Welcome to ModNation Monday! In response to questions from loyal ModNation Racers fans, let’s investigate a few features from the Kart Studio in the upcoming ModNation Racers: Road Trip for PS Vita.
1. Kart Parts – Explode View
Yep, it’s as fun as it looks! ModNation Racers: Road Trip for Vita brings you even closer to a true Kart modeling experience (without the sticky toxic smelling glue) with the rotatable “exploded” view of your Kart and it’s customizable components. It’s as simple spreading your thumb and finger on the screen to open and then a pinch to close the view. We can’t say it enough but there is just something intrinsically fun with the tactile feel of using your fingers to “explode” you kart open, spin it around, rinse and repeat!
2. Drag and Drop
As with the Mod Studio Edit feature, you simply drag and drop your parts and props right onto your Kart. You’ll feel like a real mechanic as you drag a new set of wheels onto your kart or simply touch the color selector and add that “new coat of paint to items like your shocks, engine, seat, etc. The same ease of drag and drop also goes for adding stickers and text to your Kart (or Mod). Drag, drop, rotate, resize, etc… all with ease of using your finger(s). If you have a penchant for sticker mania this feature is your new best friend.
3. Shake To Randomize
ah… finally a way to “encourage” your Kart (or Mod) to randomly transform into your perfect creation… by shaking it! It’s an experience similar to the PS3 randomize feature yet while playing the nickel slots in Vegas. As opposed to your time in a casino, a few shakes of the Vita may find you hitting the road in the car of your dreams!
ModNation Racers Road Trip: Recent Features Preview
- Track Studio I – ModNation Racers: Road Trip Track Studio – Your Wish is Our Command!
- Track Studio II – ModNation Racers: Road Trip Track Studio – Part Two
- Mod Studio – ModNation Racers: Road Trip – Mod Studio Preview
PS3 ModNation Racers News
This Week’s Top Tracks: Best of PSN ID: PH1LThy31
ModNation Player Profile: PSN ID: PH1LThy31
In our opinion one of ModNation’s most unheralded premier track creators is PH1LThy. He is a VERY respected creator amongst his peers and one of the best track design collaborators in the game. We hope a little long overdue public recognition will garner his tracks a few more eyes. Take a look at his tracks and get ready for some spectacular racing moments. Some off his own personal favorites are … Cliffside, Japanese Tea Garden, Cool Breeze, Green Acres, and Trailblazer. Read PH1LThy’s player profile HERE.
Creations of the Week: Best of PSN ID: Hey-There-You
Hot Lap Tracks of the Week: Ruins of Aztlan by prob_alex
A truly EPIC track. Never been anything like it, probably never will be.
Monday: Ruins of Aztlan by prob_alex
Tuesday: White Summit Winter Games by IndustrialSavior (an instant classic in my book. Hockey FTW!)
Wednesday: “Red Sun” Oil Factory by marusarusa
Thursday: Junglira Shrine by dane9261
Friday: River of Eternal Life by IndustrialSavior (I loved this track. I actually felt as if I was racing along a beautiful river. Very well done!
Saturday: Immortal Rainforest by atheistsw and PH1LThy31 (Difficult to not choose this as “Track of the WeeK”. Two top creators joined up to create a beautiful track that has to be raced a few times to see everything it has to offer. Five stars at least!
Sunday: Multi-Story Mayhem! by OnePoppa and atheistsw (another great collaboration this week with atheistsw)
If you are interested in submitting your mod, kart or track for consideration as “Creation of the Week,” please visit us on the official ModNation Community site and who knows? You might see your hard work on the PlayStation ModNation Monday blog or in-game on the Hot Lap section of the Modspot. You never know what catches our eye.
ModNation Thursday Fun Races
Join ModNationSD for an evening of fun racing this Thursday from 4:30-5:30 PST. This is a great opportunity to meet some nice people in a casual racing environment. Check our ModNation Facebook page on the day of the race on how to join.
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