Before 2012 rushes upon us we wanted to take a moment to say Happy Holidays from everyone here at the Naughty Dog kennel!
As you can see from our holiday card we’ve welcomed Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us into our cast of characters to play among with Drake, Sully, Elena, Chloe, and our UNCHARTED personalities. The year has brought about tremendous change as Naughty Dog has grown into a two team studio for the first time in our 25 year history. This shift is terrifically exciting as it signals an expanded talent pool in which we can share ideas, know-how, and techniques. As future projects evolve, we will continue to strive to maintain our high Naughty Dog standards and always endeavor to do whatever it takes to raise the bar for gaming.
2011 was a grand adventure as we shipped Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception in November to widespread critical acclaim. We are grateful of all the recognition we’ve received for the title, ramping up at E3, continuing throughout development and into post-launch with some pretty awesome accolades from numerous media sources. Currently we’re working on some fresh DLC for UNCHARTED 3 and we will be sharing complete details about what you’ll be getting and what’s in store for all members of the Fortune Hunters’ Club in the New Year. Be sure to check back on the PlayStation blog for details within the first few months of 2012.
The studio also has been teaming with high fives and buzzing with energy via the hype caused by the announcement of The Last of Us at the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, be sure to check it out as every frame hints at the kind of gameplay features and atmosphere you can expect to see in the full game:
Apart from all the activities around our big new game reveal, some of the Dogs have been on well-deserved breaks for the past couple of weeks, either taking some personal time off or spending time with the friends and families who we didn’t see much of during the development of UNCHARTED 3.
Co-President Christophe Balestra is currently taking his first vacation in 10 years (!) while Co-President Evan Wells is heading up to Portland to spend time with family. Amy Hennig, Creative Director on UNCHARTED 3, is spending time with family as well. Bruce Straley, Game Director of The Last of Us, intends to catch up on Shadow of the Colossus, Skyrim, and Rage over the holiday break. Neil Druckmann, Creative Director on The Last of Us, has similar intentions as he’s looking forward to playing Skyrim and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Justin Richmond, Game Director on UNCHARTED 3, plans to play Skyrim, hang out with family and make a special trip to an awesome Pirate-themed restaurant. So if pirates crop up in the brand new UNCHARTED 3 DLC that’s coming out down the road, maybe we can all point at Justin’s pirate-themed restaurant visit as the wellspring for that content…or maybe not.
Over the holidays Arne Meyer will be trying to make a dent his gaming backlog. Me? I’ll be hanging with family, making homemade pasta, and will be consumed with trying to sneak away to watch recently released movies like Hugo, Sherlock Holmes 2, and Moneyball.
So what are your plans for the holidays?
All told the most important and critical part of our year is seeing, learning, and hearing how you are experiencing our games. Your responses and reactions are what keep us going and we can’t express how much your support helps to make our year fun and our work enjoyable. Thank you. We hope you feel our games do the same for you and your year.
Happy Holidays!
my Top 5 is:
1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2. Batman: Arkham City
3. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
4. LittleBigPlanet 2
5. Portal 2 (I never play Portal 2 but i can’t wait for Portal 2.)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. ^_^
@BlindMango: I think they’re saying “Happy Holidays” because 1 out of 4 Americans don’t celebrate Christmas. It’s rude to ignore 25% of the country. So instead of saying “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkuh, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year!” we say “Happy Holidays!” out of respect for everyone.
Gotta work on my Uncharted 3 platinum to go with my DD and AT plats. Thanks for another memorable single-player experience Naughty Dog. You have no idea how much this old-school gamer appreciates a well-crafted campaign. Looking forward to The Last One (next year?).
Happy Holidays everyone!
It’s be nice if the matchmaking was fixed… i keep getting matched up with nothing but people who are maxed out on legacies and in general with nothing but level 112’s and such on my team,… matchmaking is so broken. Also there’s an error or something with the level symbols because some guy jumped and joined in and his level on the scoreboard showed level 40, yet when he killed me, it was a second legacy 40. keep the match making within their own respective legacies atleast, 1-75 should only face 1-75 and same goes for each legacy.
MerryChristmas Guys
Any chance of some Last of Us skins for Uncharted 3?
I love how many people are taking offense at the whole “Happy Holidays” thing. Let’s pretend, for a moment, that the entire US was Christian: Look at the top of the picture and notice the date. Then look at today’s date (year specifically).
“Oh, are they talking about the new year?”
Yeah, they are. See, in exactly one week from Christmas Day, just like any other year, is New Years Day. So if we try to forget there there are people that are of other faiths (or none at all), then at least—AT LEAST—try to remember that New Years Day is riiiiiiiiight around the corner, and that saying “Happy Holidays!” covers both holidays, and is shorter and easier than saying “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” and is in no way offense, so please try forcing it to be so.
Take your vendettas somewhere else. If you believe in Christ—Christ, try acting like him.
*so please STOP trying to force it to be so. (we need an edit button)
We got two good things from, Naughty Dog this year: Uncharted 3 and their new game announcement which is, The Last of Us. You guys spoil us! : )
got my uncharted 3 finally for xmas.
What SpoonTRex said. A MILLION times.
Guess ND didn’t invite their older son Jak to the party. He is always left out.
Awesome that you guys did precursor orb statues though, would have been cool to get that in a Jak collection collectors edition.
Naughtydog.The only devs that really care about there fans!I LOVE U GUYS!I HAVE PLATINUMED ALL UNCHARTED GAMES n am looking forward to playing Last of us as you can see from my avatar.Merry christmas to ND and Happy New Years soon!
freaking amazing uncharted series!!!
can’t wait for uncharted: golden abyss on PSVITA (i know they aren’t the same devs, but can’t wait)
also looking forward for The Last Of Us!!!
I was just curious as to were Drakes right hand disappeared to and Chloe looks to be enjoying herself I was hoping to see that bandicoot crashing the party but I guess him and Jak are out on the town
Man, I just re-beat UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves as part of my UNCHARTED marathon and the game STILL leaves me fulfilled. The ending banter between Nathan and Elena is just perfect, kudos to Amy Henning for the writing.
Enjoy it…until the end. Very anticlimactic, I was sorely disappointed.
I’m hoping for a new Jak & Daxter game. It’s a shame we haven’t gotten one on the PS3 yet! (The upcoming rumored compilation doesn’t count…)
Awesome job to all the talent at Naughty Dog for a successful Release of Uncharted 3. it was a question of WHEN the team was going to grow bigger to give us more awesomeness of the Talent that naughty Dog possesses. So now that 2 team exists, What are the Official Names? Naughty Dog and Naughty Pup? looking forward for PS4 first offerings.
Ha. It’s all Naughty Dog. The two teams share ideas and resources and we all move and work as a whole.