Greetings PlayStation Nation! Your dedication to the PlayStation experience is something we take seriously. To date, close to 10 million of you have already seen our recent “To Michael” short film on YouTube; and shared in the excitement of PlayStation’s greatest game characters celebrating and recognizing the players who make it all possible – YOU!
“Long Live Play” hit the airwaves with our stalwart executive Kevin Butler returning to the gaming helm and word (or rather views) has spread like wildfire. In addition to the nearly 10M YouTube views, Facebook has seen a similar number of Likes and over 1300+ comments!
To thank you again for being a part of the PlayStation Nation and helping us spread the word, we’re launching the next phase of our “Long Live Play” campaign. It’s one that I’m personally very excited about. Today we launch the Hall of Play, an online players’ lounge for players like you and your fellow members of the Nation. It includes a Facebook app that will enable you to create your own customized “Michael” video to share on your Facebook page with your friends and family and invite others to join in the fun.
So visit here to immediately get started and let us know what you think. This is about having fun and showing some gamer pride. Most of all — this is about “You” and your passion for the PlayStation Nation. We look forward to checking out all your customized “Michael” videos!
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