Hello everyone! Mass Effect 3’s new demo is launching later today on the PlayStation Network. Voted “Most Anticipated Game of 2012” at the Spike Video Game Awards, Mass Effect 3 plunges you into the boots of Commander Shepard, a decorated marine and war hero, as players lead the charge in an all-out galactic war against a nearly unstoppable foe.
Today marks the arrival of our single-player demo for the PS3, giving you a taste of what to expect when Commander Shepard takes Earth back on March 6th. When you download and play the demo, you’ll see that how you fight the war is entirely up to you. Choose your appearance and pick from a variety of specialized combat classes, each with unique and devastating abilities. As you progress in this war, you’ll choose which abilities to specialize in, which weapons to bring into battle, and which characters will join you in combat.
There’s more to this demo, though – starting on February 17th, PS3 owners will be able to play multiplayer for the first time in the Mass Effect universe! As a special bonus, Battlefield 3 owners who have redeemed an online pass on the PlayStation Network will get early access to the multiplayer demo starting today, February 14.
I’d say more, but I’ve got Valentine’s Day plans with Commander Shepard! Check out the demo when the PlayStation Store updates this afternoon.
To keep up with the latest updates on Mass Effect 3, “Like” us on Facebook. After you’ve finished the demo, let us know what you think by tweeting us @masseffect.
I 2nd THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets hope psn gets updated right now because i wana play dis .ITS SO AWESOME WHY SONY WHY SONY WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOUR GOOD TIME.PLZ HURRY ON THE UPDATE :((((
since we are waiting, how are you going to play ME3? I have a femshep, usually play renegade but I don’t kill innocent civilians, found it difficult to get Zaeed loyal.
I love Mass Effect ! I have been checking the PlayStation store periodically and quite frantically since 8 am ! I need the demo !!!!!!
Playing through Mass Effect 2 currently for the third time. Can’t wait to try out the demo. I have a question though, how come us ps3 owners are getting the short end of the stick? You guys are offering a few dlc deals with the art book, statues….etc., but they are only for 360 and PC. I played and own Mass Effect 1 and 2 on 360 and then when ME2 came out on ps3 I bought it once again for full price.
I have switched over to ps3 for my Mass Effect fix because my 360 died and I have no plans on getting a new one any time soon. Also I’m getting the collector’s edition, so for me as a huge fan of the games, I feel you guys are giving the short end of the stick to your new fans. I mean I’m no expert, but shouldn’t you guys be catering to your new fans? I don’t mean giving ps3 owners special content that’s not available on other platforms, but at least give ps3 owners the same deals as the other platforms. Yes I get that it was on those platforms first, but in the end we’re all gamers who want the same content and opportunities.
i have both a femshep and a maleshep both with 2 saves a renegade and a paragon gonna be glad to know how the story of my sheps turn out when my CE comes on the March 6th
I agree with you totally.
Dear playstaion,
So…… when is the PSN store updating? It’s 8pm EST. Usually updates by 6.
Has it still not updated?
let me tell you a story…..Mass Effect is my favorite game. PSN does not have the demo yet. Im switching to xbox when i get money.
My main shepard is a broshep infiltrator complete paragon. But I started a second play through as a renegade femshep soldier. I tried playing as an adept/vanguard but IMO it was too hard in ME2. I have a Vanguard playthrough on the original ME but I never use my xbox and wasn’t planning on buying ME3 for it. I might end up doing it in like 1.5 years when the price drops just to see how ME1 affects ME3.
also @angelspawn77, it’s not bioware, it’s PSN. bioware has no control over when the Sony updates their store.
Hurry up and update PSN Sony! I want to try out this demo! Its 5pm already hurry UP.
