This Thursday, November 10th PlayStation Home will be updated with a variety of virtual items, exclusive videos, expansions to popular community events, and even a huge upgrade to one of the most popular games on the platform. Those of you that own the mega-popular Scribble Shooter – the top-down, shoot ‘em up arcade-style game known for its addictive gameplay and unique art style – will now be able to share the game with your friends. This additional functionality was developed based upon the feedback of the PlayStation Home community, and we’re proud to release this totally free upgrade to all Scribble Shooter fans effective immediately. Enjoy!
Players that go to the newly-opened Pier Park will find that a new level of the classic Turkey Chase event has been released complete with brand new rewards. For those unfamiliar with this PlayStation Home tradition, the premise is simple: In celebration of the impending Turkey Day, players that approach the gathering of turkeys in Pier Park will enter into a game wherein you chase a bunch of wily turkeys around the space (word to the wise: these turkeys are quite cunning so you’d better bring appropriate footwear). If you can manage to catch them all, you will unlock Thanksgiving-themed rewards that are sure to make you an object of envy amongst your peers. Sound borderline insane? Of course it does – which is exactly why we are doing it!
Those of you that visit the new PlayStation Home Mall this week will find some killer deals in our Fall Blowout sale, which has the price being reduced on a ton of classic items. Check out this video for a look at some of the deals my buddy Magnus will be cutting this week as part of our Fall Blowout sale. Be sure to take advantage of this special offer; come next Thursday these items will disappear from our shelves forever!
Speaking of deals that can’t be missed, we’ve bundled up select items and placed them exclusively on the PlayStation Store at a massively discounted price. Go to the PlayStation Store this week to pick up the Alpha Protocol Gear Pack and the Best of nDreams Pack!
Also available this week in the PlayStation Home Mall: New items from Mass Media, a LittleBigPlanet Sackboy companion, brand new do’s for the dudes and dudettes in the new Shears store, new clothing and furniture items from Granzella, a Fearless Records boombox (packed with some of the best tracks from this leading rock label), and more!
The PlayStation Home Community Theater is hosting a massive event this week. Join us this Thursday when PSTALENT.COM returns with a special episode of The Spotlight. This season finale highlights some of the top PlayStation Home developers and includes a special appearance by Narde15 of Gamer Indepth. As a bonus, those of you that come out to view this episode will receive a very special gift courtesy of PSTALENT.COM and the PlayStation Home Community Management team!
See you in Home!
Despite the new and huge update of PS Home, my friends and I as well as other long-timers are really missing the Central Plaza and Irem’s Seaside Memories. It’s just not the same, at all. Those previous spaces had magic. It was nice, open, large, and airy…something the new Hub and Granzella’s new island lack. The new spaces feel like it’s closed in, and a little “agoraphobic” if you will.
***And when are we going to receive new privacy settings or privacy filters? Because the yellow time indicator that indicates your status to “Offline” or “Unavailable” through the XMB doesn’t work effectively for PS Home…Perhaps we can have an option added under “Settings” >”Privacy Settings”> then select from “Available” to “Unavailable” and have the “Friends” section on the navigator indicate that you are online, but your friends can’t request invites or send you invites when you are “Unavailable”, like how when your friend is in a Clubhouse that you are not part of.**
Also, when are we getting new hairstyles that are extreme in length for females? Eg. Ponytail down to lower back/waist length or even some freakishly long ones that go down to their feet or even pass it…just an idea.
I would love for Home to get a new engine, give it a more Okami look/feel than these zombies you run around as right now.
To commenter #43 Dustman50-baned,
Have you tried pressing “Select” to bring up the safety screen and choose “Portables setting” and select “Show”?
you might have it at “Do not Show” for some reason. That might help.
Otherwise you may need to clear your cache or simply just delete PS Home and re-install it again to remove certain bugs (and no it does not delete your home settings for your characters or spaces but you do need to re-download the public spaces and personal spaces…make sure you save these files either using a USB thumbdrive or the Cloud save option if you are a PS Plus suscriber) Hope this helps, good luck.
Come on people quit whining about what u miss and except change.worry about things like these people freezing mass amounts of people, and when they sign on their stuff is missing. Things that took months wiped out cause some nut wants to be Mr. Freeze. or the constant restarting one has to do as a result of it. Worry about the predators on there going after the young cause it a game forum. worry about the illicit thing a young person might see when turning Home on for the first time. i say if u miss Central Plaza and Seaside of Memories that much just look at the big rock u got and be glad. now it might not have been a bad experience to all but it was becoming a cesspool of filth.The thing with the Hub is those same sickos migrated there.So enjoy your big commemorative stone i say. i have mine in several of my spaces and accept the change it is here to stay.
Will we get the Sackboy companionthe EU region just got it so can we expect to see that?
yall trippin they dnt 4 get bout ur request bt i cn tell u this u g2 b patient as 4 u bg idk wat the heck wrong wit ur system mb u cn re install home dont delete tha memory or nothing judx home try tht 4 tha rest of yall clowns idk wat 2 say
I commented in here yesterday about how uninspired home is and the slowness. I didn’t even get into the bugs that routinely appear again and again unpatched. My comment was summarily deleted. But I do see responses to people gushing with praise for things they like. Praise for the good parts is fine but Locust you should start listening to people who report problems instead of censorship. It paints a very negative impression of you and the job your doing. I have seen people lose their jobs for less. Please change that. Rise above the mediocre.
