I was pleasantly surprised by how a half hour walk at lunch provided “fodder” for my first batch of Mod Postcards. A quick jaunt outside the campus revealed unexpected photo opportunities: A putting mini-green? High-rise window washers? I couldn’t have planned it better!
Of course, I knew at least one of the stops on my mini-Road Trip would be well… ummmmm, a restroom*. Shortly after snapping a few shots in the “loo” I found myself being escorted back to my desk by security, where I began to fiddle with my new favorite feature of ModNation Racers: Road Trip – Mod Postcards! As you can tell from the images below, I had a good time unleashing my mod-creativity (read: insanity) and must admit I had a difficult time holding back a few dozen chuckles, snorts and smirks! If my co-workers didn’t already think I am a doofus, they do now!
You really have to give Mod Postcards a try. Get up, get out and you’ll be surprised what you’ll come up with. It’s very simple (yet surprisingly powerful) and it’s another great way to express your Mod creativity.
Please take some time and share with us what you come up with in Mod Postcards!
You can submit your “works of art” HERE.
I’ll be posting more as time goes on. Let’s see what you can do. I know I for one can’t to see them!
(*tip – I highly advise an EMPTY restroom. It cuts down on the number of people wanting to punch you!)
Show Us Your Creations!
So ModNation… show us your (or other’s) great creations!
Don’t be shy. Really, we mean it. We’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell creations.
Here is what we are looking for:
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip for PS VIta – MODS / KARTS
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip for PS VIta – TRACKS
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip for PS VIta – POSTCARDS
- ModNation Racers for PS3 – MODS / KARTS
- ModNation Racers for PS3 – TRACKS
So get to some creatin’ and show us what you’ve got. ALL skill levels welcome and encouraged! We have a great community of players and most will offer very helpful tips on how to improve.
ModNation Racers: Road Trip For PS Vita
ModNation Racers: Road Trip “Starter Set – Week Five”
Take a minute to download some of the best track creations from ModNation Racers on the PS3. These should give you a good idea of just what ModNation Racers: Road Trip is capable of with its new and enhanced track creation features. Enjoy!
ModNation Racers: Road Trip – Developers Tip #3 “If At First You Don’t Succeed”
So many great themes to work with in the track studio, yet if you are anything like me (I hope not for your sake) you just can’t decide which to choose. Don’t fret, you’ll find your groove by experimenting with quick-changing themes of your tracks. Myself, I happen to be a Jungle Theme man. I’m decent at making tracks with other themes but my go-to, my inspiration, my muse is in the jungle!
Three tracks (listed below) were created by a MNR team member all using the same layout / spline. Track Themes were then switched using different props and set pieces. Download them and see for yourself what a change of scenery can do to produce the track you are looking for.
Deja Vu, Deja Vu 2, Deja Vu 3
ModNation Racers: Road Trip “Track of the Week” Jungle Schmungle by DougHeffernan
ModNation Racers For PS3
Become A Hot Lap Judge For A Week
That’s right, Hot Lap Tracks will be chosen by the MNR community (with our “guidance”) for the Hot Lap Tracks seating. If you are interested in becoming a Hot Lap judge look for more details HERE.
Top Tracks: Best of PSN ID: MagicalHamster
Bottom line – SHE doesn’t just makes great tracks, SHE makes moments!
Hot Lap Track of the Week: Ciudad de la Paz by atheistsw
Monday: Landwasserviadukt(CH) by Std9325 (I don’t know what a Landwasserviadukt is but I LandwasserLOVEIT!)
Tuesday: Mack’s Beach Resort by mackAttack8000 (Can you say setting the “setting the track creation community on fire”?! Yes, you can. I knew you could!)
Wednesday: The Capitol with the : _ by Biver_ (Round and round they go, where they stop, nobody knows! Reason #13c why I loves me some Biver_ tracks!)
Thursday: WHALE racing landmark by tadaryou (It’s really one “ very large marine mammal with a streamlined hairless body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head for breathing” of a track!)
Friday: Raven Hill by John31269 (John31269 is on streak lately. Keep em coming!)
Saturday: Ciudad de la Paz by atheistsw (muy, muy bien!)
Sunday: MNR Rally – Sweden by prob_alex (Please do yourself a favor and download all of prob_alex’s Rally Series of tracks. Such vision for creating courses. Wow!)
Have a great week everyone,
PS3: ModNationSD
Vita: ModNationSDVita
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