PlayStation Network’s original, competitive reality series “The Tester” is back, and the premiere episode is set for February 7, 2012!
We’re excited to announce the lineup of 12 gamers who will appear on Season 3 and compete for a job as a Production Associate at Sony Computer Entertainment America’s world-famous Santa Monica Studio, home of PlayStation’s best-selling God Of War franchise, along with a $5,000 signing bonus, a 55” 3D Bravia TV, a PS3 and a Ford Focus Titanium. From San Bernardino to Brooklyn to the Dominican Republic (and many stops in between), here are “The Tester 3” contestants:
• Joel Alexander (aka J-Tight), 23, San Bernardino, CA
• Shaunette DeTie (aka BurnNibelheim), 22, Duarte, CA
• Nicole Dormer (aka asuukaa), 26, Milwaukee, WI
• Arin Hanson (aka egoraptor), 24, Palm Beach, FL
• Skyler Harper (aka Skyd1ddy), 29, Fontana, CA
• Ashphord Jacoway (aka Ashichan), 23, Pittsburg, CA
• Richard Lugo (aka ninjanomyx), 28, Bronx, NY
• Kaila Nemoto (aka kwajamonster), 25, Columbia, MO
• Krysti Pruden (aka krystipryde), 26, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
• Wilson Santiago (aka akilleezmight), 27, Brooklyn, NY
• Lissarette Vazquez (aka Suzkaiden), 22, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
• Charles Weichselbaum (aka RealityPalez), 22, Chicago, IL
Check out each cast member’s complete profile and view their short video bio in THE CAST section of “The Tester” website.
Returning panelists Adrianne Curry, winner of the first season of “America’s Next Top Model” and star of VH1 reality shows “The Surreal Life” and “My Fair Brady,” and Brent Gocke, senior release manager from SCEA, will once again join host Meredith Molinari, when the first episode of “The Tester 3” premieres on February 7.
As always, check back every Tuesday for more information on the upcoming new season of “The Tester.”
Looks like you got some well qualified people for that production role. I feel sorry for the people at the Santa Monica studio, there is going to be a lot of hand holding…
Needs more Frawlz. I’d hoped there was an NDA.
what happened to joe del franco ?
Which one of the cast is the one people voted for on the tester site?
Woohoo!! The Tester is back. I want to see krystipryde win! She is not only gorgeous and has awesome tattoos, but also a gamer which on a scale from 1-10, puts her at a 15! Glad to see Adrianne Curry is back judging, she rocks too! Also happy to hear there will be less physical challenges this season. Yay! ^^
Can we get a “The Canadian Tester” show?
Never watched this before. Only watching it for Egoraptor :D
“Me and my Mom, we both have like these bodies that are shaped like we’re meant to squat…”
Cool, good to know.
There are a couple of Hot girls, maybe this season will be funny.
anything with a extremely sexy redhead i WILL have to watch
Hey, Nicole made it in! Congrats! That’s a good enough reason to watch. Good luck to you, Nicole!
The asian is bangin’ I’m going to watch this now. goodluck to all
RealityPalez here!
And I have a confession…
I’m rooting for EgoRaptor as well LOL
YEA!!!!!! Arin Hanson (aka egoraptor) and Krysti Pruden (aka krystipryde) REPIN SOUTH FLORIDA WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haven’t watched this before, but looks like it might be interesting.
64# Holding my thums for ya!!!
You’re my hero Kivi95! See you on YouTube buddy!
Hey, thanks Sony for yet again giving hardcore gamers like myself a chance to actually compete with other gamers for one of the most amazing jobs of all time and for FREE! I’m gonna be on this show some day, working on my trophy count currently 13 making new friends and kickin butt and taking names. Keep up the good work!
This is kwajaMonster (duh). Lemme just say that you guys should watch this season because there are definitely a few characters that will make you pee your pants laughing. Trust me ;) Can’t wait to see me making an ass of myself :P
Heart You!
Omg, don’t let that dude rap anymore.
im going to check it out. i just hope it has more to do with gaming and not goffy entertaiment ploys lets keep it real and about games and inavation and some good old competative gaming lol thats coming from a long time pro here. comp gaming since 95 we helped start this! now give us something back! lol please
Hey look kwajaMonster! Can’t wait to see you on there.
I never liked how unprofessionally candidates are chosen to be on here. But the last two season winner’s were professional enough to work, and the judges are no joke. I’m gonna twitch because I already don’t want some of these guys making my games, but I’m sure the best person will be chosen.
Yeah, well I’m rooting for BurnNibelheim since… she lives close to me? Unless there’s another Duarte in California that I don’t know.