5pm PST, we gonna get to try this demo today?
um sorry for that swearing right there oops moderator plz delete that comment plz
Sony is probably going to wait until 10-Midnight before the update so their servers don’t crash so i think its bulls***
PS im about to be more angry than when i saw the lastest indiana jones moive………….. thats really angry
What are you talking about, my first comment had nothing to do with the store, it had to do with Bioware not giving us the special DLC deals that its giving PC and 360 users.
7:02 CST. Check back tomorrow. :(
THEY F***ED UP Again. -_-
yeah I have a female shepard earthborn sole survivor infiltrator
Unfortunately, lots of folks will probably get mad at Bioware for this since they’re the ones who promised the world we’d get the demo released on all systems and regions on the 14th. Now the 14th hits, and Bioware are put in a situation where they have to confirm to EU PS3 owners that the demo has been delayed a day for reasons outside their control – now it looks as though the US won’t get it on the 14th either :(
When are they gonna update the store? :<
Cool demo. I’m glad I got to try it out today before my wife drug me off to dinner.
Oh, wait…
I actually didn’t get to play it. Boooo!
@ Angelspawn77
Well we should all expect it because when have the PS3 players ever got any Exclusive content from any of the game makers with the the only exception being Mortal Kombat with Kratos
@ 118
Woah, where did you hear that the demo is not gonna be out today after all?
Dear Lord. It’s a demo. It’s coming out today. It’ll refresh when it refreshes. Get some perspective.
That said, keep whining. It’s how I’m keeping track of when the demo drops. XD
The sooner the demo comes out, the sooner you’re done with it, and the longer you have to wait for the full game. That’s how I see it anyways
Playing UFC 3 DEMO, Thing of PSN Store, & Beating MY Opponent Senseless! :(
I love all of the “why are people crying over a demo of this overrated crap?” responses. Gee, if you think ME3 is so overpraised, why are you here? And overrated compared to what? Call of Duty? Battlefield 3? Please. As far as I understand, very few mainstream gamers care about Mass Effect in all forms, so I don’t know where this is coming from. There’s a reason so many of us are frenzied for the demo, and it’s because many of us are invested in the universe and characters Bioware has built up over the course of two games, not to mention how our wide array of critical decisions and actions will affect the final game.
The only other game this year that I’m even close to being excited for like ME3 is Bioshock Infinite. Yeah, ME2’s combat system has been streamlined to a more RPG-fied Gears of War style shooter, but most of the RPG mechanics in ME1 were flawed, as was the exploration. ME2 took everything good about ME1 and amplified those features to make them great, and threw out most of what didn’t work so well. ME3, I believe, will trump even the lofty landmark ME2 set. Overrated. Right.
It says the demo comes out today but its 8pm here and still nothing. Kind of borderline on the “today” thing.
From the article:
PSN will roll out all content for European users on Wednesday between 8am-12pm PST!
In addition, the Mass Effect 3 PS3 demo in the United States will be the last to roll out, it will be released around 4pm PST. So for whatever reason PS3 users in both continents will have to wait a little bit longer to be playing the Mass Effect 3 demo. There have been some people who were able to get into the demo early and most of the early reviews for the demo have come back positive.
@ DrewDHess
Actually a few developers have been giving us special content, its true, not long ago ps3 owners got screwed every time, but lately about a year or so ago, we’ve been getting some special exclusive deals. For example Batman Arkham Asylum gave us Joker, Dead Space 2 gave us the wii game for free and of course Kratos in MK. Also Battlefield gave us a week early on map packs (a week isn’t really brag worthy I know, but better than nothing).
What is the deal with this demo??? It was supposed to be 4 pm PST…now it’s 5 pm. AT LEAST post something that says that there is a delay and when can we expect it – that’s basic communication, the foundation of customer service. I’m fine with a delay but just SAY IT!!!! Sheesh
And yes folks. Not playing the ME3 demo today sucks, but remember, we survived the 25-day PSN shutdown last April. We can wait one more day.
+ DoTheKiller91 on February 14th, 2012 at 1:03 pm said:
Not buying any Mass Effect games unless you release the first game on PS3, thank you VERY much.
