ModNation Racers: Road Trip Logo
We are really excited to reveal the official logo for your next favorite racing game – ModNation Racers: Road Trip!
ch-check it out…
“Big Ups” To Our Friends In Japan!
This week we pay tribute to our ModNation family in Japan. You may not realize that many of your favorite creators and top racers are quite possibly half way across the globe in Japan and Asia. Don’t let a little time zone difference stop you from enjoying these amazing creating and racing gurus.
This Week’s Top Tracks: Favorites of Japanese Creators
ModNation Player Profile: big-village_920_
big-village_920_ is just one of many great tracks creators from Japan who have made a name for themselves in the ModNation community. Read his profile HERE.
Ready, Set, Go Go Go!
Take a look at these stats from some of the best racers from the Far East!
Player | Races | Wins | Win % |
salome-yst | 2476 | 1489 | 60% |
yahhohoi | 5123 | 2683 | 52% |
puni-perfect | 6736 | 3041 | 45% |
makoizukaori | 4978 | 2108 | 42% |
kannji | 3064 | 1171 | 38% |
Ha! Gotcha! Last chance to send us some of your favorite Halloween themed tracks, mods, and kart for next week’s ModNation Monday blog Spooktacular-palooza-rama (too much?) HERE
Creations of the Week: Favorites of the Japanese Creators
Check out some more great creations from Japan’s Top MNR creators…
Mods: Doscarion, Erezeve, R-ASKA, hoshii961miki, orenekonano, kuri-pa8shi, E_D_F
Karts: asura-007, etsuo-s, QminimumnQ-, kazuix2000, ra_koi, Gachiko3x3
Tracks: AS-NOIR, arashi200xjp, kuro-anco, yamasita-kouji, ylSK8TLZPqQ
Hot Lap Tracks Of The Week: Atlas City Mini Golf Park by IndustrialSavior
My first thought upon starting this tracks was “hmmm… cheeseburger” but I digress. Immediately my second thought was that of absolute joy as I raced what should be considered the gold-standard of the golfing (miniature or otherwise) track design genre (along with apricot-jam-IS’s tracks). Race under castles, though pipes, between windmill blades and around alligators, etc… all of the mini-golf staple elements are present here. Now if somebody could just design a great Disc Golf (Frisbee Golf in laymen’s terms) course I could die a very happy man! *wink*
1. Cheese-burger
2. Joy
3. Excitement
4. Accolades
5. Alligators
6. Great race!
Monday: Atlas City Mini Golf Park by IndustrialSavior
IndustrialSavior has discovered some sort of time-warp continuum in the universe lately that allows him to produce 2-4 great tracks a week! Don’t “Bogart” the time machine, IndustrialSavior!
Tuesday: Viking’s Valhal by Biver_
Biver_ wasn’t sure if his track was Hot lap worthy. What?! We’re not worthy Biver_, we’re not worthy!
Wednesday: TR [Twisted Routes] by resven
This is a really impressive submission considering resven being new to the game and only their second published track. Great job!
Thursday: Porta Valara by Cmckinney94
Another strong creation from a relative new comer to the Hot lap creation world. Keep ‘em coming!
Friday: Highways n’ By-Ways by atheistsw
atheistsw is still loving his Big City theme creation tools, evidenced by this strong racer
Saturday: Indusburg Nuclear Winter by IndustrialSavior
IndustrialSavior has become a track creating madman recently. Check out his portfolio over the past few months. He’s on fire!
Sunday: Jumping the Great Wall by dane9261
I have always enjoyed dane9261’s creation sensibilities. His obvious vision for his tracks pays off big time here
(PSN ID: ModNationSD)
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