With the holiday season in full effect, we’re giving PlayStation Plus subscribers extra discounts and free games. The total value of all this month’s offers total over $250 with about $50 being free games.
This month’s free content includes the PS3 full game Tomb Raider: Underworld and PSN game Marvel Pinball. The free PSone Classic of the month will be Spyro Year of the Dragon. If anyone is keeping track this is the third PSone Classic from the Spyro franchise offered in Plus and since it’s the holiday, we’ll bring back the first two again to offer the full collection in December. To finish out the free games, take your pick from free early access to minis like Orbit, or mini favorites like A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks! or Mad Blocker Alpha.
We always look to give Plus subscribers extra discounts on top of existing PlayStation Store sales and promotions and this month is no exception. The Holiday Collection Sale will feature some great deals on PS3 full game bundles, with Plus subscribers getting an extra discount on top of these deals. With PlayStation Store promotions happening throughout the year, a Plus subscription always comes in handy. Check out the full list of discounts on titles like Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Renegade Ops, Darksiders and more; and watch for more details on the Holiday Collection sale soon.
New PS3 full games releasing on PlayStation Store also means new Full Game Trials for Plus subscribers. Your access to sample this ever-growing library of titles gets even better with titles like Dragon Age II, Motorstorm: Apocalypse, and Alice: Madness Returns hitting this month.
Check the full list below and remember these are expected games and discounts for Plus. Some content and/or release dates outlined may change. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, or continue the discussion on the PlayStation Community forums in the Official PlayStation Plus Update thread.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Click here to purchase your subscription today!
PS3 Full Game: | Tomb Raider: Underworld (PS3 Full Game) – 12/6 |
Free PSN Game: | Marvel Pinball (PSN Game) – 12/13 |
Free minis: | Orbit (Early Access, Exclusive) – 12/6 Mad Blocker Alpha (mini) – 12/6 A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks! (mini) – 12/20 |
Free PS one Classics: | Spyro the Dragon – 12/6 Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage – 12/6 Spyro Year of the Dragon – 12/6 |
Full Game Trials: | Dragon Age II – 12/6 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit – 12/6 Alice: Madness Returns – 12/13 Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood – 12/13 Red Faction: Armageddon – 12/13 Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway – 12/20 Carnival Island – 12/20 Motorstorm Apocalypse – 12/20 NCAA Football 12 – 12/20 Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – 12/20 Sports Champions – 12/20 |
Media: | Qore Episode 43 – December – 12/6 |
Discounted PSN Games: | Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 and 2 (Bundle) – 80% off – 12/6 Beat Hazard Ultra – 50% off – 12/13 Renegade Ops – 25% off – 12/20 SEGA Bass Fishing – 30% off – 12/20 Sonic Adventure (Game + Add-On) – 30% off – 12/20 Sonic 4: Episode 1 – 30% off – 12/20 SONIC’S HOLIDAY BUNDLE– 25% off – 12/20 Space Channel 5 Part 2 – 30% off – 12/20 Tales of Monkey Island Bundle – 75% off – 12/20 |
Discounted PS3 Full Games: | Assassins Creed 2 Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Assassins Creed Brotherhood Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Borderlands Bundle– 25% off – 12/13 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Bundle – 25% off – 12/13 Homefront Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Red Dead Redemption Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Red Faction Armageddon Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Split Second Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Warhawk Bundle – 25% off – 12/13 LA NOIRE Bundle/Complete Edition – 30% off – 12/20 |
Discounted minis: | Snowy – 75% off – 12/6 Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road – 20% off – 12/13 Psycho Soldier – 20% off – 12/13 Prehistoric Isle – 20% off – 12/20 P.O.W. – Prisoners Of War- 20% off – 12/20 |
Discounted Add-Ons: | Marvel Pinball: Captain America (Add-on) – 50% off – 12/13 Marvel Pinball: Fantastic Four (Add-on) – 50% off – 12/13 |
Exclusive Themes and Avatars: | I am Alive Dynamic Theme – 12/6 |
Exclusive Games: | Orbit (Early Access, Exclusive) – 12/6 |
Is this deal for new plus members only? My membership lapsed
nice sale but i dunno if i wanna join ps plus maybe a awesome beta like counter strike beta perhaps that’ll make me join
101 yes its only for ps plus
Whole bunch of titles I could care less about. I’ll keep my money.
i love free stuff!
sooo good to be a PS+ member!
seeing more avatars with the gold plus logo –
good move people!
