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If you’ve ever dreamed of a career in video game development, you’ve got to listen to this week’s episode of PlayStation Blogcast! Our special guest host is SCEA Senior Producer Kyle Shubel, who has worked on litany of high-profile PlayStation titles, including Killzone 3, Heavenly Sword, and LittleBigPlanet. In today’s episode, Kyle explains what a “game producer” actually does, walks us through his day-to-day role on the PS Vita action-RPG Warrior’s Lair, and shares his tips for breaking into game design. Good stuff!
Afterwards, Kyle sticks around for another monster segment as we discuss some of our most-anticipated games of 2012, from Starhawk to Sorcery to Hitman: Absolution to PS Vita’s launch lineup and more. Be sure to leave your top picks for 2012 in the comments below!
You’ll also hear a new batch of user questions, a new PSN Gem of the Week, and of course, the first details on next week’s PSN software lineup. So listen up!
How’s our driving? We want your feedback, comments, questions, and suggestions, so leave ‘em in the comments below!
The Cast
[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice. Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
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