Since we started development, a lot of people have commented on how much they love the music of Okabu, created by our very talented partners at Resonate. Liam and the Resonate team have blown us away with what they’ve managed to create, and they’ve made a behind-the-scenes video to give you a bit of background. I’ll let Music Director Liam Paton explain in his own words!
With the release of Okabu almost upon us, we wanted to share a short film that documents our last 12 months working on the soundtrack to the game. It has been such a great project to work on and hopefully the footage captures the fun that we had along the way.
Meeting and working with an amazingly talented group of musicians, learning to play the Kalimba properly and working out how to record six-feet wide Marimbas have been just some of the highlights of the year. It feels like a long time ago since Simon first showed us that early build of Okabu last October and it’s really exciting to know that people will soon be playing the results of everyone’s hard work.
So check out Okabu in the PlayStation Store tomorrow and also part of this month’s “Only on PSN” program – we really hope you enjoy it! We’d love to hear what you think of the game, so come say hello on Twitter and Facebook.
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