1,102,202 Mods to date and counting! That’s the current number of user-created Mods in the ModNation database. This works out to an average of 1,971 Mods created per day since the franchise was born in May 2010. We might be going out on a limb here but we suspect you kinda enjoy creating those cute, colorful, frightening, bizarre, silly, awkward, and many times artistic “alter egos”.
Now with ModNation Racers: Road Trip and Vita in hand (or pocket) you can create and tote your favorite Mods along with you while “on the road”. Anything that catches your eye from a statue in a garden courtyard to the gigantic inflatable mascot at a high school football game can instantly be preserved in time with your portable Mod Studio.
Here are a few of the new features…
1. Mod Parts
Creating a Mod has always been a fairly straightforward, simple, yet powerful process. Mod Parts now streamlines the process even more with instant access to your Mods parts and features. Touch your finger to your creations head and all parts and props groups for the head pop up (eyes, ears, nose, etc…). Touch his body and all parts and props for his torso appear (pants, shoes, shirts, etc…). Sounds simple because it is.
2. Drag and Drop
Once you have chosen your selected area it’s again as simple as drag and drop the features and props right onto your Mod. With parts like eyes, ears, stickers, etc., you can stretch, pinch, move and rotate to your heart’s desire. You can also do things like change the color of most anything by simply touching the color picker tab at the top right. There is just something that makes the “modding” experience a lot more fun when the items are “at your fingertips”.
Whether you are working on your Mod for minutes or hours you will appreciate the ease and feel of these new features.
PS3 ModNation Racers News
This Week’s Top Tracks:
Medieval Mini-Theme is available in the PlayStation Store now for $6.99
ModNation Player Profile: PSN ID: Assyrion
Assyrion is one of the more well-known ModNation members from France who has made a name for himself as not only a great racer but a great (underrated) track creator. Take a look at his player profile HERE.
Creations of the Week: Going All Medieval Up In Here
Hot Lap Tracks Of The Week: Granada by marusarusa
Each week’s submissions bring with them a new challenge to the question “what exactly qualifies a creation as the Track of the Week”? We’ve mentioned assets like environment, track flow, item placement, lightning and more which USUALLY add up to one track standing out amongst the other great tracks. This week’s TOTW has us a little baffled. jefferzone created an amazing tribute track with elements used together in a way that we have not seen before in his tracked title “Smokin’ Joe”. prob_alex added to his astonishing portfolio of track creation elements in his “Mammy Mammoth” track and all other qualifiers presented Five-Star tracks. Yet something stood out with Granada by marusarusa that kept us coming back. Maybe we should add Mojo to the elements we are looking for?
Monday: Granada by marusarusa
Tuesday: Smokin’ Joe by jefferzone
Wednesday: City Underwater Fiasco by atheistsw
Thursday: Hydropark by RADMANROB
Friday: Planet Ravaia by John31269
Saturday: Mammy Mammoth by prob_alex
Sunday: Solar Ice Cap UV Grid by IndustrialSavior
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