We just updated the Music Unlimited service application on PS3 with some great features that many of you have been asking for. Cosmetically, you’ll probably first notice that our new branding has finally landed on PS3. More importantly, however, the new app gives you added control over how you listen to and access music.
We’re most excited about the new “My Channels” function that lets you build custom radio stations around your favorite artists. Simply type in the name of the artist and we’ll populate a station with songs from that artist and related artists.
Another great enhancement to the service makes it easier to skip tracks you dislike. Really don’t like a song that is playing on one of the channels? Just “dislike” it and we’ll automatically skip to the next one.
The “My Channels” and the “dislike” enhancements — available to both Basic and Premium subscribers — add to your ability to customize the music you listen to on the service. The features will also available via a firmware update today for 2010 and 2011 connected BRAVIAs, PCs, and Blu-ray Disc devices, so you’ll share a common experience among your Music Unlimited enabled devices.
We’ve also given PS3 users more power to adjust on the fly with the ability to edit playlists directly from the system. You can now create new playlists from scratch, delete or rename them. Songs can also be deleted or added to existing playlist providing complete control over your listening experience.
These are just a few of the numerous improvements, so dive in and let us know what your favorite is. If there’s something you’re dying for us to add, let’s hear it — we’re all ears!
@greg_bulloni thats a copout and we both know it. What PirateHarlock was saying is valid, that selection of countries is pathetic. And the other point brought up is even more troubling. With sony on a rampage breaking contracts with its users right left and center further restricting products and services already in place theres no guarantee what I pay for today won’t be gone tomorrow or held hostage to sonys intimidation until more ca$h is laid out. Theres a word for that, its called extortion. Go ask any reputable criminal lawyer what that means.
Will you be eventually adding scrobble support for last.fm? It would be great if I could link my Last.FM account to the Music Unlimited service and have my plays show up on my profile!
Taking away 60% of the value of your account!!! Keep that money comin in anyway.(18th of this month!!)
– Oh yeah, we now decided that to continue to have access to your well over $1000 library of purchased content, we are gonna need about $20 a month. (This hasnt happened just yet, but mark my words the streak of removals from the PS3 will be never ending!!)
– We know that the PS3 could use improvemnets here and there, but we insist on using all our resources to create new broken things that will never be made to operate correctly.
I’m getting so fed up, I spend, spend , spend on PS3 and all they do is take, take, take.
Anyone else notice this or just me?
I have 3 PS3’s, now I either sell one, or buy all content twice from the 18th of this month onward!!!!
I wont do it, Sony just lost 99% of their virtual customer they had in me.
It’ll be disc based content from here on out, and you can forget pretty much any DLC purchases until you allow me to use the content on my personally owned devices!!!!!
You hear DVD makers charge for each machine in the house?!?!?!?!?!? I didnt think so. You’ve gone to far!!!!
Pirate you right, nice how greg half responded to you, LOL.
Right before the holidays when people are deciding which console should I buy?
What content should I purchase???
Sony changes the rules and devalues all content purchased after the 18th of this month!!!!!!
The devalue amount you ask?? Oh not much, just 60%.
@Phillyblunz..Got to agree w/you there :)
more like Music Limited. The library of music is pretty bad, compared to other vendors in the space.
How about a SPOTIFY client for XMB ??
Any reason in particular my question was skipped over?
I fail to see how anyone is losing 60% of anything.
It keeps sayin, ” a connection to the server could not established” !!!!
it said i paid 9.99 for something i never downloaded i demand my money back before legal actions are taken