Hey PlayStation Vita fans! How would you like to get your hands on PS Vita one week before the official release date of February 22nd? After last Tuesday’s announcement of the PS Vita launch date, we are excited to bring more PS Vita news your way with the introduction of the PS Vita First Edition bundle. We’ve decided to give our most loyal fans an opportunity to own a PS Vita before everyone else. For a limited time in the U.S. and Canada, the PS Vita First Edition bundle will be pre-sold at select retail locations, starting today.
The U.S. bundle includes a PS Vita 3G + Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $349.99 (MSRP). The Canadian bundle includes a Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $299.99 (MSRP). Best of all, you can pick up the PS Vita First Edition Bundle on February 15, 2012, so this is your chance to play before everyone else.
With PS Vita, the world is in play. PS Vita is the next generation portable entertainment system, providing interaction with the world around you. Unlike any other handheld device ever designed, PS Vita provides all new ways to play, including a complete, socially connected experience with the biggest and best games. From the beautiful, highest resolution front touch screen and rear touch pad, to the dual analog sticks, motion sensors and dual cameras, PS Vita will offer all new ways to engage and play your favorite games. With both 3G and Wi-Fi support, you can stay connected with your PSN friends and social apps, while enjoying location-based gaming. And with select games, you’ll even be able to connect and play against PS3 owners, a feature that is only possible on PlayStation platforms.
Included with the PS Vita First Edition bundle is a copy of Little Deviants, which is a series of madcap adventures that allow you to have fun discovering and experimenting with the new PS Vita functions including rear touch and front touch, six-axis motion sensors, front and rear cameras and microphone. Little Deviants also offers an augmented reality shooter experience that lets players move around the real world firing shots and dodging enemies.
How many of you are going to order the PS Vita First Edition bundle? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
Come on, Why not have the WiFi only model in a similar bundle…I would definitely consider that immediately. I have a smartphone on TMo, don’t have a desire to be on ATT’s network…been there, done that.
I need further info on the 3G plans in the USA before I commit either way.
I don’t see how Little Deviants is a bad game to put into the bundle, it’s a game that’s meant to get you into all the features of the console, seems like a perfect universal choice.
On second thought +1 @49 Hrothgar520 I want a WiFi bundle!
I was wondering how long wil it take Sony make bundle that includes an MS and a good game to start with
Can not believe that this is happening even before the official release-please plase tell me that this is coming to EU as well
I need to see the contract with AT&T…I already have a wifi preorder.
Wi-Fi only bundle in the US please.
No way in hell I am paying AT&T for an overpriced 3G plan.
I would personally guarantee that if they did a US Wifi Bundle for 299, it would see a huge jump in pre-orders
Is there anywhere that we can check pricing for different size of memory card for PSV. 4 GB seems to small especially if you ever want to download a game onto it. My original plan was to get 16 or at least 8 GB memory card.
I love how everyone boo’d at the announcement of AT&T 3G partnership and Sony has this blog and other social media platforms and claims they listen to their customers and still comes out to announce exclusive 3G with AT&T in the USA.
Finally I’ll have a reason to waste hours and hours on the Vita and get the satisfaction of trophies. Platinums on Vita? And if they make a Resident Evil Vita i’d have to say that I’m in heaven. Not a fan of the whole Uncharted thing sorry. Its too much Indiana Jones and Gears of War for me. Story may be good. But gameplays not my cup of tea.
Arg! Preorder time for me it seems , lets hope more awesome games will make their way to the Vista.
WooHoo! I’m going to go change my reserve! Just because you get the 3G, you don’t have to use it. But it will be there if you decide to. Otherwise you would have to buy one that is 3G to change your mind. And since all Sony systems have a 10 year lifespan… anyway! WOOHOO!!!!
That Canadian model really does interest me however im not really interested in little deviants so i guess i have to wait. Still preordering it though. Awesome stuff.
Would be great, but I have no interest in 3G
I can’t even express to you how BOUGHT this is. I just need to know where. I can’t seem to find a location/site list.
Lucky I’m in Canada; I have little-to-no interest in the 3G model, anyway!
I like the idea of a bundle, and the one here in Canada seems like a great deal. I do have a couple of questions though:
1. When will the pricing for games and accessories be announced? It’s hard to judge how good a bundle deal is when you don’t know the value of what is included in it.
2. How limited will the bundle be? I can’t make the commitment to a $300 console until I find out if or how much of a Christmas bonus I am getting.
3. Will other games be release one week early so that First Edition Bundle owners will have something else to play if the pre-packaged game does not interest them?
4. Will there be other, similar bundles in the future (i.e. Gravity Daze or Uncharted)?
PLEASE add a version of this for the Wi-Fi only model!!!!
Not interested in the 3G model but I would have jumped on this if the memory card was bigger.
For me it’s not worth getting it a week early if it means paying for 3G that I won’t use and a 4GB memory card that I will immediately need to replace.
Also, the Amazon preorder page says it releases 2 weeks early, not 1 week.
Hey Sony, thanks for remembering that Canada exists! I’ll be preordering this right away (as soon as I find out what retailers are in on the promo).
Please bring the Wi-Fi bundle to the U.S.!
This is stupid. Sony you’re stupid. I live in America. I want the Canadian bundle.
I’m not buying this. I would buy that Canadian bundle day 1 if you offered it here. Now I’ll wait until something more appealing is thrown my way. For your sake, you better hope I don’t lose interest in the product all together by that point.