Sorry, but that’s not likely to happen. Microsoft has exclusive publishing rights to the first game, so ME1’s 360 and PC only. Either compromise with the “Genesis” ME2 prequel comic, or get ME1 for 360/PC.
There’s an article on whatculture.com that says this:
PSN will roll out all content for European users on Wednesday between 8am-12pm PST!
In addition, the Mass Effect 3 PS3 demo in the United States will be the last to roll out, it will be released around 4pm PST. So for whatever reason PS3 users in both continents will have to wait a little bit longer to be playing the Mass Effect 3 demo. There have been some people who were able to get into the demo early and most of the early reviews for the demo have come back positive.
funny how some updates hit the store in time but when a mass effect updates, it seems like a terminal eternity. The demo must be huge, looking at a hour download with all the traffic.
This is just like the battlefield 3 beta. I’m sick of us getting shafted by this type of crap. You know what, wheres anonymous? I think they need to hack sony again so they can get their crap together.
@128, i noticed you compared Me to COD, and gears of war, how about the plethora of better rpgs like dark souls, the witcher?
mass Effect is a linear average shooter with dialog. Lifeless worlds and recycled cliche bioware NPC’s If you think Me is a great RPG you have not played any. Its not even biowares top 3 games, not in the same league as Baldurs gate, KOTOR, Neverwinter nights.
Me2 took everything that had potential to be better in 2 and took everything out. There is no exploration, upgrade system, even lesss skills. its a shooter with dialog, an average one at that, with superficial choices. I love how all NPC’s in Biowares cooridoor worlds stay in one place and never move the entire game. Games had better world building in the year 2002.
The witcher 2 blows ME away.
That’s because Microsoft’s development team were involved with the creation of Mass Effect 1, so to release the game in it’s current form would require their permission.
Of course, Bioware could side-step the issue entirely by using what they already have (the ME3 engine) to create essentially a remake of the first without any involvement to Microsoft. That would be cool too, since the whole of the trilogy would be a lot more uniform that way.
@ Angelspawn77
Yeah but I still think it screwed up that most of the RPGs like Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas as well as a few others gave the x box players the DLC a full month or 2 before we got it.
+ ToXiC_Skiils on February 14th, 2012 at 5:22 pm said:
This is just like the battlefield 3 beta. I’m sick of us getting shafted by this type of crap. You know what, wheres anonymous? I think they need to hack sony again so they can get their crap together.
LOL @128, Mass effect is a game for casuals and mainstream gamers, it tries to get the shooter crowd and dumbs down the rpg elements so non rpg gamers can get into it. Heck even the good/bad choices are laid out for you like your an idiot. This good, this bad, LOL ME = RPG for non rpg gamers.
‘Far Cry 2’ for free still isn’t even up. This is ridiculous.
You guys know the demo is already out on PC? I have a sub-par laptop not meant at all for gaming and it meets the requirements, and I’m sure that not everyone here has a top-spec computer, but if you’re tired of waiting, just try it on the computer
Ms getting exclusive DLC has nothing to do with developers, ITS MS dirty business tactics, they spend money to get companies to give them DLC first. considering how bad MS first patty development is, and they lack exclusives its all MS can do is bribe companies.
If Sony keeps this stupid update system in the next generation, I am seriously switching back to Microsoft. PS3 always gets shafted when it comes to just about everything. Sick of it.
ROFl @ 144 sony has way more exclusive games are you will switch to Ms because of waiting for a few hours for a demo? WOW people are really moronic. See ya you’ll fit right in the xbox crowd.
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, IT”S ALWAYS Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Microsoft would make money if they sold the rights to the first game, it isn’t like they own the franchise.
yeah that kinda whatt i meant by what i said they pay the company thats putting out the game a whole bunch of money which is why i don’t own any x box and i have been loyal to the Playstation console ever since it came out way back in the mid 90’s