The sun is starting to shine brighter and the days are longer, which can only mean one thing: Spring Fever is back on PlayStation Network! Every year, Spring Fever brings a bouquet of fresh new downloadable PS3 games to PSN with some special offers and discounts in the PlayStation Store each week for three weeks. This year, we’re also offering discounts on tons of content from some of the biggest franchises in games, with a new franchise featured each week. In addition, there will be special PlayStation Plus benefits throughout the event, including awesome early access and huge discounts (up to 75% off!).
This week Spring Fever starts off strong with one of the most highly-anticipated and best PSN games ever, Journey, and one of the biggest game franchises of all time, Call of Duty. PlayStation Plus subscribers have already been enjoying Journey, thanks to the early access they’ve had to the game for the past week. Today is the last day for PS Plus subscribers to take advantage of this special offer, so head into the PlayStation Store today to download it if you haven’t already.
The Call of Duty franchise sale starts tomorrow when the Store publishes, so check out the full list of discounts below. The other featured franchises will be Final Fantasy and Tom Clancy. We’ll be offering up to 50% off various games, map packs, add-ons and bundled content, with up to 75% discounts awarded to our PS Plus subscribers. Each week, we’ll be revealing the full list of Spring Fever franchise deals in the Store Update blog post every Tuesday, so check back to see what content from your favorite franchises will be discounted. Spring Fever continues to bloom with new offers each week through April 2nd, so there’s a lot to look forward to!
3/13 – Journey: Enter the world of Journey, the third game from acclaimed indie developers thatgamecompany and presented by SCEA Santa Monica Studio.
- Available one week early to PS Plus subscribers – Includes an Exclusive Free Theme – One day left!
- Available to ALL PSN USERS starting tomorrow
3/20 – Rayman 3 HD: Rayman 3 HD takes Rayman on an epic journey through diverse worlds. This classic is remastered with HD and Trophy support.
- PlayStation Plus subscribers – 20% off
3/27 – Closure: In Closure’s dark and foreboding universe, the only things that exist are what you can see. Featuring 100 puzzles, an award-winning soundtrack and hand-drawn art.
- PlayStation Plus subscribers – 20% off
Call of Duty (3/13 – 3/19)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- PS3 Game + Variety Map Pack Bundle (Reg. $29.99, Sale $20.99, PS Plus $14.69)
- PS3 Game (Reg. $19.99, Sale $13.99, PS Plus $9.79)
- Variety Map Pack (Reg. $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89)
Call of Duty Classic
- PS3 Game (Reg. $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- PS3 Game + 2 DLC Bundle (Reg. $59.99 (value), Sale $41.99, PS Plus $- $29.39)
- PS3 Game (Reg. $29.99, Sale $20.99, PS Plus $14.69)
- Stimulus Package – (Reg. $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34)
- Resurgence Pack – (Reg. $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34)
Call of Duty: World at War
- Map Pack Bundle (Reg. $24.99, Sale $17.49, PS Plus $12.24)
- Map Pack 1 (Reg. $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89)
- Map Pack 2 (Reg. $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89)
- Map Pack 3 (Reg. $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89)
Call of Duty: Black Ops
- PS3 Game (Reg. $49.99, Sale $39.99)
Is Street Fighter x Tekken getting DLC this week. The reason I bought SFXT is so I can play bad box art Megaman.
i dont know why they stacked up on cod for the start of spring sales.. Maybe spring cleaning.. you know throwing the trash out.. “yes i made a joke;) ”
Ne way i would like to say i hope alot of other games are on sale.. to keep things fresh and every one get a fair shake
vp-psn legioniaree group
Why can’t I download Journey, yet? I only get the “Pre-Order” option.
@95 psn store update is from around 4;45-9;45 pm on tuesdays west coast time(pst). Thats a not official time is a est time from last yr that its been updating. there is no official time it update execpt on tuesday evening hourswest coast time(pst)
But since alot have been going throught this inthe past and its kinda hard to be waiting on things you want so much. We started doing estimated times of the psn store. Trust me they have gotten better becuase at one point we were getting nothing at all.. But on a bright note they’re have been a few rare instances that the psn store updated inthe morning but those times where more around the holidays. But s a usaually willuopdate around 4;45-9;45 pst time on the east coast that around 6pm-10;45…a nd yess sometimes 11pm on the east coast
I hope that helps
vp -psn legonairee group
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare …GREAT PRICE !!!
I don’t comment very often, but some of these store updates are a little lacking. I have a few questions if you could be able to answer them.
1. When does the PS Vita become compatible with PSP games and PSOne classics as well as PS2 games? Because I heard that when FFX comes out on FFX-HD, it’s supposed to be for PS3/Vita according to a few places.
2. Is there any plans on making FFXIV available to the Playstation 3 console? I’ve seen dates keep getting pushed back, and now I would assume the console will never get the game.
Darn I was hoping for Black Ops DLC discount when I saw the Call of Duty section.
happy week ….%50
Nope, can’t find the Journey theme anywhere. I downloaded Journey, never got the theme. Checked my PS Store downloads, no theme there. Can’t see it anywhere on the store either.
Is it because I’m in the UK? We normally don’t get most of the good stuff so it wouldn’t surprise me?
Let’s hope the next sale is not so drenched in testosterone and doesn’t glamorize the atrocity of war.
oh man I’m jonzin for week 2 spring fever. need some psn discounts to waste my money on.
Wow who cares about closure??? really it looks to be the most boring game ever to be made!!!
Come on and start stepping up the releases, give us something worth our $50 membership.
i am soooo upset at these releases, give us some good RPG titles especially for DLC what’s with these really bad titles that cannot even sell on retail shelf’s?? give us the goods please.
when does the sale on rayman 3 end and when does the spring fever sale end
and will i still be able to get rayman 3 after the sale ends