we have in PS Store for VITA in BRAZIL… seems that we don’t get the same things you do…
sad so… I just don’t understando why NOT every game from PSP is in there for me to buy… i would like to collect my favorite games, but they are not there…. tell me.. is there any cost to maintain data in that place?
if we have no games for vita AT LEAST WE SHOULD HAVE PLENTY OF GAMES TO PLAY FROM PSP, (I understand that SONY don’t want to release ps1,ps2 game for vita because of ps3, yep, doing only psp games( ancestors ok), BUT if we should play only psp games there
!!!where $%$%¨%$¨$%& is God of WAR : Ghost of sparta, /GODS eater burst,/ FINAL FANTASY IV / KINGDOM HEARTS FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!
I’m sorry if I was TOO MUCH VIOLENT…. just the only thing I can do! protest…. and… cry…..