Dear Locust,
I have 2 questions to ask they may be hard so think good. lol Question 1 “Is Sharakon Coming back on Home?” I ask that because He hasnt been on the forums lately and he is always online :(
Question 2: ” I know this is a early question but do you think that you can put the frosty helmet back in PSHOME FOR 2012’s christmas please???
Dear Locust, Will you guys please bring back the frosty helmet for this christmas????? please
Sorry for the other comment -_- These frus are confusing me
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Its 8:44 am Friday 11th 2011, i waited all night for the PS Talent theater reward and as Usual, it doesnt work , no reward ever showed, wasted about an hour waiting for it , and most likelly im gonna get the same useless advice, ” Clear the Cache ” “We are working on it ” “No news to report at this time ” “stay tune ” . It would of been better if no resources were wasted on the New Home and use those resources to FIX Home once and for all. The service is getting to be slow , laggish and Boring ,
but i guess none of you care , You all too worry about what to SELL next week, something over priced like the (fake virtual Diamond bundle ) for 36.99 .
And since im here, there was no Turkey Reward either .
Is Home ever gonna leave beta? I was under the impression that with this new hub, home was leaving Beta but no it’s still in beta. Also whats wrong with the report system on Home. I have legitimately reported people who were harassing others and myself, only to run into those people again the next day, yet my friend says the F word once gets reported and later that day is banned. WTF! I truly think Home could be better if the Home team gave a crap. The price point of your content doesn’t help either. No im not paying $15 for a gold painted suit, I mean how do you even justify that price. Your gonna tell me it took you just as much time and effort to make that one gold suit as a $15 psn game.
@Talgron It actually probably took more time and effort for the outfit. Having to program and test that stuff takes a lot of work to get it to function properly.
And Home will probably never leave Beta. If it left Beta, they would not be able to do nearly as many content updates and fixes as they can while it is in Beta. We would not get nearly as much stuff, free or otherwise, as we do now if Home were not in Beta.
@lilyofthevalee2 I’m sorry but I don’t buy it and I don’t even care which psn game, let’s take Okabu for an example. Your gonna tell me it took less time to program and test that whole game over one outfit in Home!
@ PeaLeaf & aintgotsquatt:
The closure of the Irem locations weren’t related to the recent “massive” update, and your connection/mention of such is erroneous.
Also, lol @ “The new spaces feel like it’s closed in, and a little ‘agoraphobic’ if you will.”
That’s so meta.
Well yep I have to say that the rewards are whacked.It started off with me winning a bet on the dolphy race.Got the red horns,but there just for the female.Then I went to the theater to only get the female outfits.Then late that night another home repair so i thought great now I’ll get my male stuff.Yep got the male military and smuggler outfit,but still no picture frame or male red horns.Went to the UFC…..prize still not working..I had tried it all….logging off an back on.Clearing my caches.Sitting for an hour at a time in the theater…Still no picture frame or male red horns from the dolphy race.I’m just sadden also by the fact that I was a beta tester and it seems everyone that goes to the hub gets the beta trophy’s.What is going on when there fixing so many new things when there is so many older places that need fixed like the UFC prizes?
Lmao, are you telling me if the “Creative ” Team go off BETA they wont be able to do as many fixes ? to the looks of it, they havent fix ANYTHING , the rewards does NOT work , i also waited for hours for the Theater reward and never popped, i went to do the Turkey chase, and also , the reward never popped, so i dont know what “FIXES ” they would do if nothing is working like it should . I could go without FREE or Otherwise, all the Free items for the most part are ugly stuff i wont ever use or wear .
It seems and im probably right , all these people care about is the money in your pocket, have you seen the Diamond fake virtual item bundle $ 36.99 (are you kidding me ) with 36.99 i could have food in my refrigerator for 3 days , many things in the so call ” Next Evolution ” dont work as we all were expecting, but as soon as they hear about ERROR on some item price, they dont waste any time in fixing that .
I Agree with Tarazuma. There should be MORE music choices, such as classical. Grieg, Bach, Beethoven, you get the idea. Plus it would compliment the Paris Clocktower apartment nicely. London Pub is one example of this, in which more “sophisticated” and “intellectually stimulating” content can be heard. Plus it’s relaxing for a change.
glass walls ive got an idea for home a machine like the gift machine that let ‘s us transfer items from one acccout to another like if i want to transfer my wolerine claws and GI JOE costumes from eu to my usa account (the way it would work is you type in your e mail and pass word of the accout you want to transfer to
lol i ment wolvrine claws
What the heck is LOOT doing with the EOD?!! Hollywood Hills no more built-in furniture? The file size for these spaces are really not that big. Most websites on the internet are massive in size. Removing built-in perks to save a few kilobits or memory/bandwith for the SLOW users is NOT an option. Plus it makes my spaces less functional/less appealing.
So where’s the bowling ally, chess table etc. , so the money spent on my spaces just went to waste ?