You guys suck at casting, seriously, the whole process is a spam-me-i’ll spam you back who has more freetime and has a fans on youtube contest. what’s just as bad is that you’ve got 4 CA people, 2 NY people, 2 FL people. Pretty much saying if you don’t live in a popular state/capital then you had no chance anyway. Only pure exception i see here is the Dominican Republic one.
I like egoraptors videos, but i havent watched them in years and that wont be enough of an attention puller to grab me into watching this. Thanks anyway..
Also Egoraptor has played like 1 PS3 game…. What kind of “gaming” show are you guys even running here?
Are there more girls than guys this time? The majority of the girls here are good looking too!
What happened though to the rule of always having good looking people on tv.. You guys haven’t followed that rule since day 1, some of those guys aren’t even tv ugly, they’re worse!
I fear the ugly guys will be really shy and not know how to talk to the good looking girls, so this season might end up being really awkward to watch. Like an episode of Beauty and the Geek based on video games.
I hope there will be English Subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing/hearing impaired this year for the Tester 3..
this season judging from what i have seen so far is shaping up to be the best yet, very varied cast this season, I LIKE IT.
Reality, I never realized your real last name was so complicated O_o
Make them all play Twisted Metal against each other. New or old version. Also it would be in your best interest to hire me, or at least put me on the next season. I would win. I can prove it.
Cant Wait
You really picked the freaks this year…lol. The only normal sounding person in that video was kwajamonster.
Oh yea some one from pittsburg CA my home town look it up on the map.Small town though, might have to watch this season because of my hometown.
So… Basically the cast gets crazier n crazier? Hehe! :P I’ve had my share of fun watching the previous seasons… That’s why I can already tell who wins this season. Yup! I know! Wanna bet? :D
If egoraptor doesnt win ive lost all faith in humanity.
The circus is in town, if I had to guess who is going to win I say Asuukaa
Stuck between supporting egoraptor and gettin’ hot for the video preview’s burnNibelheim (which just compounds the heat).
Urgk. Well, if there’s PS Home incentives, that’s how I’ll be keeping tabs.
And woot to a Homeling joining this show.
Uhhhmmm . . . what!? Is it just me or do these people, idk, maybe seem strange? So far, I like Tester S.2 ‘s cast the best
Pretty obvious which will be the first ones to go, but overall some decent characters there. I lol’ed at egoraptors comment. Look forward to the premier.
More testers each year. it continues……
I still like luge.
But best luck to all the tester this year.
Not to cast the cast too negatively but this show is still garbage. Theres no better way to describe it. Unqualified people acting like Drama Queens doing stupid stunts week after week for a job they’re utter incapable of doing. Its a slap in the face to those got into the industry honestly. Y’know by getting a real education, developing real skill and working at it instead of riding on the back of a silly populatrity contest. Thats why sony is regarded as a joke. Seasons 1 & 2 were both completely inept, this time around will be no difference. Let the compitition revel in stupidity, Sony should start rising above it.
@Kwaja – me too! I’m almost looking more forward to the extra scenes than the actual episodes; all of us had some crazy/hilarious conversations in there!
Ah….. geez. Smells like the last season of the Tester and Maradith is going to be out of the job. Though, they could get rid of that dude they’ve got that replaced Veronica Bellmont. What a loss though that may not really be Sony. Shoot, what a boring cast! Almost like they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Lets see, if any of the cast that applied has marketing skills, you’re already forseen by Sony to win if they have to rig the system to get to get you in there. Everyone else are just there for entertainment purposes. Epic fail. I guess you can’t argue with Free, but it’s still costing me my time to sit through such dribble.
What a shame to gaming… Smh.
ninjanomyx is only 28 years old???? wow. life has not been kind to him.
AWESOME! total fan of tester 1 and 2. It’s truly the best original programing that PSN has to offer. And, as always, the unique contestants always makes it fun to watch. I’m excited to see the new challenges, as well as everyone treats each other in the lounge, (Tester 2 there was some tension)
Looking forward to anotehr exciting season!
To the goofs and conspiracy theorists who keep saying “OMG REALITY SHOWS ARE SCRIPTED,” seriously…I don’t think you understand how TV works.
The entire reason that production companies love reality shows is that they don’t have to hire writers. A producer comes up with a concept, a host is given some things to say and some products to place, and a competition happens that’s bound to be interesting as long as a bunch of weirdos are in the cast. It’s CHEAP. No writers necessary. That’s why you see an endless amount of reality shows.
That said, this show is pretty ridiculous. A bunch of gamer nerds are aspiring to be in the business of making games, and the show asks them to participate in physical challenges that couldn’t have less to do with the business. I get it, though. Watching nerds in gym class IS pretty funny, and it’s not like watching people play video games wouldn’t get old. If the show’s “characters” aren’t onscreen, the audience can’t connect with them.
@ #9 – Hell ya!, from a disabled gamer!!! <3!