STOP GIVING US THE SAME FREE PS1 GAMES WE ALREADY GOT 4 MONTHS AGO… seriously get it together Sony, ive been loyal since PS1 came out, im starting to lose faith. change the PS1 games to something NEW that we dont have. im sick of the recycled bull crap we get every month.
and PS+ gets more recycled games again, what a surprise.
PS: would be nice to have PSP games for the PS3 (I dont need the HD graphics), I really wanna play Crisis Core but I got no PSP.. :(
we already have spyro from ps+
Do I get to keep what I’ve bought? I’m a bit unsure about your policies. I heard you lose all your freebies once your membership expires but I heard that is not true for purchases.
This pop-up here in PS Blog is kinda annoying. Anywho, can’t we get a different PS3 full game for free? I mean, Tomb Raider Underworld is great but how about something else? I’m pretty sure I got all the Spyro games. Nevertheless, free is free and I guess it’s good enough for me.
Not bad not bad at all my only gripe is I would have liked to see the RDR bundle be under $20 for that I would have just threw it on my HDD for the heck of it knowing I probaly wont have time to play it anyway.Still all in all great update I will be looking out to see what other deals will be in the holiday collection
Another awesome month for PS+. I’ve been wanting to play Marvel Pinball and I never finished Tomb Raider. Spyro is pretty much all I played on the PS One and now I can enjoy them again. This is why I love PS!
please make the discounts available for one month
instead of a week it would get more purchases
Wow love this update , but the best part of playstation plus is the free games , and the discount prices , I am happy with this subscription is one of the best thins in the ps3. Am I ready to renovate again on summer because is an awesome service.
BATTLEFIELD 3, CRYSIS 2 and DEAD ISLAND is for sale in the PSN EU …. When we could see this games in the PSN USA?? I have the money ready to buy!
That is one bad Christmas tree… but thank’s I enjoyed it.
As for the update… I expected better for the holidays, but you get what you get. Hey, I still don’t have Pain yet, how about adding that one some month soon.
What the heck sony?? great deals for PS+ users but not for the ones without it. come on man we got a PS3 also we deserved at lease 1 free game or something.
Sony hope you reply why are you guys not doing nothing xbox’s new update comes out tommorow add more stuff for ps3 to make it 2x better .. let me tell you guys something if you add more stuff and and programs apps etc .. i would be more likely to pay every month .. please dont let xbox beat you please atleast try!!!
Any word about Alice Madness Returns’ price?
WOW… not a single comment from sony, guess they don’t care much about what their customers have to say.
SPYRO! :D iloveuPSN<3
hey guys add me
hey guys add me ok
My PS+ subscription will expire… well, March 2014. Hopefully there comes the next generation by then…
Too bad, i’ve got underworld already but still… PSN/PS+ IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS IN THIS WORLD OF GAMING…
When are you going to announce the release date for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath and why do you keep putting back PS1 games you’ve already given out, I mean it does give the new joiners to PS Plus a chance to get it again but I feel some months I get ripped off and get nothing from it but the benefits of automatic trophy sync and saving my games, which only works every other day or so…
I don’t know why lately there are so many people trolling on the blog, but well in my opinion this is a great update
Keep it up Sony!
Amazing update!
Sony asks us to leave our comments and thoughs so this is just my input as im not trying to be a troll because I never complain but the full game trials should to be extended to atleast 24hrs from the time its played like the movie rentals on video unlimited.The 3-4 hour download not including update patches to only being able to play for an hour is absurd, especially with all these really cool game trails seems unfair. Im very satisfied with the service but I believe small things like this can be changed and make the diffrence. Sony asks for our opinions to better and improve PS+, I believe im speaking for alot of consumers that feel the same way.
Well we certainly could not do a 24 hour time period for playing the trial. That would essentially be the whole game on a lot of them. And you can hold on to the Full game Trial from the time downloaded as long as you want; it’s just when you start playing, the 1 hour countdown begins.