Introducing: Long Live Play – PSN Community Spotlight:
This new weekly blog series is designed to give you, the gamer, a voice in the world of PlayStation. This is your chance to tell your PlayStation story. Oh and if bragging rights from being featured on the PlayStation Blog wasn’t enough, if you’re selected, we’ll send you a voucher for a $50 credit in the PlayStation Store.
We’ve created a new space in the PlayStation Community Forums for members of the PSN Community to create posts on whatever they’re passionate about with PlayStation. Each new post is considered your own entry to take the spotlight. I and other members of the PS Community Mod Team will be reviewing the entries every week and pick one lucky winner to be posted every Sunday on the PlayStation Blog. If your post is selected, we’ll message you on the forums to get your post ready and get it featured on the blog. Please note that any posts selected to be on the Blog may be edited to fit blog format, though for the most part, we’ll be pretty hands off.
Click to post your PlayStation story on the PlayStation forums
With that, here are some helpful tips on how you can stand the best chance to be featured.
- Engage with responses to your posts on the forum. The more discussion a post stimulates, the more it would make for a great post to feature on the Blog.
- Approach it with passion. PlayStation is a big part of all of our lives. Really break it down why it’s awesome for you. Tell us what you’re looking forward to in gaming. What do you think about multiplayer mechanics in Starhawk? How do you decide what games get your time? What is it about PlayStation Home that keeps you coming back? Anything, as long as you’ve got the passion.
- Don’t make a wishlist post. Keep it to things that have been announced and/or are real on PlayStation products.
- No need to pan the competition. Keep it PlayStation-centric.
Posting in this forum also opens up more opportunities for you tell your PlayStation story in other channels outside of the PlayStation Blog. We’re always looking for fans to tell their story on us.playstation.com, even talk with select news outlets!
The target launch date on the Blog for this series is March 31st. The forum space is now open, and we’ll be selecting the first posts soon.
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