Crazy week! With PS Vita officially in the wild, and Mass Effect 3‘s PS3 release looming just over the horizon, my free time is destined to become scarcer than Element Zero. But for now, I’m content to best Jeff and Rey’s Super Stardust Delta scores (Casual difficulty is for sissies!), crush Lorenzo (from the Latin American Blog) in Tekken 6, and continue exploring PS Vita’s many nooks and crannies.
In other news this week, we learned how the ever-intriguing Sumioni: Demon Arts will help you master PS Vita, Evolution Studios revealed a March 6th release date for the adorable PS3 and PS Vita racer MotorStorm RC (complete with a new gameplay trailer), the PlayStation Home team revealed a way to win a trip to E3 2012, Starhawk’s multiplayer beta opened wide for all PSN users, and SCEI’s President and CEO Andy House shared his thoughts on PS Vita’s historic launch. Also, be sure to keep reading today’s Recap to see some important UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer news.
What are you playing this weekend?
- I’m playing: Tekken 6, Rayman Origins and Lumines: Electronic Symphony for PS Vita
- I’m watching: The Wire Season 1, The Walking Dead Season 2
- I’m reading: Not much, I’m afraid. With PS Vita successfully launched, I’ll kick back into my reading schedule this week!
- I’m listening to:: Official PlayStation Blogcast Episode 013: Jack Tretton and the Case of the Colossal OLED Screen
Most-Watched Video of the Week: The Launch of PlayStation Vita

The 10 Most-Viewed Posts of the Week
Courtesy of Arne Meyer
Flashback Map Pack #2 Released and Co-Op Shade Survival Mode Announced – This week marks the release of the Flashback Map Pack #2 for UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer. We posted a new trailer showing off the new maps which you should check out. We also announced a brand new game mode that is coming soon – Co-Op Shade Survival!
UNCHARTED 3 – Patch 1.05 Notes – Patch 1.05 was deployed for UNCHARTED 3 this week, these are the details on what was updated.
UNCHARTED 3 – Flashback Map Pack #2 Fixes – We’ve pushed out a couple of live fixes to Flashback Map Pack #2 to the Plaza map in Competitive and Co-operative modes. In addition, players from the US and EU playing in the same match have sometimes seen some anomalies, which we’ve fixed as well. EU players, you should re-download Flashback Map Pack #2 from the PS Store. US players, you’re good.
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