Hope you guys had a great Halloween! We did, and this week’s recap is proof of it.
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Costume
Just in time for the November 15th release of Assassin’s Creed Revelations, our friends at Ubisoft helped us make a new Ezio costume for Sackboy. Look for it on the PlayStation Store on 11/15. Here’s a little post-Halloween treat – an early preview and some free Wallpaper downloads on us.
Available now: UNCHARTED 3 Costume
Now that UNCHARTED 3 is out, everyone is in the fortune hunting mood. Why not outfit your Sackboy like Nathan Drake with this week’s latest costume? Available now on the PS Store. And here’s another treat – epic UNCHARTED 3 wallpapers!
Costume Epic-ness
Speaking of costumes, check out this Kindergartner who won our hearts with his homemade Sackboy costume:
Must Play’s – LittleBigPicks
Courtesy of our fans of LittleBigPicks, they’ve highlighted some great Halloween themed user-generated levels for you to play. Check out LittleBigPicks for more must-plays over the weekend.

Shameless Up-sell
We’re two weeks away from the release of the LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition, so be sure to tell your friends on the latest version so you can all get online and enjoy some slapstick fun and enjoy the over five million user-generated levels online.
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