Nathan Drake’s adventures are never easy: There’s danger around every corner! As you may remember from our casting call, Spike TV developed a blockbuster reality competition that brings that action to life in the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Race to the Ring TV special that airs on Spike TV Monday, October 31st at 11:30pm Pacific Time (10:30pm Central).
We were stoked to hear from so many wannabe Drakes out there. After we sorted through the mountain of die-hard UNCHARTED fans that entered, we chose five lucky contestants — all with very different backgrounds — to participate in a competition worthy of an UNCHARTED adventure. The competition will test the limits of their endurance, strength, accuracy, and agility while pushing their knowledge of Drake’s adventures to the extreme. For a taste of the action, check out our preview video for the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Race to the Ring Special above.
After they tackle the grueling challenges seen in the video (and more!), and if they can overcome the other competitors, the winner will receive an incredible UNCHARTED-themed prize package including the ultimate Sony home theater system valued at over $12,000!
So who will win? Who does the best Nathan Drake impression? You’ll find out very soon. Just hours before UNCHARTED 3 officially launches on 11.1.11, tune in to the premiere on Spike TV on October 31st at 11:30pm Pacific/10:30pm Central. It’s a great way to get ready to jump into the action.
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