The launch of Everybody Dance, the all-new party game for the PlayStation Move, is just a few days away! To illustrate some of the coolest features in the game, we have created the Dancer Diaries, a series of videos where professional dancers record and share their experiences playing Everybody Dance.

Today, we want to share the first in the series, which provides a walk-through of Everybody Dance’s Dance Creator mode. With Dance Creator, anyone can easily choreograph their own dances, record their routines, and then save them in-game so they can challenge friends to compete against their moves.
To show you just how awesome Dance Creator is, our very own Rey Gutierrez traveled to Miami to direct the Everybody Dance dev diary series with the expertise of Emmy-nominated dancer, actor, and choreographer Glenn Douglas Packard. Watch the video to see how Glenn and his crew of professional dancers stack up against Dance Creator.
Also, this week marked the launch of our Everybody Dance tab on the PlayStation Facebook page. Check out the new tab where you can enter to win great prizes including: T Shirts, copies of Everybody Dance, or even the grand prize of a PS3, PlayStation Eye camera, and two PlayStation Move motion controllers!
Stay tuned next week for our launch post on 10/18 with more behind-the-scenes videos and upcoming events!
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