WHO IS DOING THE DAMN BUNDLE FOR CANADA?!?! Can’t find it on the Canadian site and the link keeps sending me to the US bundle only.
Bring the $299 WiFi-only bundle to the US, and I’ll bite! I have no desire to deal with AT&T 3G data. (Hopefully a future version will have Verizon 4G LTE.)
Ordered thru Amazon. The unusual thing is for expected delivery “Nov. 15 – Nov 22, 2011” which I’m sure is just a screw up but would be awesome to have it that early.
I have one question.
So will the M2 stick work in the Vita?
By looking at the overall design of the PS Vita memory stick. It looks an awful lot like the M2 stick for the PSPgo (other then a notch difference). I’m getting really tired of buying new formats that only work in one device. I love using my Sony products but overpriced (compared to similar products) proprietary formats just seem like an old business model that Son, as a hardware company, needs to finally quit doing.
“We say proprietary and you think, Sony. Isn’t that how it usually goes?” ~ Engadget.com
Canada really makes out on this deal getting the WiFi bundle!
Hey where are the Canadian version available for pre-order? the link given was just for the US =/ Also how long is this promotion running for? I wont be able to do this till late December. Also not bad sony! keep this up!
I would love to get this early but I already have my pre-order at my local store. Besides, I will need a bigger card than 4GB and will get Uncharted: Golden Abyss instead of Little Deviants. Instead of releasing this bundle a week early, why don’t you change the release itself? Can’t wait to play this…
So this uses proprietary memory cards? Why not go with SD cards, Sony? I can buy a 4GB SD card for about $10.00. How much will the “proprietary” memory cards cost?
Awesome, early release would be on my birthday. Too bad I don’t want the 3G model. Guess I’ll have to wait….
Why not offer both bundles in U.S. and Canada?
Give the US the Wi-Fi bundle for $300 and we’re all over it. Otherwise, no thanks.
No wifi bundle for the US? What’s that about? Who in their right mind would actually want to sign up for a data plan with AT&T just to get the vita a week early? AT&T is one of the worst carriers in the US, if not the worst. Their network is slow, shoddy, and their customer service is terrible.
I’m guessing this is due to contractual obligations with AT&T. Poor choice, Sony. Very poor choice.
If the US was getting the same deal as Canada, I’d bite… but I don’t want or need 3G (I suspect that model will be discontinued within a year. Let’s see!)
I have family in Canada, however. Maybe I’ll get a cousin to pre-order it for me and ship it down to the Lower 48!
If you had a just wi-fi bundle I would pre-order it today. I really did not want the 3G version.
Still, it’s nice for our Canadian friends to get the better deal for once. Usually they’re the ones who get @%$#ed over!
Sony, we need this thing to play PSone classics and PS2 classics off of PSN. Now I know its confirmed that it’ll do PSone classics, but apparently not right away and will need an update or something along those lines. DO NOT DISAPPOINT!
I still have way to many questions to be answered about the VITA. And will probably have to wait until launch to find out any thing new on it. So NO I will not buy this. And I want to see what VITA GAME looks like The physical copy any way. is it round like a UMD?
Not worth it, I find the case too big, I will just buy the model I want (250) + the game (40) + memory card (10) for the same price. Disappointing bundle. Especially no 3G in Canada.
btw, where is the info regarding which CANADIAN retailers are doing this? I’ve gone up and down and through the comments and see nothing. The only thing I’ve found is the US bundle through Amazon.
I agree with the majority of people before me. If the wifi version bundle was offered in the US, more people would pre-order.
Don’t care about that game, nor the 3G. So, I’ll wait the extra week. Now give me a bundle with the wi-fi version and Uncharted, and you’ve got a deal!
According to Famitsu some Vita games including Uncharted will not boot without a memory card. Is this true? If it is then why is there no memory included with the $250/$300 Vitas? You’re just trying to nickel and dime people and there are hidden costs which your customers will HAVE TO PAY in order to play many of the games. Very shady if true.
Is gamestop going to carry this bundle?
MFW: Offering a pre-order on a consumer electronic device before detailing the cost of the data plan.
Shady Sony, REALLY shady!
I’m gonna definitely try to get this. I’m getting the 3G model just in case I want it later. I don’t really plan to activate the service right away but I’m already paying….. WAIT A SECOND!!! I don’t want this bundle!
I just realized that I don’t want Little Deviants and I still would have to wait a week to get a different launch title. If you guys can let us pick the game we get with this bundle then I’ll buy.
A 4GB is pretty much worthless (in the long run) based upon my experience with my PSP. Once you put a few videos, songs, & photos – you’ve used up all the space on a 4GB card. That is why I’m not buying a PS Vita until I see how much the 32 GB memory cards cost.
If you really want to get the most of out of your PS Vita (or PSP) – a 32 GB memory card is the best option. It saves you the hassle of having to switch between several smaller memory cards in order to gain access to your videos, music, photos, gamesaves, etc.
Sony really needs to offer a PS Vita bundle with the following:
– 32 GB memory card,
– screen protector,
– external battery pack,
– case,
– voucher to download 1 game of your choice from the PS Store.
Ok. Sounds totally awesome. But I have no need for the 3G model. Does the same deal come for the Wifi only unit?
For this first edition bundle that has the 3G+Wifi, can’t you just use wifi and not use 3G whatsoever? Because I’m interested in getting this first edition bundle.